

11 Dec

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I agree with this request~ It is done!

10 Dec

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

In actuality, you received 6 ships.

The Santa's Big Container lists a 9% drop chance for the combined Ship Groups. 10% (6 out of 60) of your containers yielded ships~

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Supership Tokens are only good for redeeming Supership games. There's no Credits or whatever given for ones you don't end up using.

Use 'em or lose 'em!

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

That's a seperate issue, but we've also given an update on that a few months ago.

We've been working on AI Tools that had to be updated post-CV Rework and such. The good news is, when the Tools are finished, it'll be easier to use that to work on old Operations and potentially new ones.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

You can (and will) keep asking, but we can't comment on stuff that's still in process. So unfortunately you'll hear various versions of our inability to say anything.


That being said, she's confirmed on our Roadmap. That means she's been officially placed as a task to be done for all our various teams. Granted, she's scheduled out many months or more for some of our teams, but she's there just like every other ship that goes through our 2-year long asset creation process.

The problem that happened with her before is that she never made it into the official process. She was held back to be done another day because X thing had to be finished, or Y thing had to be finished. That kept happening for too long of a time.

Since three months ago, she has her official slot on our timeline.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I used -15% Fire/Flood Duration.

She responds well to Rudder already and feels remarkably light on her toes with the Engine Boost engaged.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

From three months ago: https://blog.worldofwarships.com/blog/200

This is the "IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR THE COMMUNITY" in which we laid out our intentions for the future.

The West Virgina '44 is mentioned in the Feedback section:


The average timeframe for bringing a ship into the game is surprisingly long. All told, it tends to be around 2 years in research, asset fabrication, game design implementation and test, art, and then actual rollout.

As you can see, the time stated is for 2023, which is in line with a full creation.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

The Magical Mystery Door stays SHUT! Away with your prying eyes!


In truth, there's nothing to tease.

Typically CCs will be able to announce things earliest once they come near to the end of NDA. It helps to give our CCs some hype! and clicks! and ENGAGEMENTS!

You can CLICK on their Streams and ENGAGE in their CHAT to ask your penerating questions to them <3

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

https://clips.twitch.tv/BloodyNimbleTapirAllenHuhu-mHGlsQYjt1gOCKxT is one I have pinned in my Discord.

As for others, Maredraco did one live on stream.

Also, I believe Potato Quality has some videos where he juked Sub torps multiple times. This was pre-homing torp nerf, too.

You're going to have to do the research on that. I teach mechanics so that people can use the knowledge to up their game.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Chat bans can occur in one of two ways.

1) You've repeatedly said words that even folks in another country realize aren't things folks should say. Why? Because folks in another country helped create the word-list of things you should not say.

Take note of that. Try to not say things that are obviously not ok.

2) Someone reported you directly and a Customer Support rep personally looked into the situation. If they decided it needed to happen, that's a person saying to you, "This is a problem. This is not ok."

Take note of that. Try to not say things that are obviously not ok.


As for coming onto the forums and expecting folks to cheer your behavior... you won't find it. People don't want to read garbage in chat.

While you may feel in your heart that your one innocent line from your OP couldn't be the straw that broke the camel's back... you're correct. Chat bans...

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    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Unfortunately, the change was quite last minute :\ While it might seem like we could just jump in and change the date, there's actually a team of people that have these things scheduled out in advance.

Apologies for the miscommunication, but this was just one of those things that pops up from time to time :(

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

So, two things to know about the official channel drops:

1) They are active for ALL Official Channel Streams. Stream in Russian? Drops work. Stream in English? Drops work. Stream in... anything? Drops work!
So, if you're a few minutes out from finishing your drop, you can certainly stop into ANY other Official Stream throughout the week and finish it up.

2) We're having a 24 hour Charity stream tomorrow, so ALL THE DROPS YOU CAN EAT. Plus, there are additional drops enabled for the duration of the Charity stream, so you'll be able to finish what you started AND get more stuff!

09 Dec

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Keep it civil, folks.


If you aren't aware of how to avoid Submarine Torpedoes, please feel free to check out this video which describes the mechanics involved.

Raw Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1hL9yioEF0

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yep! 5p CST/ 6p EST

Our office is in Central Time <3

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct


Tonight your NA Community Team has prepared a fine meal of a stream~

For starters, we've some Gameplay interspersed with Patch Notes and Dockyard Banter...

The meat (meme?) of the meal comes served from Lord_Zath, a lesson covering IJN Destroyers Hatsuharu, Akizuki, and Harugumo.

As dessert, we've a introduction to one of our North American Community Contributors~


The Mess will be prepared at 5pm CST!

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Wednesday's stream got pushed to today :( There was an issue with patch stuff that needed to be sorted!

Tonight's going to have Lord_Zath with us to talk about IJN Gunboat Destroyers as well as normal Boggzy/Ahskance fun~

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Given your preferences, I'd say:

Ragnar for Steel. She's very capable and can imitate some Russian Kiting Gunboat style. She's different, but it might be close enough that your skills will transfer well.

Pommern for Coal. She's a lot of fun, and the Torps are great if they stay intact throughout a head-on charge. The main guns aren't a high point, but they're consistent against cruisers.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Send me a message.

I'd be up for some over-the-shoulder Discord assistance for your Great Journey to 50%!

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

While raising cost would lower potential buyers, having something which is inherently not correct in terms of balance is still a problem.

"Old Smolensk" could have 19km range and IFHE with a 6% base fire chance.

"Current Smolensk" has a 16km max range and 4% base fire chance with IFHE

If "Old Smolensk" was released for twice the steel or coal, it would still be an actively unhealthy situation to deal with. While you might only see a few, the outsized impact would be VERY noticeable. This would also stray towards "Pay-to-Win" garbage, which is death for any credible game.


GAAS (Games As A Service) is about constant content addition and iteration. Metas change and situations alter. Balancing, especially in an asymmetrical game, is incredibly important and will be an ongoing stuggle throughout the entire life of any "living" game.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you to everyone whose put in their thoughts on this. In reading over it all, a few points are brought up repeatedly.

The USS Black was hard to obtain and has few battles played. She's likely only strong because of the players that went through the process of attaining her.

Concern over nerfing Premium/Steel ships.

Re-releasing her for Steel and leaving her as she was.

Black was offered as a Steel ship, but wasn't seeing enough interest from the playerbase with that hard-to-obtain currency. Ships are made to be played and sailed~

When the decision was made to move some of the lesser valued Steel ships to Coal, each ship was reviewed. Coal is a much more readily available resource, so more players will be expected to attain the ships. Black was found to be overperforming even in the hands of average skilled players and needs to be adjusted. Choices made for the health of the game ar...

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