Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

08 Apr


We are aware and have already raised it as a bug.

02 Apr


Hi Hydrotrex, can you message me your ally code and ticket#? I will have some one from the team take a look.

01 Apr


Good work, everyone needs a cheerleader!

31 Mar


You deserve an upvote for this!

30 Mar


If it is your first accidental purchase, support should be able to refund you the crystals as a one-time exception.

29 Mar


Can you PM me your ally code, please, so that we can have a look? Thanks!

26 Mar


Originally posted by Waldinator88

Ah your right the unique if maxed has 100% Chance 🙈 dont know why i was thinking its only a chance 🤷 sorry

Summoned Vulture Droids only have a chance to assist. Player one has a 100% chance if the unique ability is maxed.

Thanks for bringing this again to our attention, we continue to look into this.

24 Mar


Originally posted by TheNotSoCreative

Not op, but they don't revive with endless ranks when they die with death mark.

You are correct, they don't revive when they died with Deathmark, my bad. We are looking into this now.


One of them probably died and got revived from the modifier "Endless Ranks" whilst having Deathmark applied. During that time no other character had Deathmark and one of your characters dealt damage and got inflicted with Deathmark from the modifier "Safe Haven". Is that what happened?

23 Mar


Originally posted by kimad03

Quick question. I’m the Leader of the team “5 Sided Foxhole” and for some reason when I filter members on my team by their Arena Power, there are members with a less powerful portfolio overall (both in fighters and fleet assets) and yet are ranked farther ahead of me... I’m not sure the math is making any sense

I can see why a couple of the members would have greater Arena Power ranking because of their portfolio but there are other who are much less powerful overall and I can’t seem to make any sense of it.

Also, I’ve seen my Arena Power ranking switch from being in the #2-3 spot down to the 10th spot in the past month or so...

The ranking by "Arena Power" only counts the current arena squad for the ranking, meaning the GP of the 5 characters used in the arena team combined.


Seems to be an issue with Android System WebView, which should be resolved by now with an update to it.

More details can be found here:


Check the enemy modifiers, that is most likely the reason.

22 Mar


Not an accident.


Thanks for the report. We have flagged this for further investigation.


Yeah, that bug can occur with any ship that has unending loyalty applied to it.


That should display the correct rewards after restarting the game. Let us know if it doesn't!

19 Mar


We've checked with the team and the 20% health damage instance from Chewie interrupts the streak. This is actually working as intended.

18 Mar


Originally posted by SirDoober

Because we all know Bo Katan was the diplomatic sibling~



Is Darth Vader your first character on that list by any chance?
Edit: Nvm....seems random. Thanks for raising this!


But doesn't she deserve two? You are right she doesn't and we have flagged it as a bug.