Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

16 Jun


Are you using the "Link a Device" option in Settings?


Originally posted by michaeldoyal

Okay i just got off the phone with ea help and they said they couldn’t do anything, should I just give up or try again

Try again and mention that it was an accidental purchase if that is your first contact about. Support should be able to assist as a one-time exception.

15 Jun


Thanks for the report. We've flagged this for improvement now.


Thanks for reporting this. We have flagged this for review now.

12 Jun


A full restart of the game should fix that.

11 Jun


A fresh and clean reinstallation should fix that. Also, what the others said, make sure you got enough free space on your device.

10 Jun


PM me your ally code please so that we can have a look.


Shipments are randomized from a pool of items making it possible that one specific one doesn't appear for a certain time. Rest assured that they will come back after a while.


PM me your ally code and the time it happened, so that we can have a look. Thanks!

09 Jun


Originally posted by hueybourbon

Did that. nothing came of it. also dm'd a dev in ships who said they'd inform CS.

Thanks for that. I raised it to the responsible people as well now.


You can always use the in-game available report functionality to report those names.

08 Jun


We have already flagged this as a bug.


Your game is out of sync with the server. A full restart of the game should fix it.

05 Jun


Pm me your ally code and what battle exactly you did when and we can have a look.

04 Jun


We are aware of this rare issue. On the bright side, a simple restart of the game should fix it.

03 Jun


Originally posted by Real_CG_TopHat

Sir, I am an internet troll and I strictly hide behind computers :D

lulz - fair enough. I'll just stay under my bridge then...


Originally posted by Real_CG_TopHat

Will the Real CG TopHat please stand up...

...we're gonna have a problem here...

Meet by the baseball diamond at dawn? Settle this high school style? ;)