

14 Dec

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

So, this is an answer to your question, and you can take the same concepts and stretch them out to Unicum DD/BB/Cruiser/whatever play.

I don't thinking reducing player capability is something that's an easy decision to make, so please understand this is academic in nature.

Recognize what the differences are, and then try to reduce the performance gap. This can also be called "Normalization" as it's bringing outliers in to a more normal center.

A Unicum/High-End player is going to have 2 main advantages: Decision-Making and Specialized Skill

First, Specialized Skill:

What is this? It's an ability to do very specific things with a high or exetreme amount of talent. This could be dodging, aiming, mechanics manipulation, and other outlier-esque situations

Flak: Some super-unicum CV drivers can avoid all, or nearly all flak. This is a Skill Check, in t...

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    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ok folks. The bar has been open long enough. Time for the punch-drunk fun to come to an end.

I'm going to bed after babysitting this thread for over 13 hours to prevent snarling death fighting.

I'm going to lock this to prevent World War CV from erupting while I sleep tonight. :p Please save it for whenever the next thread pops up next time.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

It's worth pointing out that CVs have the lowest battle count on the chart. It's not surprising to see they have the most "float".

It's not like the data in damage/xp/whatever isn't valuable, but the Win Rate portion is hard to take seriously because of the mirror'd matchmaker. Technically other ships can vary in queue dumps, but not CVs.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Time of death stated is:

a) Before the end of the battle.
b) Not during the battle.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

What would bad play have to do with loss of data?

Some games don't get tracked, some profiles are blocked, some profiles are so low in battles as to not be recorded on some sites. There's a variety of reasons for "error" to cause some float in the data.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

"Survived" column is "Survived the battle"

CVs in your table lived to the end of the battle in 65% of match events recorded. Other classes were 30-33.5%

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm just going off the stats you provided. It's raw Class stats, and CVs are mirrored. You'll notice all the other winrates were near 50% as well.

It's likely some varied player information wasn't tracked to a small percentage.

Blowout or not, 5 minute match or not, the other classes die twice as much. It's perfectly reasonable to recognize less CV death equates to more time not being dead.

Also, there is a fundemental difference between a CV that gets 80k damage over 15 minutes, and a surface ship which deals 80k damage in the first 6 minutes of the game before dying. The latter damage sticks and is relevant for a greater portion of the match.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Video is up. HD is still rendering.

Raw Link: https://youtu.be/9akQlVC-Sq0

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

No. Giving the perspective of what the CV sees in the terms of target selection and reading into how to move to mitigate.

Hopefully it's helpful. I think I was able to give some useful information. I'm tired, but I've been doing this for years at this point~

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Your stat picture showed CVs with a 60+% survival rate while the other classes had 30ish%.

Are you seriously going to pick a fight on a hill that says living until the end of the match more consistently doesn't have a relationship to having more time on average being alive? This seems a weird hill to fight on.

The arguement that the "they live longer" folks are making is that living longer means more time to secure a base level of damage or XP, as opposed to the more volatile ship classes that result in twice as much death.

Also, you mention CV's have the highest winrate. That doesn't make sense as CVs are always mirrored. If one CV wins, the other loses.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Review video is uploading. 10-15 minutes. high-res takes a while, but low-res is functional enough to watch.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please create less monsters. This monster has had me stuck to a computer performing moderation duties for... about 12 hours straight at this point~

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, World of Warships is an attrition-based game model, so the damage/trades have much more significance down the line. MOBAs are much swingier.

Not sure about your playstyle and how to assist, but I do anti-CV tactic replay reviews for free. Your profile shows you play CVs, so I don't expect there's a lot to learn from what I have to teach, but there are more tricks and concepts to use then most have sat around trying to develop. If you have a situation you'd like a second set of eyes on, please send me a replay. Worst case, if there's something extremely problematic I can kick it up the chain and see if it'll be a useful example of an issue to address.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I think you should watch more top-laners in League~ The amount of rage and hate that a camping Jungler can bring about is quite high.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

So, a few things. Clan Battle maps are smaller, so it's less about having AA ships stacked on top of each other and more about having them take positions with 3-4 km distance between them. This gives you a "frontline" in terms of AA which has to be dealt with to break-through and find attack angles. Gaps in "frontline" can be covered with Fighter drops that staticly plug holes.

More diverse CVs like the Midway and Hakuryu have broadside torps and bow-in bombs, so it's harder to block the multiple angles which guarantees that some of the damage will penetrate through to your team. The planning phase comes around having positions where bombs alone can wound, but not cripple ships badly enough to see them removed off the board singlehanded.

The next thing to consider is using Aerial Cover to spread CV damage around, instead of letting it hard focus a single target. Just like rotating ships out between heal cooldowns and spreading damage out ...

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    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Negate isn't a bad word. It describes erasing the threat, which is not realistic in many situations.

Ultaimtely AA is treated like the other ship statistics. Some ships have good armor, others good speed, others good guns, and other good AA. Some ships have AA on them, but as it's not the focal point of the design it's more "functional" than "exceptional". This can be frustrating because when you have a game where there is no CV, the lack of AA strength has no bearing on ship performance... but it absolutely matters when a CV is present.

The Musashi is an extreme example of a Very powerful Tier 9 when no CV is present, and a babysitter-required liability when a CV is present.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'll link you a video I did regarding countering Russian CV.

Two things: I talk slow, so x2 speed is your friend, and it's aimed for general audience so I realize it won't be high end gripping entertainment.

In the latter half/third of the video, there's a description of attack lines, ship spacing, and fighters. Please check it out and then get back to me.

Raw Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGZpEBEl6gI

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct


A few points you should understand when talking with El2aZeR.

1) He does not see plane loss as mattering, because he does not believe plane loss can be expected to reach critical levels. This is not something you will convince him of, because he will simply say that the CV player should play correctly. Or that even "bad" CV players can't lose enough planes to reach this condition.

2) He does not believe flak is a threat. He has played enough that while he does occasionally encounter flak damage, it's rare enough that it's shown as a non-factor to him. See again about playing correctly and how even "bad" CV players don't lose enough planes to reach a critical condition.

3) He does not believe there is a way to stop a CV strike. While he knows there are mathmatical situations that prevent strikes, the ability for the CV to strike something else negates the issue and keeps the CV relevant regardless.

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    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is quite possible. Worth noting that strong players tend to think if terms of "If X, then Y threatens" when evaluating choices/tactics and before making moves. As a CV has the potential to threaten nearly anything, that calculation easily comes up OP as it's always in the Threat column.

The part that fails to bear out is that the CV is a single Threat, meaning that while it is a Threat in one place, it is not anywhere else. Active Threat vs Potential Threat is important in weighing the calculations on pushes, moves, takes, etc.

Unfortunately, the common rhetoric ascribes CVs the ability to fly at incredible, near teleportational speeds and be an Active Threat in all places at once, which causes decision paralysis in higher-order players. This is hard to put into context to a strategist that isn't familiar with planning on exploiting timings and attack lines that limit a CV.

Looking to control/deny the aerial space i...

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    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

You can listen to the podcast yourself. This was hosted by TNG after the conclusion of Season 9.
