Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

03 Jun


This is a great image/fan art - really like it.


We tested it today and couldn't reproduce both issues. It could be a missing asset or a weak/unstable internet connection. You can try a fresh installation and then leave the game open at the main cantina screen for 15-20 minutes so that all assets can be downloaded correctly. Make sure you have a strong and stable internet connection when doing so and when going into the battle.

29 May


We've tested it and the correct number of attempts are available. Maybe you did them before and had only 2 attempts left on each of them?


Looks like a game crash or lost connection.


Originally posted by ankirae

I started at the beginning of p3 with Hux lead, Thrawn, Traya, SLKR, FOO.

when I entered p4, I realized I could not click the ultimate buttton even though it was glowing. So, I used my W. But also noticed I was getting 80 stacks of siphon. So I began recording and noticed that annihilate and isolate did nothing. I wasn't paying that close of attention during this run but wanted to record in case it was helpful to anyone

Thanks for the additional details, good stuff! We have a look and see what we can find.

28 May


You can also try switching from WiFi to cellular or the other way around but yeah, a phone restart might help as well.


Hi /ankirae,

Can you provide some more details? What was your full team and did you start a solo run from the beginning?

27 May


Hi all,

We are already looking into this.

26 May


You can try switching your connection from WiFi to cellular or the other way around.

How to contact support for STAR WARS™: Galaxy of Heroes


Originally posted by ItsDeflyLupus

Thanks for the reply and affirmation. By chance is their a master list available of known bugs and their status?

Unfortunately, there isn't. Have a look at the Dev Tracker Trello board, that should cover some information:

25 May


Thanks for the report. We have already flagged this as a bug.

22 May


That is working as intended since Courage is consumed until the target is dead or no stacks of Courage left.


It is stated in the description of "Self Destruct": "...or has no active allies, the cooldown of this ability is set to max....". Not a bug.

21 May


We are aware of it and have flagged it as a bug.