Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

20 Jul


That is intended. If the character is unable to equip a specific gear piece it won't have the Favorite tag, the same way the character won't show up in the list below ("Also Needed By:").


We have already flagged this as a bug.


PM me your ally code, so that we can have a look.

17 Jul


This has been flagged as a bug already.


This has already been flagged as a bug.


We've flagged this as a bug already.


Originally posted by SyndicateGamesY

This is with every marquee event.

It's with all characters who have an option to take a bonus turn at the start of the battle, it breaks the mechanic as the marquee character needs to attack first. You can't use Wat Tambor as well due to the same reason.


16 Jul


Dmud2 is absolutely correct, those are players that were invited to your guild but the invite was never accepted and is still pending.


Thanks for raising this! We have flagged this as a bug now.


Hi there. Can you PM me your ally code and the date and time this happened, so that we can have a look? Thanks!


Hi all. This is currently intended. Jedi Knight Luke will be added to the Journey Guide later.


Nice catch! We have already flagged it as a bug.


We have already flagged it as a bug.

15 Jul


PM me your ally code, so that we can have a look. And no, we didn't remove any shards.


Originally posted by vekstthebest

Well you were definitely right lmao, seems pretty awesome!

Cant say it didn't help when I used the “plus we already have the models done” hook. It was a good opportunity to get a fun character in the mix, we need more of those.