Teamfight Tactics

Teamfight Tactics Dev Tracker

12 May


Originally posted by Edonculation117

What are each of your favourite champions and/or favourite synergies in this set?

Brand is my favorite champ. I love the "Put a dot on everything" fantasy, and I loved Cassio in Galaxies.

And because of that, Abomination has been my favorite synergy. I love the way its a cool itemization puzzle figuring out how to get Sion the best items possible. Sadly it's been a bit on the weak side, but I was still able to use it a lot on my climb to masters.


Originally posted by nxqv

I feel like there is this trend of resistance shred on 5 cost units coming to dominate the unit's kit - we saw this with Yone and we see this now with Garen and Darius. It seems like these units eventually get balanced around how powerful this effect is, to the point where the rest of their kit becomes almost totally irrelevant. (At least Garen is also a super tanky boi.) Additionally, the existence of these units makes items such as Ionic Spark, Last Whisper (and especially Final Whisper), and Dragon Claw less than desirable considering how finite your item pool is.

Has the team thought about removing the shred effect from these units entirely to allow both the units' design and all these impacted items to really shine? And if the answer is "yes, but we decided not to," why?

Yeah, there's some good learnings here. Shred needs to exist as a counter option for sure. You don't want to play a magic comp, see a single Dragon's Claw or 4 Mystic and go "Well its now impossible for me to win", both because that's just not good game play AND it feels bad.

That being said, the conclusion we're starting to realize is that AOE Shred specifically being so sharp is hurting the game a lot. Last Whisper being 70% is probably OK, while Garen being 70% is extremely limiting. Ionic spark at 40% for example is totally fine. In Patch 11.11 you'll see some changes to shred based on this logic.


Originally posted by bucketsofmercy

1) Any plans on changing the 1/3 hotkeys to rotate vertically vs around the minimap?

2) Regarding the item layout that briefly appeared in PBE where they were in neat rows + could view in carousel but couldn't see opponent items, has their been any movement on that potential feature?

  1. We don't have any plans to change the scouting hotkeys at this time.
  2. Nope, we haven't had a chance yet to return to the idea of showing items in UI instead of in world space. The problem we still need to solve is how to make scouting opponent items not just functional, but actually easy and intuitive. We might end up revamping scouting itself in order to get this right, and if we can't arrive at a good solution, we probably won't move items into UI.

Originally posted by Best_Jhinx_NA

Thanks for doing this! How much do you have to keep the four cost carries in mind when you make a design choice, knowing that the majority of the metas will revolve around them?

A lot! A healthy meta usually revolves around the 4 cost carries, which is an intentional design decision. So a lot of the balance work can be getting them to a healthy level, then balancing around them in the other areas (5 costs slightly better, 3 costs slight worse, etc). Reckoning for example launched with 4 costs being a bit over tuned, which then warped the meta around them.


Originally posted by BleedingCatz

In league, you can easily measure frustration by looking at champion banrate (maybe in the context of pickrate and win% too). For example if something is banned often but has low winrate and is not picked regularly, it's safe to assume that people find the champion frustrating to pay against.

Without an obvious proxy for frustration like league has, how do you measure this in TFT?

Thanks for the AMA (and an amazing game)!

Honestly this is one of the reasons I set up Twitter and stream and discord and things. There is something to learn about the VOLUME of posts and comments. That being said, there is also a difference between usability frustration and game play frustration.

In the case of usability frustration, it can be really helpful to hear how many people are struggling with not being able to inspect the carousel when a new set comes out, as it can give us insight on how to prioritize the player pain being felt compared to other opportunities.

Gameplay frustration is different. Since TFT isn't direct control, a lot of "frustration" comes down to "I made a plan, and it wasn't effective and that was frustrating". The most common example of this is "I made a 3-item backline carry (Draven/Velkoz/etc) and it got CC'd over and over and I didn't get to play the game"...but the reality is TFT wouldn't be nearly as deep or interesting of a game if every comp was front to back DPS races. C...

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Originally posted by Silver_Arm_7339

Hi! Is there a chance to have an ingame tooltip for all the spatulas combinations? By default it's only with pure/uncorrupted one, and i dont really like having a cheat sheet to tab to for this...

Yup, we are working on the design right now! The idea is to add more information to the trait tracker, in the form of additional tooltips. I can't promise a patch when it'll arrive, but we want to make this happen as soon as we can.

