The Division 2

The Division 2 Dev Tracker

29 Apr


It's always really heartwarming to see the community so ready to help, especially with new players. 😊

28 Apr

    UbiBlush on Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by dagrommit
Nicely done.

Can one of the mods update the title to "Sources of crafting material" and get this added to the "Information websites for new players" thread?
That's a good idea! Doing that now
    UbiBlush on Forums - Thread - Direct
I will close this thread as it's clearly been derailed. I do advise to contact support directly with cheater reports and the link to the footage and they will investigate it and direct it to the team that can apply sanctions.

27 Apr


Ooh, love the perspective of this!


I have some personal news to share with you all today. This will be my final week at Ubisoft as I will be moving on to a new adventure elsewhere.

The Division�s community will always mean a lot to me, having spent the last 4 years of my professional life working with The Division and The Division 2 in community roles. The creativity and passion of this community is something which is truly remarkable, and it has been an absolute pleasure interacting with you both online and in person over the course of these past years.

A new Community Developer will be joining the team at Massive in the future, and until then you are in the good hands of the rest of The Division�s community team.

Thank you for all the great memories!


Johan Lindholm
Community Developer

If you launch the game from the Epic launcher, then that definitely would be an Epic copy of the game, which means the DLC would not work properly if you purchase it on Ubisoft Connect.

Your best bet would be to either purchase the DLC on Epic to ensure everything works


Purchase the WONY edition of the game on Connect for the discounted rate. If you do that, you will be able to launch the game from Connect directly and still maintain your save file, as it will be through the same Ubisoft connect account.

If you would like more clarity on what version you own, you can contact the Support team ...

Read more

Everyone has a special game where, no matter how long its been, will always bring back wonderful memories.

Division 1 is definitely up there. :)


We all have that one friend who just pulls out a random fact out of nowhere.

Some facts are more concerning than others...

26 Apr


I have seen another thread describing this issue and I have already raised this with the team so they can look into it. Thank you all for the information and workarounds in the comments.


I will raise this with the team. If you (or anyone affected) have any video showing this issue, it would be super helpful if you could link it here. Thank you!


Getting a little toasty in there, huh!

25 Apr

We want nothing more than to resolve this, however finding the underlying cause has proven difficult.
Hence we appreciate videos showing gameplay shortly before and during when the issue happens: so we can try to isolate under which conditions this occurs.

It could be multitude of reasons relating to anything from location, gear, sequence of actions, specific gear etc.

I appreciate the workarounds and suggestions already given, and if you have videos please forward them to support or post the links here
We are continuing to look into this particular issue, we are aware that it has been going on for some time sadly.

Videos of the occurrences (as well as the time before it happened) would be incredibly helpful to the team

24 Apr


Originally posted by Wbradb10

Thank you. I will see if uninstalling the update will help.

Let us know if rolling back the update helps! I've seen one or two posts regarding performance specifically and this update has been mentioned.

23 Apr


Do you have the Warlords of New York DLC? If so, NY will be your next stop. :)


You'll find it's quite common! There are a good amount of build examples here, which include more damage focused ones. There are plenty of other great Red Build examples floating around the subreddit. :)