Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

27 Apr


Rest assured, we have not forgotten about that and will continue to work on this. Please keep in mind that those fixes are coming with several Title Updates and not the smaller Updates.


Originally posted by rohhhk

Hey! I'have added tests above but could not tag you, can you read it? I'm now quite sure there's a bug with SEE CD multilplier decreasing over time.

Yeah, all good. I am looking into this as well.


Hello there,

The team are aware that this can happen with the 'Safe Heaven' modifier and are working on it.


Hey there,

Level 85 is required (and the correct amount of Galactic War wins) to Sim the Galactic War. The error in translation for German was brought to our attention recently and it has been reported to the team for correction.

25 Apr


Wasn't an accident.

21 Apr


This was before GLs and Ults were a thing, even internally. Once we decided GLs would get an ultimate ability this previous idea got scrapped.

It can still come back someday in a reworked form cause why not, like if GL Rey somehow upgraded to Rey Skywalker or if they introduced a way to level up GMY to GL Yoda, but thats purely me speculating on my own.


It is a feature =) As Themi correctly stated the maximum possible number of shards you can get is 20.


Originally posted by crpff92

Both are Português (Brasil), and I am in Brazil and it is still not working.

Can you PM me your ally code, please, so that I can have a look at our logs? Thanks!


Sorry to hear that. Changing your system language (on the device you are using) to the same language as your store region might help in this specific situation (since you already did a good few troubleshooting steps) eg. if your store is in France, change your language to French. Let me know if this resolved your issue.


Can you PM me your ally code and the time and date it happened, please? Thanks!

20 Apr


You deserve an upvote!


Don't worry, he knows =) We are aware that he is ahead of the game and have flagged it already to the team.

19 Apr


Support should be able to help with an accidental purchase like this as a one-time exception. Since you already contacted them without success, PM me your ally code, and I see what I can do to help.

16 Apr


This is a visual bug. It can occur when the client gets out of sync or when purchasing a Bronzium Data Card at the same time as Conquest rewards appear in your Inbox. This will not give you extra energy in the next Conquest event.


The Stamina check only affects JKL, no other units, so they should all work as intended outside of Conquest at low stamina levels.


We are investigating. Thanks for flagging it!


Originally posted by Tar-Ancalimon

He was slower, 143 Speed if I remember correctly

Thanks for the confirmation. We are looking into it.


For balancing reasons, lower gear and salvage may be replaced with higher gear/salvage in a higher reward box. That is intended.