Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

13 Jan

12 Jan


No ETA on a potential fix for this one. It appears to only happen when you are transitioning between phases when in his Ultimate stance. We haven't figured out what is causing it to happen but continue to investigate.


We are aware that the Nightsisters got a bit tired in the event and working on it.


Originally posted by jasmith-tech

This comes up every time this challenge comes around. CG has acknowledged there’s some ways turn meter can preload on the last stage and preempt Han. Somewhere on one of the posts there was an actual response. Edit: here’s one response acknowledging they’ve filed it

We thought it might be a bug back then, but our studio confirmed that this is actually working as designed due to the turn meter changes mentioned in the first comment.

11 Jan


Originally posted by DarthPickle12

Mother Talzin just gave up after countless resurrections. You can't blame her.

No reason to be that lazy. Look at Zombie and how much she can take =)


Those battles can become really exhausting for those Nightsisters. At least your Old Daka didn't give up and was staying strong. The team is aware of the laziness and is working on some pep-talks already.


The team already knows about the laziness of several Nightsisters in the event and are working to get them back on track.


Check Bastila Shan (Fallen)'s unique ability "Force Bond". If an enemy has Corrupted Battle Meditation, they can't apply debuffs to anyone in Darth Revans team since they are immune.

06 Jan


Was chatting with the Audio folks about this earlier and the AT-AT sound is what plays in Ep II but in other instances like The Clone Wars TV show its more like the Clone Trooper rifle sound effect. Not a high priority but we are going to look into updating the sounds file in a future release.


OK, ok guys calm down. We have forwarded it to the team and they are going to look into it.


The side droids only have a chance to respawn which is not 100%. We checked it with the team and confirmed this is working as designed.


This is getting out of head...errr I mean out of hand!

Jokes aside, we flagged this as a bug a while back.

05 Jan


Is this happen more often for you lately? PM me your ally code so that we can have a look at it. It can rarely happen when the donation was fulfilled at the same time.

04 Jan


Originally posted by d3tox1337

It'll never happen. Disney pulled action figures of that one from shelves in stores after complaints, so its a decent bet that one will never happen.



"Stand Alone" should only remove taunt effects from other allies, not GAS himself. We have flagged this as a bug now.


Yeah, Fracture on CLS and Thrawn having 5+ stacks of Frostbite leading to a stalemate. Not the intended behavior but technically not a bug (it is working mechanically correctly). We are discussing it with the team to see if we can improve that.


PM me your ally code and some details (like dates, what characters were at what level etc) so that we can investigate this.