Teamfight Tactics

Teamfight Tactics Dev Tracker

12 May


Originally posted by Inxplotch

So in set 3 we very briefly had models on the unit cards in the shop, which were ugly but visually more clear. Since then we’ve had splash arts for cards and personally i havent had much trouble with them until this set. I’ve been having a hard time quickly recognizing certain units, especially ones utilizing newer skins or ones that look same-y on the card (like mordekaiser and ivern being two close ups of masks).

So my question is, whats the process that goes into trying to make units recognizable as the character themselves while still making them fit the theme of their tribe. Have there been any clarity issues that have arisen and how do you hope to handle them? Were there any big problems in developments in terms of art or visual design that had to be overcome for this set.

Also, second question for Mr. Mortimer Dog, who on the tft team do you blame when you get, as the saying goes, “mortdogged”? Maybe statikk or kent? Your evil twin Dort Mog?

I just blame myself in a sad self deprecating kind of way...


Originally posted by B2Munchy

Hey guys.. First of all thanks soooo much for creating, maintaining and improving this wonderful game so far.
I got 3 questions:

1- I love the work you guys put in the little legends and overall game visuals.. but still
Are you guys (or riot) open to design popular characters as little legends, arenas and booms?.. Personally i would love the possibility to have Sans from Undertale as a little little legends and blasting others with Gaster blasters.

2- It would be great if there is a portal or a tab in the league client (and maybe the mobile version as well) that contains all the info about tournaments, B-Patches and other fun/competitive information that's not easily available.

3- I'm just curious about your ideas/visions on how this game can even grow more in popularity and numbers.

Thanks so much for the AMA guys and for making my favorite game.

I can take 2 and 3!

  1. Great idea! I'd want to do this to improve the visibility of the stuff you mentioned. When we do it, unfortunately, no plans yet!

  2. We are superrrrr happy with where we are right now, and I am personally so happy that 10 million of you choose to play each day! Our vision from here is to broaden who TFT appeals to by increasing the types of motivations to play (very businessy but here are some examples) - New ways to play TFT, Improving our esports and competitive scene so being #1 is in reach for all who are up for the journey, adding more progression and social systems, making sets that appeal to more players globally!

No single thing we do will be the silver bullet but we believe the core gameplay of TFT is something special, so by making it more accessible, serve more motivations, and improve underserved audiences I believe we can continue to see the growth and success of this game we love together for many......

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Originally posted by RiotKent


One of us has Vacation, the other has work to do!


Originally posted by ergonomicjones

Hey team, thank you for your continued amazing work on TFT and thank you in advance for taking my questions. Two questions--

1) One of my favorite ideas ever to have been in TFT was the Mountain Hex from Rise of the Elements. Building an unkillable uber-tank Braum or Dr. Mundo over the course of a game was truly a delight in every sense of the word and extremely gratifying. A similar concept was revisited in Warlords last set, but those were capped after a certain number of wins. Any plans to revisit this idea units scaling infinitely over the course of an entire game? What do you guys think of the concept ?

2) Ever since the introduction of overtime, traits that have healing or regeneration as their core mechanic has suffered an indirect nerf. It seems unfair that other traits maintain or even amplify their core mechanics in OT while healers/lifestealers suffer because of the OT reduction. Any thoughts on how to balance this in the future? Perhaps only grant hea...

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Your point about overtime is a fair one, but the reality is we want combats to resolve in around 15-25 seconds ideally. Healing traits allow you to stay alive and reach the latter part of that goal. But Overtime is necessary to get combat to resolve, as we don't want ties. (We generally try to avoid combats resolving in ties as it low satisfaction, and generally just dull to watch.) Healing traits can lead to that a lot, so they need to be reduced.


Originally posted by Rigeroni

Are there currently any plans for making some shadow items easier to see on the carousel? It’s a bit hard to tell on mobile if sojin or gunblade are normal items or not in particular.

We don't currently have any plans to change this, but now that you've let us know it's an issue, we can try to make some tweaks. We increased the overall size of items; not sure if this would fix it, but maybe we could take a look at adding some special VFX to make it more obvious.


Originally posted by twonsoon

I just tweet this out to Mort before I realized there was an AMA.

I saw an interaction where Shadow Warmogs damages triggers stacks for a normal Titans. Is this an intentional design?

If you have a clip of this, please send it our way. We'll try to confirm also. This is NOT intentional. Self damaging shadow items shouldn't be beneficial for anything. (They don't generate mana for example)


Originally posted by __fujoshi

This question is for anyone and everyone: is a hot dog a sandwich? Why or why not? Please defend your position.

No way is a hot dog a sandwich. This is one of those over reductionist things, and frankly calling a hot dog a sandwich is an insult to sandwiches.


Originally posted by marcel_p

Who's going to win the Riot Race to Challenger? My vote is on Kent (sorry Mort).

I'm winning right now...Kent's stuck in D3!


Originally posted by KinglyO

u/Leelor, can you talk a bit about the process of creating the introductory tool tips and mobile onboarding in general?

Getting people into a new game can always be a tough challenge, and there’s lots of strategies people take. Were you able to base yours on initial user testing, or did you have to wing it and guess what people might need the most help to grasp? / how did deciding to include the team builder feature play into this?

Oh this is a great question, thanks for asking! Designing tutorials and onboarding is actually something I'm really passionate about; I could probably talk your ear off about it, but I'll try to keep it short.

