

17 Dec

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

There are multiple definitions of OP. Typically OP is used more in reference of something that wins because it's too powerful to lose. At least in the older sense. The term gets thrown around a lot these days.


What I'm saying is...

If average players don't make the Thunderer OP, then only good players do.

If good players are OP in the Thunderer, then she SHOULD outperform other choices the players could make. Kremlin, Bourgogne, Ohio, and others. However, her Strengths and Weaknesses are actually in balance enough to make a veteran player stop and consider the options... because the other ships might be the better tool for the job.

In this sense, I'm pointing out the "OP" is easy to say, but it's shown in actual practice that even unicum players see other "weaker" ships as strong or stronger then Thudnerer given context.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

The issue with that is there isn't a mechanism for a single redemption. The only way to do that would be crediting every player with enough Doubloons or Commander XP to cover a single Respec. However, there's no way to make sure it's used for that purpose.

So it's a much more involved thing than just flipping a switch and making it happen.

We did give away 3 Premium Containers to everyone, which is easily 1.5+ million dollars in "value" as compensation to the playerbase worldwide.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

It's a sensible line of logic. The problem is when you take something strong and watch it fail to perform, repeatedly. If it's strong, but mostly not used well... is it a "threat that needs to be removed?"

If the majority of actual results are lackluster, but the ship is spammed in battle after battle, then it's more a population issue than performance.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

How many days do you feel the respec should last? In case some folks are offline for a week or three?

Do they affect all classes? One?

Are they limited in scope, or is this an infinite thing for a bug that was fixed in days?

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Followup question that I actually had a long discussion over. It with a clanmate of mine, Dastert.

"Is the Thunderer so strong as to be the only viable choice for competitive/clan battles?"

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

So I'll ask again.

Is it a bad thing for a strong player to have a good game? Is a ship OP just because strong players can make them perform well?

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sure, as a frontman with the company, I'm expected to convey company positions. Just as I'm expected to relay community positions back to the company.

It's an interesting middle-position where you have one foot in both worlds. It's very tiring :D

As for this thing, there's no value or benefit to not just saying, "She's too strong, so we pulled her". No shareholder meetings, no global breakdown of trade. There's no downside to just stating, "She was shelved because of X"

I'm weirded out that this has to be framed as some conspiracy or something. It's really pretty straightforward. Thunderer and Smolensk were called OP, purchased by a large audience via Coal, and then pulled.

The battle performance led to cries of OP, which led to purchases, which led to overpopulation, and then to shelving.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Why would someone need to lie to me, when they could just tell me the truth instead? Especially when it's over something as basic as why a ship is shelved?

Note: The person I spoke with is known and loved by even those that are quite upset with Wargaming in general. In short, they don't lie.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I recall that announcement had multiple reasons listed for the ships that were being removed, not just a catch-all of "Popularity".

Smolensk was available for quite a while.

I literally had a conversation where it was explained how it wasn't about the performance of the ship, but about the amount of them in the game. 2 and 3 in game after game was frustrating to players. Data showed it wasn't the ship itself being the problem, but the amount of them the player ran across on average. One Smol can be annoying enough, but 2-3 a game certainly stands out in the mind.

So, this begs an interesting question.

Is it not ok for a good player to have good games? If a ship only does well in the hands of a good player, does that mean it's broken if it does well when they use it?

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Smalland is certainly strong, there's not a debate in that. But you'll also notice how quickly Smalland's availability changed.

Smolensk and Thunderer were available for quite a while past the day they were deemed "OP" to the general audience.

Why did folks buy the ships? Because everyone shouted OP! High-end players doing that really does have a significant effect on players that aren't sure of what to purchase next.

Number and figures showed Smol/Thunderer players weren't somehow magically making things happen because of the ship. However, they were queue'ing up in the ship a lot. Matches often had several a game, which ultimately shortens general variety and encourages taking them off the shelf to open things back up.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Just to put this out there. Smolensk and Thunderer weren't removed for overperforming. They were removed due to popularity. IE: So many people bought them because "They're OP" that you'd find them in lots of matches. For the sake of variety, they were removed to help get matches back to a more interesting mix of ships.

While they excel in the hands of high-end players, high-end players number in the 5% or so of the playerbase, so it really doesn't go as far as you might think.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello, Commanders!

Public Test Server Version 0.10.10 is live! Patch notes here: https://worldofwarships.com/en/news/public-test/public-test-0110/

Please leave feedback below!
Any bugs you encounter in the PTS can be reported here

Thank you!

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct


If you encounter any bugs or technical issues during the Public Test 0.10.11 session, feel free to report it in this thread.

Please follow this template for submitting bugs.

Description: Short description of an issue with required details.
Example: spotting-aircraft doesn't work on Iowa battleship

How to reproduce: Exact steps need to be made to reproduce the issue
Example: Take Iowa battleship with spotting-aircraft equipped. Go in battle. Try to launch spotting-aircraft

Result: What's the result of the issue.
Example: after pressing spotting-aircraft activating button you can hear an aircraft sound but nothing happens, the aircraft stands still.

Thank you!

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

It is remarkably hard since friendly fire was disabled. Still, my response was more of a "this happens sometimes."

I remember the first time I turned Pink on accident and I was worried I'd be banned or something, so I know the feeling.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

The first time you accidently go Pink is always the hardest~

Things happen sometimes. Torps go astray and catch a teammate or your connection gets weird. You'll get a penalty and your name will turn pink for a match of two. Just go ahead and play normally and your name will return to normal~

16 Dec

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Unfortunately, I'm not about to write in another language :(

Still, this post should help explain the Tree Event:

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Love them or hate them, knowing how they work helps in dealing with them.

This is a very basic introductory video (that was recorded prior to the Rocket Delay Rework). It covers the basics in easy-to-understand concepts.

Raw Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0d6hcgqNBJ4&

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Timers don't often round up. 3.9 days left will show as "3 days".

When you fall below 1 day remaining, you get the Hours displayed instead of "1 day"

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Our next stream is slated for the 22nd.

Also, remember that any stream on the main channel awards drops. If another region streams for their audience, the Twitch Drop doesn't care if it's in your preferred language or not.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is true, and identifying issues is extremely helpful. However, the coding for an update can take months, so it's not easy to simply alter things in a week or two.

Here's a different way to think about the Commander Rework issues:

1) Issues identified in testing/PTS. Noted for observation
2) Patch is live, Issues stay Issues, but data is needed for tuning.
3) Data Collection process underway, ~2 months of data gives a good basis for re-balancing. Alter skill or replace skill?
4) 3-5 Months of coding/iteration/integration. Re-enters wide-form testing.
5) Eval'd and goes live.

So remember, the Commander Rework happened in the Beginning of January. So on this time table...
a) roughly 2-3 months go by for data collection
b) then 3-5 months go by for changes/coding
c) then it goes live
Commander Rework happened in January, and the changes hit around August/September.

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