The Division 2

The Division 2 Dev Tracker

30 Jun


Hey I know you have entered the issue on our forums, but have you tried to open a ticket so someone in our team can look at your case?


When you see them interacting with boxes in the area, shoot the boxes and light em up.


Hey, it is a bug and we are aware of it :)

As THEREBORNHELLSPAWN has stated, we are indeed testing a fix for this.


Now i'm having flashbacks to the movie "the sixth sense" :'(


We have another Rogue in the ranks :o

Nice tattoo agent!


Originally posted by Archaenis

That i am

Interesting, you may need to open a ticket with our support teams so they can look at why there seems to be an issue with your activation :O

I don't have the tools or knowledge to do this for you.

Hope this can be solved for you soon.


Originally posted by CrazySeb16

u/ChrisGansler please do you have any news on the Foundry Bulwark set NOT working on all platforms?

What is going on? The backpack and chest are dropping tomorrow but the talent is not even working and nobody talks about it!

I got no response on the ubisoft bug report forum, no response from the ticket I submitted to ubisoft support and still no update on the known issues list.

This situation confuses the hell out of me.

We have identified the visual bug and will have a fix for it in the next client update. We haven't been able to reproduce any cases where the effects are actually not working. If you have videos I can forward them to the team. Thanks!


Originally posted by VCrono

just sent it. let me know if you have any issues opening it, we can use a different website

thanks for reaching out, i appreciate it. i saw that thread as well. my computer has no restore points so, rip

Fantastic, that worked fine :) Thank you for sending this through Agent


Originally posted by InsaneXynN_YT

I am on PlayStation and my user is InsaneXynnYT. Thanks!

Brilliant, thank you! I'll follow up if we need any more info. :)


I've seen a couple players mentioning this! I can go ahead and add this to the report. What platform are you on? And what is your in-game username?

29 Jun


The servers will shut down for maintenance on Tuesday June 30th at 09:30 CEST, 03:30 AM EDT, 12:30 AM PDT.

Estimated downtime is approximately 3 hours.

Maintenance Notes:

  • Fixed an issue that caused the doors during "Break Through the Black Tusk Forces" to not open during the DARPA Research Lab Main Mission.
  • Allows us to open the Raid doors at 6 PM CEST, 12 PM EDT, 9 AM PDT.

Please follow this thread for any updates as the maintenance progresses.

Thank you for your patience,

/The Division Team

Originally posted by actioncomicbible

Will y'all release a list of the streamers that we can watch to get the Twitch drops?

When we can yes we are just finalizing some things first.


Oh interesting!

We saw a report of this a couple of weeks ago so it's good to see another case.

Would you possibly be able to send me a link to a DXDIAG of your PC specs in a DM please ?


Is your Agent level 30 and World Tier 5? These are the prerequisites you need before having access to New York.


This doesn't sound great, did you manage to upload the clip agent?