Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

27 Jun

26 Jun


We're actively investigating this. If you feel comfortable doing so, please direct message your ally code to me. This information will help us further investigate.


We believe we have identified the issue and are working on a fix. No timeline at the moment but I will update everyone in the thread above when i have an ETA


Originally posted by theuncannymrh

when will CG give us back the GP they STOLE from us????!!!

I'm not even sure what we'd do with the stolen gp. In all seriousness, we are digging into it and we think we've got a lead on it. We'll keep everyone updated.


Hi folks, we are aware of the issue with Guild GP being reduced across the board. This was not intentional and we are investigating right now as to what happened. I will update this thread as soon as we find out more.

External link →

Something isn't right. We're aware and looking into it.

25 Jun


Originally posted by King_Tamino

Welcome back among the living Garret. We missed you.

Or are these accounts property of EA and we actually talk to Crumb? 😑

Garret died in a car accident during the production of the White Album. We held a look-alike contest to replace him as to keep the game production going. We found the perfect match who is talking to you right now.

24 Jun


We're looking into this. Unfortunately, it appears to be somewhat inconsistent. Players have reported both good and bad performance across the same device models. We're also seeing inconsistent behavior in-Studio. We're in data gathering mode at the moment. As such, if anyone is experiencing a marked decrease in perceived in-game performance after the TU16 client update, I would hugely appreciate if you could dm me your device model and exactly what behavior you are experiencing (e.g., "hitching in squad arena where there was none before," etc.) Thank you!


I'm going to post a survey on 60fps soon and would love to have your feedback. There are some definite pros/cons around 60fps support, but I'm interested to learn more about Player interest around supporting 60fps.


Thanks everyone for the ping. /u/Sinari_VF dm'd me. Will investigate this matter soon and see what options we have to address.


Hi all, thanks for the report. We have flagged this as a bug which can occur in very specific circumstances. Thank you and apologies for the inconvenience meanwhile.


Hi all, thanks for the report. We have flagged this as a visual bug. As stated below as well, it has no impact on purchases. Thank you and apologies for the inconvenience.


Hi all, thanks for the report. We have flagged this as a bug that can occur in very specific circumstances. Apologies for the inconvenience meanwhile.


Have you tried reinstalling the game? It would probably fix the issue but if you are still encountering the same problem after reinstalling please send me a private message with your Ally Code, Device Model and OS. Thank you!



23 Jun


Originally posted by Loool-la

Is there a phone number to contact customer support that works or a way to get them to call you since comprehension over email seems to be failing?

If you feel comfortable doing so, please DM your ally code to me and I can help escalate on Monday morning.


Are you still experiencing this error?


Please submit a ticket to customer service. Someone should be able to manually unlink your account via an internal tool.


Originally posted by beaconac

Hotfix worked. Woke up this morning and was able to get in on both devices.

Seriously, thanks for the quick weekend fix. I really wasn't expecting a response that fast.

Woot! Happy to hear that the hotfix worked for you. Thanks so much for confirming! :-)