Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

05 May


Originally posted by rikiisbackagain

How do I do this though? I switched my Google Account in the play store but after downloading again I still was at the same progress

And again, I already used my training droid for another character because I hope it would there any way to get it back? Otherwise I won't ever be able to play the game

Then your current account is probably not linked to a Google Play account, meaning it is a guest account that can't be switched until you've completed the tutorial. All you can do is wait until we have the fix for the account reset rolled out. Sorry about that.


We had to change some things after yesterday's update to prevent more players from getting reset to level 1. Once we got that fixed, we will continue with the character grants to all eligible players.


Originally posted by Elil91

Yeah I had the same issue with Moff not being credited. Ally code 847-326-253

We had to change some things after yesterday's update to prevent more players from getting reset to level 1. Once we got that fixed, we will continue with the character grants.


Originally posted by BJJBowhunter2218

Ok thank you! Any chance we are going to get the energy and such back that we missed?

We are discussing potential compensation rn.


Originally posted by rikiisbackagain

Oh wow okay, still thank there any way to reset my Account?

Unfortunately, you can't reset your account. On the other hand, you can start a fresh account by logging in with a different Google Play/GameCenter account. Please wait until we have the fix for yesterday's issue fully rolled out, that might restart your tutorial.


Keep an eye on the official thread Incorrect Account Resets With Update


Your account appears to be affected b the reset after yesterday's update (SORRY!!!!) and is currently blocked from logging in. Once we have the issue resolved hopefully later today) you should be able to log back in. Keep an eye on the official thread for any update: Incorrect Account Resets With Update


Rightfully so! xD

Jokes aside, he shouldn't look like that, and we have flagged it already as a bug.


Originally posted by Aht1

Did all that chatted with support and support even admitted they had no more advice... As if I'm just doing nothing to try it... And don't lie it works for everyone we have 2 others alone in my guild that have the same shit...

Well, you could have mentioned all that in your post. PM me your ally code (if you still have access to it), and I can look at our internal logs to figure out what might be going on.


The game is up and running for everyone. If you are having trouble logging in try switching your network connection, clear the game cache, restart your device and if that doesn't resolve the issue, make sure your device language is matching your PlayStore/AppStore region (if your store is France, for example, switch the device language to French).


Originally posted by Funny-Relationship77

I didn't get ready character shards either.

We had to change some things after yesterdays update to prevent more players being reset to level 1. Once we got that fixed, we will continue with the character grants.


We've tested the battle with the same squad and didn't experience any issues. Can you PM me your ally-code and the date and time it happened, please, so that I can have a look at our logs? Thanks!


Did you start your account after the update? The characters listed HERE are the new characters that you will obtain during the tutorial.

Nvm....My mistake. you should have received those characters. PM me your ally code, please so that we can investigate this.

04 May


Originally posted by Themi_

I always assumed they wanted to call her Rey Skywalker. They tried to keep it secret before launch and after launch they did a 180 calling her only "Rey" because of badly "Rey Skywalker" (and the film as a whole) resonated with fans.

None of that is even close, y'all think too hard about this stuff.


Originally posted by amoliski

Agreed. If it was any other game, I'd say "How did it make it into a release build without someone internal noticing it"... but I guess you know better than anyone else here how CG tends to do their testing.

I do and I can tell you CG does a great amount of testing but people continuosly misinterpret that theres a great difference between finding bugs (which QA does) and fixing them (not QAs job)

QA sends their bug reports, they get flagged and prioritized and the dev team fixes the higher prio items which dont make it into the game, then due to a lack of time, we have to choose which bugs were forced to ship with … and that has very little to do with QA, they already did their job.


Originally posted by amoliski

KRU’s looks great because the model from SLKR is f**kin dope.

It also looks like he's climbing through the portrait frame, while every single other portrait (before today) shows head and shoulders.

Well thats an implementation thing, either done by somebody new to the process or an oversight. The fact that the blue background isnt showing up in Ahsokas portrait is an implementation bug so Im thinking its the former. That same portrait scaled down at 20% would work just fine.


What do you mean? He raged too much and hit himself a couple of times, that's all =)

Jokes aside, we have already flagged this as a bug.


Yeah, we've noticed that as well and have already flagged it as a bug.


Can you PM me your ally code, please (if you still have access to that)? Thanks!