Aside from that, a longer term solution would be to expand the Team Planner (seen only on mobile) into a fuller-featured in-game wiki. This isn't something we are actively working on since it would be a pretty large body of work, but if this is something you all are very interested in, it would be really helpful to let us know!


Originally posted by DrPelipper

I want to talk mid set updates. Are the changes made typically targeted at units/traits the team considers problematic? Or is it for other reasons? I've enjoyed both of the ".5" sets more than the previous iterations, but it sucks seeing awesome units like Set4 Jhin or Set3 MF go. Thanks for all your work!

It's much less about units or traits that are problematic. When we start developing the mid set, its likely too early to tell what was problematic long term anyway.

The primary goal of a mid set is to create a good moment for players to consider coming back (ranked has reset, and there's a bunch of new stuff to play with), so our goals are often around making sure the set feels different. In Galaxies, we didn't quite achieve this since Jinx carry (as an example) still dominated so games felt pretty similar. With Fates, we ended up swapping out a lot of the carries, which let to them feeling very different.

And yeah, it can feel bad if your favorite carry rotates out, but our hope is there is something new you can play with as well.


Originally posted by Ayz1533

Hey y'all! Thanks for doing this. Question, do you think we'll see any adjustments to unit traits in the near future?

This could just be my opinion, but Nidalee and Riven feel backwards on Skirmisher vs Legionnaire. Additionally, Skirmishers could use a true ranged character (I wouldn't consider Nidalee one because she converts after ~3 seconds) and once she's in cat form, AP benefits her more than AD but she gets Skirmisher scaling for AD, so she just feels clunky and I think Legionnaire fixes this by giving her attack speed.

Legionnaire seems to make her item build path a bit more logical.

Just curious if there have been thoughts about this for her and potentially others.

Typically we try to avoid major trait shifts like this unless they are absolutely necessary, as the learning cost to players is extremely high as well as the domino effects it has to the rest of the trait system.

The obvious swap here would be Riven becomes the Skirmisher and Nidalee becomes the Legionnaire...however that leaves Skirmisher with ANOTHER melee champion which they already struggle with having too many, and Riven's spell would likely need to be redesigned since getting more AD would make her spell unsustainably powerful.

If we ABSOLUTELY had to make a change like this we would, but I'd also ask the team to retro how we ended up in such a dire situation where it was necessary to make such a large change.


Originally posted by BigBlackSwords

Im not sure how feasible it would be to implement but I think it would be fun to include some of the old sets as a temporary game mode. I know this is not a question about set 5 but the set is great and I have nothing to say about it, keep it up!

The honest truth here is that there is a LOT of work to be done to bring back an old set. Even just basic stuff like getting it up and running again and updating some of the code, then there are the more complex questions like "Should the items be the same as they were for that set?" If yes, thats a ton more work. Should Launch Set board size be used? Etc. So it is a TON of work to get right.

Then assuming we did all that, the question is how valuable is it? I think playing Launch Set or RoTE for a weekend or something sounds awesome, but we see this with other games like HS or MTG that the appeal very quickly loses its luster. We also likely wouldn't have ranked queues for multiple sets at the same time, and we know players really lose motivation without ranked.

All that being said, it's still on the wish list. Lots of players didn't start TFT until Galaxies or Fates, so giving them a chance to try the old stuff would be fun. We just need to find the right time to ...

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Originally posted by Due_Cartoonist4290

If spectator mode would come to tft PC for us, will it also come with a match replay system?


The spectator we are building, or better-named esports camera, is only being built for broadcast and tournament purposes. Unfortunately, this will not be a feature we make available for the everyday TFT player.

I am very curious though what you would find valuable or you would enjoy from a player facing spectate a friend option?


Originally posted by GR488Y

Hey! Is there any news on a dedicated iPad or Tablet App for TFT? Been playing lots of games on my iPad and would love the possibility of playing at native resolution!

No new news yet! I really want to, and I hear you all who have asked for so long for official iPad and Tablet support. TFT really is a great fit for those devices! But it will be a little ways away until we can grow the team and tackle some of our more emergent work as well as keep shipping you all awesome sets!


Originally posted by iglootheraptor

I've been wondering about the spat items. With the previous sets, they all had their own unique item icons, but this time they just have the trait's icon itself. I can see why that'd be desirable when there's effectively double the spats, but I was wondering- will this system continue for future sets when there's not so many spats?

