Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

05 Jul


We just didn't have time to add a summonable slot to raids. Nothing to do with code, its just that a few elements particular to raids were going to make this feature go out of scope.

03 Jul


Originally posted by Least_foot2

I bet they put a clamp on you from saying too much after you leave.

You’d be on the losing end of that deal ;)

02 Jul


We have already flagged this as a bug. But yes, a game restart should fix that.


We are aware of this issue and have flagged it as a bug already.


That is the expected behavior. Taunt has the same priority as marked, so your characters can "choose" who to counter-attack in that scenario.

01 Jul


That is actually working as designed since Dooku is a Raid Boss and therefore only receiving 99.999 damage but can't be defeated with massive damage attacks (like "Annihilate").

30 Jun


Originally posted by elanitizopix

Thank you for the reply. None of this has worked, unfortunately. Do you have any other suggestions?

Unfortunately we have exhausted all options available to us at this point.


We have already flagged this as a bug.


It appears to be connected to GooglePlay. If you already, cleared the cache, restarted your device, and reinstalled the game you can try to delete the GooglePlay service and reinstall it, to see if that can help to resolve the issue.


It appears to be connected to GooglePlay. If you already, cleared the cache, restarted your device, and reinstalled the game you can try to delete the GooglePlay service and reinstall it, to see if that can help to resolve the issue.


He is flagged as a raid boss in the event and is intended to be level 1.


We have flagged the missing text for review now.

29 Jun


Was there another character with 100% turn meter at the same time? If so, it would be a coin flip who goes next.

27 Jun


Originally posted by Raybron99

In my head, I see the CG office as the Michael Scott office. There's this one boss who keeps calling meetings that have nothing to do with work, so you guys tried your best to sneak in 5 minutes of actual work per day. Sound accurate?

Nah, that was Gameloft. That place was a sh*thole.

CG has a great office culture actually, I miss it. Theres a lot of theories about CG in this sub and the one that we don't do any work is one of the most laughably inaccurate ones.

26 Jun


We are aware of this interaction and have flagged it as a bug already.

24 Jun


That can happen when your client is out of sync with the server. A full game restart or buying a Bronzium pack should resolve this.