The first thing most designers say is that you should always design onboarding for HYPE! Players must be EXCITED above all else! But that's not entirely true. The first thing to consider is the genre of the game when deciding how heavily to invest in excitement vs comprehension. In my opinion, the tutorial for an action RPG should probably be higher on hype than for a strategy game, where comprehension is truly critical for helping players learn to love the game. Having worked on the tutorial for Legends of Runeterra, and seeing that it was pretty successful in labs, allowed me to continue that approach of prioritizing comprehension for TFT because it's also a strategy game.

The easy part is making a list of things to teach. Game devs are always testing the ga...

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Originally posted by NoFurtherObligations




Originally posted by ForgivenShanque

How does the team plan to keep developing TFT from the assets of League? Coloring units and reusing skins for different sets has been really creative but I'm wondering if running out of ideas is a concern for the future?

Not a major concern for the foreseeable future! Shoot maybe one day /u/Riot_Mort will have no other option but to release Foodfight Tactics :)


Originally posted by eilidh_mac

The shadow qss and the shadow zephyr seems like unstoppable object meets immovable rock. How did the team decide which works against which?

We didn't like how you could get a QS, put it on a carry in the corner, and solve ALL your problems. It was too easy to just do every game and led to a very large lack of counter play. So we decided that Zephyr got to be the one thing you always had to play around no matter what, leading to a deeper late game positioning play.


Originally posted by Hell_Derpikky

Quick and simple, if im in the last place, why do i have to fight with the one who is in the first place (sometimes with streak)?
is "kinda" unfair and sometimes estressfull

It's easy to index on any particular moment and think it may feel unfair, but the reality is you're probably facing that person because you haven't faced them in a while. It wouldn't be fair to 2nd place if they had to keep fighting them.

Our matchmaking isn't perfect, but generally will have you facing a wide variety of opponents over the course of a game in a way that is pretty fair, without being so rigid as to always face everyone in the same order every time.


Originally posted by StarChar21

Thank you for doing the ama.

I have friends ask me all the time why in the TFT tab in the client, there is only data about the pass and no data about the actual game.

Are there any plans in the future to add in more data about TFT in the client?

Kinda like how for League you can look at all the items, patch notes, and champion details. It'd be really cool if the TFT tab had more sections to it like all the other tabs in the client.

Great question!

We have talked as a team about wanting to improve the TFT experience in the client, and what you mentioned are some of the problems we would want to solve if/when we take on this project :)!


Originally posted by MrPepsy

Will u plan to add chromas for victorious little legends for each tier? so far its pretty unsatisfing to get in masters+ the same reward as someone who played just 5-10games to get gold.

Its not that i just play for reward or so but it kinda feels meh at the end of the season..

And the emotes are also kinda meh, when u just can equip 4 at a time

if there would be some higher chromas for victorious skins i probably would use them instead of my beloved spacemolediver :D

Little Legends, probably not, but I hear your feedback on the emote part! We may consider additional rewards in the future or alternatives to emotes :)


Originally posted by _draega

This is not a question, so feel free to skip it if comments aren't allowed. (I kept it brief, I swear!)

I just wanted to express a little gratitude and say thank you for the hard work and effort all of you invest into this game. I also would like to commend you, as a team, for the dedication and time you devote to the players and to your involvement with the gaming community. I've been a gamer for quite some time, across many genres and platforms, and in the past it has been all-to-rare to experience the level of transparency that I've witnessed with TFT.

You are all crucial to the overall success, but I think Riot_Mort deserves an extra amount of recognition for making himself even more available, often donating his personal time to provide information and answers to players. (P.S. I apologize once again for the Discord pings...😉)

So, thank you all, and I hope to see you in a game lobby sometime!

<3 Good luck with your climb and we're so glad you're enjoying TFT


Originally posted by bucketsofmercy

How many people total are on the TFT team? How many people does it take to make this game?

I'd say combined at least 200 years of developer experience


Originally posted by naturesbfLoL

What is the best tft-related twitter post of all time?


Originally posted by CptNova

Hi everyone at Riot, I love the game, and played from set 1, played LoL before that since season 2 or something.

First question: Do you consider ever doing a "cooperative" mode, something like the Dota Underlords one ? Like a 2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2 ?

Second question: how did the covid impact your production process ? Are you working remotely? Do you consider foreign developers now that remote working is more widespread ?

Last question: do you recruit game developers ?

Keep up the good work and see you on TFT or LoL, or runeterra !

Hi :D! Thanks for being such a long-term player!

To your first question, we have considered it :) New modes are something we have been thinking about a lot! and something to do with your friends is for sure on that list!

For your second question, it wasn't easy in the beginning, especially because it was when we were shipping mobile. Communication was hard at first, and meetings or habits we had built for creating things on TFT sort of got thrown out the window. But fast forward a few months and we are doing well! Some parts are actually even easier at home, while others remain a challenge. And in terms of developers not in the same timezone as us, we do that already! even pre covid :)! We have folks who help us around the world.

To your last question, keep an eye out on our careers page! The TFT team is hiring and growing!


Originally posted by DesmonReddit

I loved the Ornnaments, who’s idea was that??

Giovanni was the set lead of Fates and Festival of Beasts, and came up with the concept of Ornn giving powerful artifacts. From there the team helped with each individual artifact (For example I came up with Trinity Force being tons of 3's everywhere lol).