Also, I was wondering what the idea behind revenant spat is. It's effectively just a GA, isn't it? It's not bad of course, but what's the point of putting it on someone when you can just give them a GA?

In that same line, there's a couple synergies that don't have higher, normally-impossible tiers while others do. For instance, Revenant only goes up to 3 with there being 3 revenants and a revenant spat. Abomination goes up to 5, but there's 4 abom units and the abom spat. What's the decision behind this? If I remember correctly, in earlier sets (set 3 at least, I think?) Mort said you try to have a breakpoint if you could reach one wi...

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We think the new "Emblem" system helps a lot with initial readability and learning the system, and especially with 16 spatula items. So we will likely be continuing this system moving forward with every set. We know its not perfect right now (Looking at you Dawnbringer vs Nightbringer), but things like the colors we added near the end of PBE should help it out a bunch.

For Revenant Spatula, it's a slightly more complex GA since you need the trait to activate it AND it comes with the 30% damage increase which can open up some cool strategies with champs who can lifesteal it back up.

Finally for the extra chase traits, we didn't want to overload the set at launch, and were finding things like Ironclad 4 were confusing players asking "How do I get this, there are only 3 champions?" To be honest we probably should NOT have shipped Abomination 5 at launch. All that being said though, or plan is to add these once the set has been live for a bit, looking to be likely aroun...

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Originally posted by FrodaN

I'd love to get some insight into how far along we are into developing spectator mode.

  • What are some features you're excited about?
  • What hurdles are you encountering?
  • Any major milestone that's been recently cleared?
  • Are we still confident that spectator mode will be available for the Set 5 world championship?

Hi Frodan!

We plan to give a formal update soon in an upcoming dev video! But things are moving along, I currently have no reason to believe the Reckoning finals timeline is at risk but if that ever changes I will let you and the community know :) We are just chipping away at making it posible for an observer to control the camera!

11 May


Originally posted by krelord

This is a very bad strawman argument. The point wasn't about the average probability of such a drop or how often it happens, but about how it is fair for other players, that don't receive such a good drop (in the same round or match, of course). You're basically not giving a proper answer as to why such a drop is fair or balanced. You're basically just saying "If a opponent gets such a lucky drop, you just have to accept that you didn't get one too, because it happens so rarely, that it is insignificant."

It may suck less, because it's rare, but it still sucks full scale, when it happens.

Perhaps you could simply change it, so that every player gets a great drop, instead of just one player. This way these drops would remain super fun, but also fair. The way it is right now however is like giving one single player at the first carousel a Full item, while the others just get one component and then saying they simply have to accept it.

I know using big words like "strawman argument" can help try to make a bad argument sound valid, but what you're arguing for is a different game.

TFT is closest to things like Poker or a Magic the Gathering Draft. They are not "fair" by design, and the skill expression is measured in how you use what you are given. In such a system there are going to be moments where someone else had an extreme moment of luck (perfect drafts, hit on the river, etc). Doesn't mean you played bad, but also doesn't mean "Every game should give everyone the exact same thing".


Originally posted by StrawberryjuiceeTTV

Same for me, rewards like this are destroying the balance of the whole game. Like, what should you do against this teamcomp? Correct, nothing!
Already saw ppl getting 3 Spats and stuff like this from neutral rounds

In any individual game, luck will play a factor. Over the course of many games, consistency and skill play a much larger factor. When this happens to an opponent, your goal is Top 4.

Something we need to work on making clearer is that Top 4 is A WIN, not just 1st place.

04 May


Originally posted by CSDragon

Right click also moves your little legend.

You will end up trying to move into a champ and view their stats instead.

You're exactly right! Thanks for making this point.

For a long time, I've very much wanted to turn on champ inspect in the carousel, but right-click (and tap on mobile) is an overloaded action in shared draft. It's move AND inspect. We have spiked this before internally, and it wasn't too bad on mobile, but it felt a bit weird on PC because the champ inspect card moves in a circle along with the champ, and trying to hover the item icon of a moving target wasn't great. I think we have more work to do before we can ship a good solution.

29 Apr



Get it...? Bow?!

28 Apr


Originally posted by myf_8

iOS, thanks for the clarify, didn’t even hope I’ll get a reply ;)

Ofc no problem :)


Originally posted by myf_8

Mobile still not up for purchase (

Ah, my bad I should've specified that's for PC.

For IOS, we're currently having an issue with store items, see here:

Are you on android or ios?