Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

09 Feb

08 Feb


We are aware of IG-11 not counting towards that feat and are already working on it.

05 Feb


We are aware and looking into it. You should be able to complete everything without it.

As for the feat "Full Throttle" keep in mind that bonus turns/attacks and assists don't count towards completion.


Originally posted by codeBananaRaptor

I didn't see it on Trello. Is there another place where GC bugs are listed?

We update the Trello board only once a week, so it will probably be added in the next update.


We are aware and looking into it. Luckily, you should be able to complete the event without using it.


We are aware and looking into it. Luckily, you should be able to complete the event without using it.


Yeah, IG-11 doesn't count towards the "Beep-boop-beeeep!" feat when he should. We flagged it as a bug already.


Yeah IG-11 doesn't count towards the "Beep-boop-beeeep!" feat when he should. We flagged it as a bug already.


What Spacemilk said is correct, send a PM to CG_LucifersDaddy on the forum with all the details and the team will look into it.

04 Feb

03 Feb


How about posting it on the official forum's feedback section to garner more attention?

Feedback Home


Originally posted by achwassolls

thank you.

No problem at all!


Originally posted by Loganwolverine88

Okay I see now, thank you for sharing the link! I must have been thinking of something else, thanks for the info, I really appreciate it!!

My pleasure!


Originally posted by Loganwolverine88

I thought when masteries were first announced as well as these kits that it was said that the lowest masteries could go is 0, and they couldn't go negative. Anyone out there remember this or am I mistaken?

To the contrary as announced back in the days: Note: Most characters have a base Mastery of 0 regardless of if they have their Relic unlocked. Mastery can go negative, and when it does, the stats that it affects for that particular character will be decreased rather than increased.



Originally posted by achwassolls

Could you please elaborate what the % of mastery exactly is that Kylo siphons with each stack?

1% per stack, as his ability "Brutal Assault" states.


We had a look into this and it is working as intended. Once SLKR starts siphoning mastery off JKL his overall accuracy can go negative, making him miss SLKR all the time.

02 Feb


Originally posted by ndis4us

I know it used to reset when you hit 85 or somewhere in there if you just did

We figured it out: If you completed Tier 1 of the event below level 80 it will show you 3 stars but if you finish it again at level 80+ you will get the first-time completion rewards for the level 80+ event tier. Not a bug but rather a welcome surprise I'd say.


Don't get me wrong here, but if you don't SIM it, you can still complete the quest. There are a few quests that require you to run certain raids, TBs, etc. in order to be completed.
If the quest wasn't active at the time you ranked 1 in the HAAT raid (which got you the title and portrait) it won't complete retroactively, meaning you need to get rank 1 with the quest active. This is all working as designed and not a bug.


Originally posted by coffeefix201

I know, but it's not the first time I have beaten it.

Thanks for the additional information. We are looking into it.


When you first complete the event you get different (meaning extra) rewards.