Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

16 Oct



I’m sure you’re going to get there. But specifically will annihilate trigger savior. Or as it’s an outright kill does it by pass the Savior unique


It bypasses Savior and will still finish off the target because as you said, it defeats the unit and isn't actually dealing damage

Originally posted by Broveh

question regarding his lead, Do Bastila and Jolee count twice for it due to the being Old Repub/Jedi similar to Vader's unique counting himself and Palpatine twice

Yes. Characters that are both Jedi and Old Republic count twice.



Let’s try this again:

@CG_SBCrumb previously leader abilities would not double for dual faction, only Uniques. However, Revan’s is VERY specific. Does this portion below double up for dual faction?

“At the start of battle, Jedi and Old Republic allies gain +5 Speed, +5% Crit Chance and +5% Offense for each Jedi and each Old Republic ally.”

He answered your question above. Said yes.

Sorry I've was told that was a bit incorrect. Edited the above post to say it only applies once but you'll get 10% for each Old Republic Ally. So essentially yes

@CG_Carrie @CG_SBCrumb does these bonuses for Revan’s Leader ability double for dual faction?

“At the start of battle, Jedi and Old Republic allies gain +5 Speed, +5% Crit Chance and +5% Offense for each Jedi and each Old Republic ally.”

Yes, it applies twice to Old Republic Jedi Sorry for the confusion, this only applies once but the bonus is +10 or +10% for each Old Republic Jedi

And another question about the 1% life...iif a Jedi has 5k life left and gets damaged with 5100..ddoes that trigger the ability? He won't be at 1%, he would be at 0%

It should read 1% and below. They will still revive if they take lethal damage
Slightly more complicated answer after talking to the dev team. Once a character with Savior hits 1%, they stop taking damage. They never technically revive but Nihilus' Annhilate will still finish off a character

Direct Focus description doesn't really make sense. You mark a selected enemy but then all enemies target the marked enemy? Are we really going to see AI toons attacking each other?

And does the swarm assist from Direct Focus/marked translate/merge with his leadership where they recover protection and deal extra damage for attacking out of turn?

Marked is when you inflict Taunt as a Debuff. Since taunt is a buff your units apply to themselves, it would be odd to have a "debuff Taunt" so we call that "Marked". Functionally, it is the same: units are forced to attack a Marked unit. Or, if there is a Marked unit and some units that have Taunt, you can choose which of those to target just as if there were multiple Taunting units.

Originally posted by Aronael

I’m assuming Marked is running with a typo at the moment? Surely it’s not busted enough to make enemies target another enemy..

Marked is when you inflict Taunt as a Debuff. Since taunt is a buff your units apply to themselves, it would be odd to have a "debuff Taunt" so we call that "Marked". Functionally, it is the same: units are forced to attack a Marked unit. Or, if there is a Marked unit and some units that have Taunt, you can choose which of those to target just as if there were multiple Taunting units.

12 Oct


Originally posted by saiyajin15

you need to overhaul all the shard rewards for the different events, since you are no longer updating the stores why not remove all the shards from characters that are in stores since everyone is going to be having surplus of those and then only include newer and hard node cantina characters.

Hmm. Interesting idea. Usually I don't remove rewards but I can see the logic here. I'm not 100% sure I could do this but I'll look into it.

11 Oct


I think the shard rewards for this event are getting too diluted due to having so many potential units you can get. If people want Range Trooper from this event, the odds wouldn't be great at present. I've considered adjusting some of the Assault Battle rewards to behave like Rebel Roundup, where each tier is a thematic block of units and then the bonus is all of them. Would you guys be open to that? (Note that any such change would require signoff from the boss, and wouldn't happen for awhile since the next several updates are already being worked on and this would go on the farthest-out update.)


Originally posted by theMaxscart

Ah well, props to the art team and to you, looking forward to seeing the event and its art!



Originally posted by [deleted]

Please distribute high-fives to everyone involved!

haha, will do


Originally posted by theMaxscart

Just the art guy of course.

By the way, did you do the image on the announcement? Because it's really neat. I remember you did the one for Rey's event.

No, that was another guy.


Originally posted by [deleted]

BTW loved the Artwork for the KOTOR event!

Thanks, it was a lot of work to get this thing done and the art team is really proud of it.


Originally posted by Barad-dur81

Lol. I think they will respond but they’re all sitting in a room vaping atm



Originally posted by Greensparow

they love to show up when we praise them, but even the art guy is not poking his head up and he usually gets a pass as just being the art guy

Who's that?

03 Oct

Thanks for all the data points and suggestions everyone. I've sent this over to the team to review and we will try to determine why there are consistently reported mismatched battles.

I've also asked the matchmaker designer to write a brief breakdown of how the system works and what maybe causing these issues.

21 Sep


Originally posted by Damaged-

Thrawn was not difficult at all. The only reason it was, and is seen as difficult, is because one guy set a benchmark at G8, and that was then the assumed gear requirement to get it. 'Don't gear Phoenix, they can do it at G8, anymore is a waste'.... FTR I did the Thrawn event at G10, which is still a long way from max, and it was unbelievably easy.

People keep using the bare minimum to finish events, and then complain it's too hard.

I've said multiple times that the Thrawn event was tuned for G10 at the high end, and you're right in that people try it a lot at G8 a large number of times (our own data confirms this) essentially banging their head against a wall until they get very, very lucky. In an effort to try and mitigate that, I put the gear tuning recommendations into the descriptions of the tiers in the forthcoming Chewbacca event. Hopefully that helps.

16 Sep


Originally posted by CrazyGunnerr

So you put a centauri in a Star Ward game? I love it.

Mostly Zeta Reticulans. They're pretty good musicians you know.

15 Sep


Originally posted by SirDoober

Now I'm wondering what other references we've missed

I'll never tell!


This was actually my inspiration, no joke.