Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

29 Apr


That was for testing purposes and not meant to go out in the wild.


We are testing stuff =) More importantly, did you buy it?


Originally posted by SeparateLet613

I received double drops for my first sim of 5, further sims did not receive double on this same node.

PM me your ally code as well, please! Thanks!


Originally posted by General_A_Skywalker

Ok. What about our free 100 cantina energy though? I've tried everything.

We've raised it and the team is looking into it.


If you hit the "Restore Purchases" more than once quickly, it will always display this message.


Originally posted by Alhasan137775

I did press it and it doesn't change

When you press it, it should give you another popup "Restart Required". If that doesn't appear I would recommend a fresh and clean installation of the game.


We raised it to the team to look into it.


Originally posted by SPC-1

I think it’s when you go to the character and then sim. If you go to the node itself I believe it works

I tested that as well and it didn't make any difference (as it should not).


What happens if you press the button (where it currently says OFF)?


We have already flagged this as a bug.


Originally posted by ELBuAR7o

Not OP, but I haven't received energy for today either despite having that setting on. I did get the energy yesterday. Is there a specific time when it goes out?

You should get the message once every 24 hours.


Have you turned on EA In-Game Targeted Advertising under Legal in the Settings menu and restarted your game?


Originally posted by egnards

Can we clarify, since the button works different from other buttons?

When the button says ON, it means it's on? Or that pressing it will turn it on?

If the button says ON, it is turned on. #confirmed

To make 100% sure, you can turn it OFF, restart, go back in and turn it ON again (restart required as well).


As with all GLs, the required characters will be revealed in batches =) See Road Ahead: April 2021

“Patience you must have my young Padawan.” - Yoda


If you press the button (where it says either ON or OFF), the game should notify you of a required restart. Does it do that?


Originally posted by Rtrnofdmax

800 more points than the rest?

He got a Bye in the first round, so his points/banners are correct as they should.

28 Apr


The team is investigating this.

27 Apr


Yupp, a known bug coming from Nute (he likes to screw things up^^....). The team is aware and already working on it.