Teamfight Tactics

Teamfight Tactics Dev Tracker

21 Jan


Originally posted by GarSavoy


Currently planned for 11.3, that is correct.


Originally posted by alwaysyestoicecream

Aweee for some reason they’re not showing up in my store. Both on mobile and desktop :(

Should be out for PC now, and mobile. Make sure you update your app on mobile though before you check!


It's live now. Usually goes live on 11AM PDT on Thursday of patch week, but can change.


Originally posted by Biffmin

Missions won't update until the game ends. So say you get 4th place and leave, it won't update until the guy in first leaves.

Basically what he said, but also with the additional context of usually at beginning of the TFT season mission service can come under high load, making the missions slow as well, but you should get it completed sooner or later!


Approx 11AM PDT if everything goes well. :)

15 Jan


Originally posted by Impostor1089

Oh wow, didn't expect the Riot response. Very cool, thank you.

Haha, thank you too! I'm honestly really glad you posted so I could see it. There's a lot of little quality of life things we'd like to do, but actual requests from players make it easier to prioritize some things above others.

14 Jan


Hey Impostor1089, thanks for the feedback. I've added this to my list of UX things to do. I can't promise when it will be in the game, but I'll get the ball rolling and hopefully our team has a chance to address it very soon.

13 Jan


Originally posted by DDDwhy

Kapp, dont let them fool us. We all know that -1 lp for us is +1 dollar for them

uh oh, they're on to us!

12 Jan

07 Jan


Originally posted by HjartaLoL

Hey all!

Wanted to pop in real quick to let you know that we're aware of this issue and are investigating. Currently, this seems like a mac only issue.

We attempted a fix yesterday evening. When PBE redeploys, you should see the fix. Thank you for the patience!

06 Jan


Hey all!

Wanted to pop in real quick to let you know that we're aware of this issue and are investigating. Currently, this seems like a mac only issue.


Originally posted by TheeOmegaPi

I remember your tweets on release week! You and I were abusing Spirit Sharps before Ahri became flavor of the month! LOL

We trend setters!

05 Jan


Originally posted by TheeOmegaPi

lol happy tuesday again, teej!

Happy Tuesday :D!


Originally posted by Oleandervine

Quick thing I'd like to be done about the pass - this regards the progress.

It REALLY sucks that progress for a pass you've purchased is gated behind timed missions. This sucks, and if you miss that like weekend of grinding to complete those missions, you're super behind on your pass. Again, a pass you've purchased.

Secondly, this ties into the first, it's rough to make zero progress whatsoever without either doing the timed missions or hitting top 4. I'm playing these games, again with a pass I've purchased, so I should at least get some progress on the pass even if I'm not winning the matches.

Just some QOL requests to smooth out progression on a product we are purchasing. Other games with passes like this give you progress for just playing the game, and even with the main parent game of League, event passes give you progress/currency for not winning.

Great feedback! As we improve the pass, Ill chat with the team to explore if there is a need to reduce the amount of EXP given in Missions vs passive exp.

One thing to note is we do give a flat amount of EXP for just playing one game! In fact, you can complete the pass in one week (I've done it D:) Of course, I would never recommend playing as much TFT as I did for set 4 release xD


Originally posted by TheeOmegaPi


Me while playing in Club 2: ┏(--)┓┏(--)┛┗(-- )┓┗(--)┛┏(--) ┏(--)┓┏(--)┛┗(-- )┓┗(--)┛┏(--)┓┏(--)┛┗(-- )┓┗(--)┛┏(--) ┏(--)┓┏(--)┛┏(--)┓┏(--)┛┗(-- )┓┗(--)┛┏(--) ┏(--)┓┏(--)┛┗(-- )┓┗(--)┛┏(--)┓┏(--)┛┗(-- )┓┗(--)┛┏(--) ┏(--)┓┏(--)┛

18 Dec


See NOW we get to have some fun

17 Dec


Sorry about that :(

Good news is this is fixed for 11.1

14 Dec