The Division 2

The Division 2 Dev Tracker

02 Sep

Hey Gravelmead, which bounties did this happen with and do you happen to recall the specific mission area or location that they got assigned to?
Originally Posted by III_Hammer_III
Take boss immunity, for example. Within the context of The Division's world, why and how does a boss become immune tp everything but my toon can't?
You can briefly become immune as a player with Vanguard.

There's definitely something that can feel weird when you're shooting into an enemy that looks just like you but bullets just bounce off. Tough dagrommit makes a good point that it serves a purpose for changing the gameplay as well. What other type of enemy behavior would similarly force re-prioritizing your targets, or require CC on a special big-bad for each of you without crossing the line that 'Immunity' seems to? ... Read more
    UbiT00n on Forums - Thread - Direct

To those affected could you please : check if you receive the next weekly cache and to record the process - in case the issue persists, video recordings would be a great help in the investigation.

We have looked into accounts which have been brought up, and they seem okay on our end, so we just need a little more information

Thank you

I would double-check that you have redeemed them in your current Ubisoft account by logging in on Ubisoft Club: (it's quite common to have a different account linked to a console account)

If they are unlocked on the Club but you can't find them in the Rewards Vendor in-game, do send a message to our Support Team so they can check what's wrong and maybe reset them so you can claim them again: ...

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We have gotten some reports about the Bulwark failing to work sometimes, we have notified the team so they can look into this issue.


Originally posted by bobemil

This is a great idea, I might have to print this and make him all pink and flowery cause I can!


When this happens, it's super useful for us if you share a video/ screenshot or known area of where this was happening. Was it in Washington/ New York?/ or was it one of the smaller islands ? Is this still happening for you?


We continue to investigate these and appreciate that you've reported this!

Would you be able to provide some of the following information so I can pass it on to the team who are looking into these?

  • Your Ubisoft ID.
  • Console version (pro, ssd, normal etc)
  • Where this happens (outside of the gunner research, certain difficulties, missions etc?)
    Situation: Potomac event center / Raid with 8 players from the same clan
  • What resolution you are using.
  • Are you using the Playstation Boost mode?

Thank you in advance for any information you can provide :)


Have you tried the following to download it :
• Visiting the UBISOFT STORE.
• Redeeming it on the GIVEAWAY PAGE.


This is fantastic!! Thanks for sharing bobemil!


Originally posted by digidomservq

But how one can delete the game from his Uplay? I looked around and it seems you can't...

If you're a little stuck, the best people to ask would be support:

01 Sep

    UbiFate on Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Rellytion
Well, I can't claim it to my account or simply uplay can't. I first tried to claim it through 'get the game' button on discover section, and then it started downloading, which is expected, right? But after I started the game, I realized that it is the trial version. Somehow I can't get it to activate it in my account. It only downloads trial version whenever I try that. There seems to be 2 versions of the game in my library, one of them is trial and I can't download the full game version since it leads me to the steam page of the game.

Ubi, get your stuff right.
I just checked on this for you! Looks like you have a couple versions on your acc... Read more
    UbiFate on Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by loganross5
I had this on a trial, so I've claimed it today for free on Uplay. Now, when i play it, it STILL says that it's the TRIAL version, playable for 6 hours. Playing it now, & still shows the trial countdown in the bottom left corner....

I've uninstalled it, reinstalled from the link on Uplay, but still says that it's a TRIAL version....
I just checked on your account and do see it, so you should be good! Just make sure you are launching the correct version, as the Trial and full game will show up as separate entities in your library IIRC.

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If Easy Anti Cheat is giving you grief, often times I find verifying the game files or performing a reinstall can sort it out.

Something that can trip EAC is if you have any RGB software, so disabling software related to it can also help. :)


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