Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

02 Feb


Is it bugging you?

Jokes aside: what device are you playing on?

01 Feb


Christoph is correct here. We've checked the account and he was indeed awarded a total of 225 banners for that ship territory (153 + 72), as intended, which is the maximum in that division.


Do you get any error message? Sometimes switching the connection from WiFi to cellular or the other way around helps. If it doesn't, PM me your ally code and any additional detail, so that we can have a look.

31 Jan

28 Jan


Hello there, we've run this one past the team and it's not bugged.

As others in the thread have speculated, only Exposes you initiate directly count towards this feat. In other words, Expose that comes after a critical hit from JTRs Leader ability won't count towards this feat.


Hey guys, we've run this past the team and it's working as designed.

Only Exposes you initiate directly count towards this feat. In other words, Expose that comes after a critical hit from JTRs Leader ability won't count towards this feat.

27 Jan


Originally posted by h1n1o2

Fixed fallen bastilla.

Maybe fix this then? Fairs fair.

This is technically not a bug, but are considering taking a look at it. Please see the below from when this was brought up last time.

"Many events have the PvE units gaining their Max Protection from a hidden granted ability rather than through stats; Linked's Max Prot reduction won't work against these units."


Hey guys,

Are you still running into issues with accessing the game or can you get into the game now?

26 Jan

21 Jan


Hello there.

The team are aware of this issue and are currently working on it.


Originally posted by JeremyXVI

Yeah I saw that thread, f**king weird one ea high command flagged it as a bug and the other just said it works as intended. Also some other thread said its suddenly been going for a few weeks since july, as the videos I’ve watched from youtubers on this event that predate those threads didn’t have this problem. Did they just randomly put this shit in at one point ? Also my toons are fine I’ve seen people do it with lower gear levels and less zetas

We brought it to the team after it was reported before. It was investigated and deemed to be working as designed.

The side droids only have a chance to respawn. It is not 100% and as this is working as designed it is not a bug.

19 Jan


Don't worry, we'll get those extra crystals removed straight away! All jokes aside, nice get from the daily activities!

18 Jan


Hey there OP,

This is a known issue and has been added to the Dev Tracker Trello Board.

15 Jan


We raised it with the team to review.


We've checked our server response times and they are all in green. Might be related to your local internet connection? It is possible that there is a slight delay in server response time when it is really busy (like you said at times when energy or daily activities reset).


Thanks for posting it on AHQ! I have a look in a moment and reply there.

14 Jan


Are you sure you didn't complete them? We've checked on several accounts and all of them have them listed in the daily activities. PM me your ally code, so that we can check further what might be going on.

13 Jan