The Division 2

The Division 2 Dev Tracker

28 Nov


We also recommend purchasing the game and DLC through the same launcher, as the game may not recognize that you own the content. the Ubisoft Connect launcher does accept PayPal as Lodau pointed out, so that would be your best bet in getting your hands on the DLC!

27 Nov


Originally posted by Icarus1250

This applies to all PDR variants (including The Scalpel and Capacitor)

i think it was the test subject, not the scalpel

Correct, fixing!


I'm so happy to read this. I feel like this community excels at being there for you and being helpful like this.

Best of luck in New York, agent! Hope you enjoy the snow!

26 Nov


Could you link or DM me a screenshot of this? (inventory saying you have components but workbench and officers saying you haven't) I can send it to the team so they can have a look.


Great shot! Snapped at just the right moment.


Oh, the music and the visuals, it's such a simple combination but it really hits your feelings. Really good work, agent.

25 Nov


Hey! Are you using DX11 or DX12 when you play? If you are using DX12, I would recommend switching to 11, as that tends to be more stable.

24 Nov


Originally posted by QuebraRegra

respectfully, and not an attempt to create further consternation, but the negative community feedback on resources required for optimization was made abundantly clear. The UBI response was to the effect of "that's nice, but we're going it anyway".

Maybe not initially due to scheduling, etc., but do consider reviewing this further.

Completely fair. Though there are also those who dislike the Optimization Station just on principle, and don't want the entire system - to say nothing of the costs.

Me personally, I like to ask and hear that it's the same reason as others rather than not ask and just jump to my own assumptions.


The fact that there are points where the cats bopping aligns perfectly with the music make this that much better. If only my cat let me do this with her. xD


Originally posted by swift4010

Dealing damage isn't the only way to grab aggro, I've played enough tank to know what things play into the aggro algorithm. Proximity, line of sight, duration that you've had aggro, being in melee range, all can allow a tank to hold aggro. If you're the first person to shoot a shot in a room, and you don't ever lose line of sight on a target, you'll be able to hold that aggro well. I've held boss aggro in a crowd of 4 people all within 5 meters of him, because I had already been holding his aggro for a good while while my team cleared the room.

If you aren't careful, you can lose aggro, and it'll be very hard to get it back without walking up to them and giving them a slap, but if you know what you're doing, you can keep your team bullet-hole free!

Nice breakdown of the tank role - and really impressive display in the main post. Nicely done! Got chills when you had that singular armor break.


Originally posted by superdad0721

Forgot about increased inventory size. That will be nice. Opti station would probably be my least favorite

The Optimization Station is definitely a contentious topic already, both with the system overall and the nitty-gritty numbers behind it from the PTS. What makes it a least favorite for you?


Originally posted by Lodau

All the things, really.

But also afraid.
TU 11/Season 3 has been a shitshow.
I've had weeks that it was near impossible to play with the (un)skippable intro and other bugs, I've had godrolled mods turn into useless stats, and still no word on fixing those. I've been denied a bunch of apparel cache keys when they first said they would retroactively grant them, then said we would get EXTRA keys and it turned out that that was the "compensation", without an apology or explanation.
Ive been robbed from 10+ levels of double XP and other bugs where I haven't gotten a reply on my questions there from anyone on their official forums.

I'm still playing, I still enjoy the gameplay loop, but I haven't bought this seasons apparel keys or the season pass because of it, even if its not THAT expensive. I've spent my money elsewhere.

So yea, I like what I'm hearing about the content, but am scared.

Hey Lodau, what is your username and platform? Even though it's nearing the end of the Season, I still want to see if any of these issues can hopefully be redressed.


Originally posted by t3rm1nsel

On the season rewards track the previous manhunt missions become unlocked (toggle it like invaded missions). You can still get it running the mission that way. If you're not that high level, it will assuredly be available the same way next season too. (Jupiter mission was this way the last two seasons)

Yup! The Prime Target Missions for Hornet (Season 2) and Jupiter (Season 1) should be available from Season levels. Completing those missions will net you the skill variant rewards; the Repair Trap and EMP Sticky Launcher respectively.


Originally posted by Quenllian

Awesome! So this happens every first time looking into the clan, after login. Once in and out, it's fine for the rest of the session, till the next time I restart the game.

Thank you for the extra info! Passing it on to the team.


Originally posted by Quenllian

It just some sort of visual bug really but it gave me a few good scares at first for sure :)

Thank you for reporting this. I will absolutely forward this to the team so they can look into it.

But I can imagine the scare to log in and see this. Does it usually go back to normal after this notification?

23 Nov


(goosebumps won't go away *HONK*)


Woah! Who knew the entrance to the bowling alley on Coney Island could look so good!!

22 Nov


Originally posted by Lodau

I always thought is was just terribly heavy rain....

It is actually a dust storm! It has happened in real life, but that was back during the Dust Bowl period back in the 30's. :)