u/Sasho9708 Can you please send me a PM with your Ally Code if you are still having this issue? Thanks.
u/Sasho9708 Can you please send me a PM with your Ally Code if you are still having this issue? Thanks.
u/Celoth please send me a PM with your Ally Code. Thanks!
Can confirm /u/Roneythehutt wasn't cheating. We looked into this and found a weird edge case where they were granted Round rewards twice. We're looking at a fix for next week that should prevent this from happening, but will keep an eye on cases like this and manually adjust in the meantime.
Hi all, thanks for reporting this. We flagged this for further investigation and we are looking into it.
So is this Garret or his doppleganger?
This was me, yesterday. Is the rumor wide spread? Is it just this one post with 2 upvotes? Is everyone mad at me. I think I'll go back to my cave.
Thx for your enlightining comment ;)
Btw glad to see you're still over there !
Is there a rumor that I left or something?
Is he holding a lightning shrub?
We're actively investigating this. If you feel comfortable doing so, please direct message your ally code to me. This information will help us further investigate.
We believe we have identified the issue and are working on a fix. No timeline at the moment but I will update everyone in the thread above when i have an ETA
when will CG give us back the GP they STOLE from us????!!!
I'm not even sure what we'd do with the stolen gp. In all seriousness, we are digging into it and we think we've got a lead on it. We'll keep everyone updated.
Hi folks, we are aware of the issue with Guild GP being reduced across the board. This was not intentional and we are investigating right now as to what happened. I will update this thread as soon as we find out more.
External link →Something isn't right. We're aware and looking into it.