Teamfight Tactics

Teamfight Tactics Dev Tracker

10 Dec



07 Dec

04 Dec


This is freakin hilarious. Love it!

01 Dec


Originally posted by Sampaikun

Its kind of a niche scenario. Let's say for example you're running brawlers and you have 2 2 star Tahm Kenches and then a chosen frog shows up. I could just take the chosen kench but I know I can get a better chosen later. I can use the bug and get three star kench really easily and still be able to get a better chosen later. I get to save gold and time while having a strong early game.

Even in that scenario, your bench had to be full enough to act on it.


Originally posted by Shagalags

It is exploitable as he pretty much hit 3 Zeds in his shop instantly, and is still able to get another chosen.

I guess...but at the cost of his 3 star being chosen...

Either way, we'll look into it.


Originally posted by AlmightyShacoPH

u/riot_mort please notice

So I just tested this. You are correct that a bug happens in that they merge to become 3-star and don't count as a chosen. Basically you miss out on the chance to have a 3-star chosen. Good bug find.

But how is this exploitable? If anything this seems like you're just punishing yourself...

23 Nov

22 Nov


This would ALMOST be perfect...except 1 costs at 7 are impossible...

20 Nov


Are you keeping 3 Fortune in for every loss? The value of the loss streak only increases when you have 3 Fortune in.

19 Nov


I'm sorry for your loss....

18 Nov


This thread is amazing.

06 Nov

26 Oct


Originally posted by Firstclassredhead

do you know where I can find that/what patch note? I can't find it anywhere and I even found a thread where /u/RiotBuddhaYang said it was a bug. riot's support page also says they're still supposed to be 100 shards each

Hey there! Sorry that you ran into this confusion.

We initially had a 100 Star Shard price point for for the Pass+ Little Legends. During the launch of Set 4, this was incorrectly priced at 150 Star Shards, which is the bug I was referencing above. This bug was fixed a few days after the launch of Set 4.

Afterwards, we made a decision to re-classify these Pass+ Little Legends back to the Legendary Tier that they were before. This change would change the Star Shard pricing back to the 150 Star Shard point that's consistent with all other Legendary LLs.

This change was done in the last patch, 10.21, and we put out a support article detailing this change here. I'll talk with some folks to make sure all of our support articles are updated with this new information.

... Read more

21 Oct


Originally posted by AusKeeds

Since the app keeps the mode last selected, it always has ranked being the selected mode whenever I open the app. It just happened to me again that when I got out of the game I didn’t see the lp increase and once back on the party page did I see that it said normal. However, when I went back to the homepage it showed ranked selected and I just had to press play again for the mode to change to ranked.

That's interesting. We'll look into that. Thank you!

20 Oct


Originally posted by succsuccboi

Nope, this was posted before Mortdog's tweet

I just saw this. Great minds I guess?

19 Oct


Originally posted by AusKeeds

Still happening, I never purposely select normal games but somehow I get put into them

What we assume is happening is that your queue state is being defaulted to normal, which happens when you can't get the eligibility requirements before you open the app.

We're removing that default state setting for patch 10.23, so it should not happen after that and should be based on the same system as before. When you open the app, can you keep an eye out for what queue is selected before you queue up and let me know if you see something out of the ordinary that doesn't match what I just said?

15 Oct


Originally posted by Woodchuckk

That was fast.

There's at least 2 Mystics on our team.


We have added this info to Chosen tooltip, and unless there's a serious bug or issue, it will go out in the next patch!

13 Oct


Originally posted by SpiritualRice2

So far so good no differences between what mode I queue up as and what the actual game mode was I will continue to keep an eye out and comment if it happens again If it does happen should I send game logs again? I also will try to screenshot each time I queue

Hey again!

Can I have your summoner name and region? I saw you added it on the logs name, but I can't find that name in NA.

If you're in NA, are you using non-riot login?