Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

18 Dec


Yeah, this can happen when your game is out of sync with the server. When you purchase something, the sync will be forced and any mismatch corrected.

17 Dec


Joe has been the environment artist since day one and its so good to see him able to showcase his output like this. He works his ass off with very limited tools, often making extra environments and camera angles the team didn't even ask for.

Definitely one of the good guys and a SW fanatic to boot, he deserves all the props.


Originally posted by Kahzgul

In the past they’ve lied about future plans, over promised and under delivered, and pretended that their game, which profits a billion dollars to EA (seriously) doesn’t have the budget to implement features or improve the art etc. fortunately, you’re coming in right as they’ve overhauled things and can improve the art, do proper cutscenes, and deliver characters people want.

Edit: and just like clockwork Beskar Armor Mando is now required to get max rewards from the current Galactic Challenge. A Challenge that focuses on resistance characters. And Mando is NOT a resistance character. Blatant cash grab.

You should not forget that we are working with ONE laptop here :D.


Sorry about that. We have flagged it with the team now.

16 Dec


He won't go away until you activate him.

Joke aside: This can rarely happen when you switch screens fast and it doesn't refresh correctly.


No, those are the correct rewards.

For a full list of accelerated character shards, feel free to look at the official announcement here:

15 Dec


The ability works as described, but I agree, it should specify that the target is an enemy. We flagged it with the team to improve the text of the ability description.


We have already flagged this as a bug. And no, you are not ahead of the game =)

14 Dec


Can you PM me your ally code and a case number, please? I would like to follow up internally on this.


Were there available slots to summon an additional Vulture Droid? (You only can have 5 ships on the field/in the battle at any given moment). Additionally, only "Charging Malevolence", "All Cannons Fire!", and "Fire the Ion Cannon!" are special abilities.


Seems like all Google services started to recover.

11 Dec


There is always something, isn't it? We have flagged it with the team to get the relic 5+ requirement added to the messaging.


As others said, There are two currencies used in the Guild Event Store, GET1 (you have 2370 of it) and GET2 (you have 0). Different items cost either GET1 or GET2 (you can differentiate based on the currency icon). If you try to purchase something that costs GET2, you will get that message since you don't have any GET2. I hope this makes sense and clarifies what's going on.

10 Dec


We have flagged this as a bug now. The same goes for Darth Malak but it is working correctly for the GLs.


Originally posted by stlcardinals527

Please explain with a little less clarity.

Uffff....that's a hard one to do for me. I try next time!


That should be fixed after last night's update.


That should be fixed after last night's update.


Originally posted by Elvisdajungler

OK What about jkl ?

No spoilers from me xd :P


Well, you better don't come in 3-5 :P

Joke aside: Rank 3-5 get the same rewards as rank 2. See The Pit Challenge Tier & Relics 8 at the bottom.


It is only counted once the player has logged in. After that is should be fine.