Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

18 Mar


She doesn't which is why we are already working on a diplomatic solution to take it off her.


When 1 helmet just isn't good enough :D

We know about the additional helmet and working on a diplomatic solution to take it off her.


This is working as intended for balancing reasons of the overall rewards.

17 Mar


Originally posted by A-S-C-E-N-S-I-O-N

Just in case any devs come here to read the room:

Please don’t add Porkins. He is a terrible meme, he was a terrible pilot, and the rebel fleet is already comparably bloated while still missing the crown jewel of the Death Star’s destruction.

If you do add Porkins, make him explode at the start of the battle and expose all other allies. If Biggs Darklighter is a present ally, he gets two stacks of expose for the duration of the battle or until he is defeated.

I’ll give that an upvote to ensure TopHat sees this.

16 Mar


Fewer low gear rewards, yes.


We are aware of the absence and already send out a hunting...errr...I mean search and rescue party.

See here SWGoH Developer Tracker


If you tap the space to the left of the credits, the material should be displayed. And yes, it is a bug and we have already raised it.

15 Mar


We are looking into this right now.

12 Mar


We've checked this on several accounts and devices and for us, it has the correct picture/portrait. You may want to reinstall your game in case a file got corrupted or not loaded correctly.


She is just tired and needs some rest between turns =).

Jokes aside, we know about it and have flagged this to the team as a bug.


Mother Talzin is not 18 anymore and therefore needs some rest in those battles.

Jokes aside, we already flagged it as a bug.


Those battles can get really tiring, so give the sisters a break. All jokes aside, we know about it and have it flagged as a bug a while back.

11 Mar


We are already working on better wording for the feat to make it clear what you are supposed to achieve here.

10 Mar