Teamfight Tactics

Teamfight Tactics Dev Tracker

04 Sep


Originally posted by Devizz

Any progress?:P

Not yet :/

it appears to not be global, so any regional info on where you are playing from and the region you are trying to play on is helpful.


Originally posted by AlmightyShacoPH

I tried opening it in JP and EUNE server. My device is Honor 10. App version 10.1833...

When you first open the app, the play button wont work

When you relaunch it, you will then be placed in an endless queue.

When you try to play Tutorial, the tabs at the top will disappear.

Uninstalling and reinstalling the game after attempting to play Tutorial will then reconnect you to the tutorial game once you launch it.

Thank you! This is really helpful


Hey there everyone!

Thank you for all the responses and information that you have provided, this provides our engineers insight into what is happening in addition to the stuff that we've already got.

We are still investigating the issue and really appreciate everyone being patient with us. Sorry my updates have not been as frequent as I hope it would be, but I'll definitely respond back here once we have a fix!



Sorry everyone, we are still investigation and haven't found the root of the issue. Any information around region, device, app version and etc will be helpful!

03 Sep


Originally posted by Bored-n-Lazy

I play on mobile, im sorry I dont understand what a shard is. But I play in the philippines so i just assumed im on SEA, i guess.

No worries. Thank you for the info!


Originally posted by Bored-n-Lazy

I play on the SEA region.

Are you playing on Mobile or PC? SEA is not a supported shard on TFT Mobile. Are you connecting to a different shard from SEA?


Originally posted by gingerkid427

I can't stand when people make a post and then just don't reply to anyone in the comments, it must be even more infuriating when he's specifically asking for help and you're literally the most capable person to help AND THEY STILL DON'T RESPOND.

Hey u/gingerkid427, it's ok! They might have gone to bed by the time I asked for help. We're all playing from different timezones :)


Originally posted by Bored-n-Lazy

Im running into the same problem right now.

Hey u/Bored-n-Lazy we're aware of this and are looking into it! Which region are you playing in?


Originally posted by CoolCucumber419

Yeah, it's still broken.

I'm sorry that the issue is still happening.

We're currently looking into the issue right now!


Originally posted by CoolCucumber419

Worked well for me about 4 hours ago. Now it is not letting me click play, but I can press everything else jn the menu.

Hey u/CoolCucumber419!

TFT Dev here, are you still running into this issue?


Hey u/okosoky,

TFT Dev here, are you still running into this issue?

31 Aug


Unlike live patches, PBE patches don't have consistent timing. Our current plan is for Fates to go to PBE sometime tomorrow afternoon.

29 Aug


Originally posted by Quibi

I see, does it have something to do with the Salvage World galaxy? Or does it just occur randomly?

With the information we have, salvage world is completely unrelated.


Originally posted by Disastermere

I love the feel of climbing up a mountain that the mountains have, and the massive asymmetry probably makes home and visiting games more refreshing than my Frostguard arena. It definitely has its aesthetic place, I'd say.

Maybe that's just my personal narrative speaking for me, since I fought hard just to get into Plat and fall just short of Diamond.

Edit: Actually, not sure how I feel about the rain dishes

Thank you for the reply!


Originally posted by ziemerman

I do like them in general. But in my opinion, from what is visible, they seem like a step down (or at least not a step up) from the Galaxies Pass + arenas. So while I am grateful for all the work you guys do, it seemed that the average quality of all arenas would naturally increase as we moved on from TFT's first season (and I feel they did from Elemental to Galaxies). Those at least had a central object added (often a spacecraft) to complement the space theme. These seem more akin to the base/elemental arenas. I understand why more time is spent on premium arenas. However, I'd argue that while the battle pass + is much more value for its cost, players must also grind for those rewards, not unlocking many of them for weeks. Maybe having a slightly higher tier arena towards the end of the pass would feel better. This time around, the arenas aren't drawing me in, but the addition of the star shards is. I might hold off on buying till the end of the season instead of instabuying. I do...

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Thanks for the feedback :)


Originally posted by Slutianna

Pretty sure they were talking about the amazing paid arenas. I do agree the pass reward arenas look terrible, I expected vibrant mountain tops in the clouds and not literal rocks near a mountain.

You hate to hear it. Hopefully once you play it in game you'll like it better. Was it just less than you expected, or is it some other reasons that you don't like it?

As a disclaimer the paid ones will always be significantly higher quality as we spend a lot of time on those in comparison (hence also the higher price tag) to the battlepass ones, but we absolutely don't want battlepass to feel bad in any aspect so I'd love to hear why it feels lackluster, especially in comparison to previous BP arenas.


Hey! This is a super unfortunate bug, sorry you had to deal with it.

We ended up not being able to fix it for 10.18 due to the amount of resources we had tied up in Set 4 and the fix isn't too easy either. If it makes it any better, this will not happen with the new set since this is tied to mech. Doesn't make it less sh*tty to experience though, so sorry again :(


Originally posted by rustang2

Thank you! Kinda bummed I stared playing as late as I did. The hauntlings are my favourite. But those new dragons are looking dope so maybe I’ll get a new friend in a few weeks.

The best time to start playing was launch, the second best time is now :D


Originally posted by diejager

But it says you can't use the shards on the SG little legends (the Sprite is quite obvious why, but it is in the plural, so I assume silverwing will be included as well)

You will be able to!

Little Legends without additional Tiers will not work, but SG Silverwing does have a 3 star version!


Originally posted by rustang2

You'll receive Victorious Hauntling if you reached Gold or higher in one of the 2 Ranked stages. You'll also receive Triumphant Hauntling if you reached Gold or higher in both of the Ranked stages.

What does both ranked stages mean?

In the middle of the set there is a big gameplay update, partial ranked reset, and new pass. Thats the separation between stage 1 and stage 2.