Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

04 Jan


Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We have flagged it as a bug since nothing is too small to make it right.


When you don't have the required units to attempts any of the Tiers, it should be faded. We have already flagged this as a bug with the team.


Hey OP - We saw that you posted this on the Bug Reports forum too, you should have a PM there.

The issue should be sorted now. Let us know if you have any further trouble.

02 Jan


It took me a year working on the game until I learned that screen even existed. That was a fun meeting.

26 Dec


Originally posted by DeathByZanpakuto11

You, uh..... Ever draw Revan?

Yeah a bunch of times, I was in charge of his cinematics for all events so I made the storyboards as well so Im pretty used to him ... but its all NDA’d work so yeah. I did start a for-fun illustration of him though, I can show that when its done.

When it comes to KOTOR though, you can also blame me for the Mission and Canderous redesigns, those were all me, haha.


Originally posted by Lozsta

You prefer Rey to Thrawn?

Hell yeah, Rey is awesome. Big fan.

25 Dec


Originally posted by 7thFleetTraveller

That is sad to hear, he's my favourite character and you're a talented artist, so that would have been cool.

Never read his books and haven't gotten far enough in Rebels (which is a show I dont like to begin with) to see him in action, but I do use him in my Empire team a fair bit and think hes an interesting enough character, so hey! Maybe!


Originally posted by 7thFleetTraveller

Do you have some Thrawn artwork or are interested in doing some? That would be amazing.

Never got around to him and he was never a character I cared about to be honest, when/if he shows up on one of the new shows I might do something though. Since this is going well (enough, lol) I’ll probably push my luck and draw something else in a few months


Originally posted by KingKid801

Absolutely love it! Do you have a IG or even a Deviant art page?

I do, same username as my twitter ( although way less active


Originally posted by Nevesnotrab

Rey Palpatine

The Skywalker Family Tree:

Thanks for this, interesting data! I’ll send it to my friends at Lucasfilm, Im sure they haven't considered this and will make a swift correction forthwith.


Originally posted by MiksteR_RdY


Loose is like when your shoe laces are loose.

Yes exactly, art that is looser is more sketchy in nature and is playful with imperfections.

English is my third language but Im pretty sure I got that one right ;)


Originally posted by TheQiwiMan

SEXY Love it! ❤️❤️❤️

What are you doing here, Qiwifella


Originally posted by PAPApalpotine

Well I wish it was Luke at least.

Like, Last Jedi Luke? I hear thats everyones favorite


Originally posted by combo12345_

I like it.

Trouble about changing artistic styles is it can alter the emotion evoked about something out of context. A perfect example is, Ghost in the Shell. The new version is too... no. Just, no.

Eh, fair enough but SW is flexible enough that theres a myriad ways to look at it artistically plus I always saw event art as an opportunity to treat them as different chances for appealing art styles


Originally posted by wingeek29

Waow this is so cool ! I really like the art style and the movements ! Could you post your art in r/TheSequels

Sure, just gimme some credit. Twitter works:


(bonus: appropriately sized forehead)

Not that I dont like the current art style the game has, but I always wanted to have room for some "looser" art that we could take more creative chances with ... alas, thats how it tends to go with licensed IP

23 Dec


The Daring Droid image is the first piece of art I made for this game so I def like to see it everytime the event does the rounds.

New Mythics should happen though, I know we wanted to make one when C3PO was made, had a cool idea and everything but it would have required a bunch of resources from art and we wouldn't have had enough time.

22 Dec


I don't mean to offend but who the balls is that

18 Dec


We've tested Revan's "Savior" in the Galactic Challenge event and it was working as intended. Keep in mind that all the assists from the Geo's are completed first before the saved character can take his bonus turn. As for the sniper Droid not being spawned in Tier 4 of the event, we have flagged this as a bug now.