Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

21 May


This should be fixed now.


Originally posted by YellsAboutMakingGifs

Hey that's for participating here. Wish you would all do it more.

Can you confirm the drop rates for the new y-wing, and if they are working as intended? Annectodataly folks seem to be reporting very poor return for crystal refresh and spend/investment.

I did a quick check and the drop rates appear to be correct.


Did you manage to claim those rewards in the end? If not, PM me your ally code, so that we can have a look.


It looks like you are missing some assets. Try restarting or reinstalling the game, that should fix it.


This is working as intended and not a bug.

18 May


Sorry to hear that. Your suspension was issued by mistake and is lifted now.


Can you try a fresh and clean reinstallation of the game? That should help.


If you switch from WiFi to cellular or the other way around this should be fixed.


Thank you for the report. We have flagged this for further investigation.

16 May


Originally posted by anotherowname

And what was the result of your escalation in January when you acknowledged it was an issue?

Whatever the systems that are or are not in place, people are still being banned this week as a result of this one—your statement is patently false. If someone is manually reviewing these erroneous flags and still applying those bans, that’s an even bigger issue, because it signifies gross negligence on the part of someone responsible for account access.

The issue in January was flagged as a potentially suspicious battle and the player was manually banned incorrectly at that time. We reviewed what happened, reversed the ban and made sure this case would not be flagged in the future. I have not found any confirmed cases of this with the accounts we have reviewed today but please send me the details if you have specific instances.


As I just posted to the forums, battling these squads will not result in a ban on your account and there is no system that will automatically ban accounts. We review all potential account bans thoroughly before issuing any restrictions.

If you think you have been banned in error then please send a forum message to CG_Lucifer'sDaddy.

15 May


PM me your ally code please so that we can have a look at this. Thanks!

13 May


We've tested it today, and Wat Tambor's basic ability "Binary Basic" was working as intended. Can you share more details around this and yeah, a video would be super helpful.


The player got a "Bye" in the first round of the current Grand Arena. The points are correct and legitimate.


A full game restart should fix it.

12 May


Thanks for the report and the video! We are looking into it.

11 May


Thanks for the report. We are looking actively into this.


Can you PM me your ally code, please so that we can investigate this? Thanks!

08 May


A full game restart should fix that.