

22 Jan


The callout for unique items is in the top right of the tooltip now, "Crit Multiplier" for IE & Navori and "Spellblade" for Triforce/Iceborn/Lich Bane. You're right that Void and Cryptbloom are missing that indicator and we need to fix that, also appreciate the feedback that it's too difficult to notice these.

18 Jan


It's only the tooltip that is wrong, that happens with micropatches sometimes. We might not be able to fix the tooltip until 14.3 but the buff is there.

17 Jan


Originally posted by mikael22

Auberaun, what ever happened to the high mmr manual moderation in NA trial? I tried searching for updates on that and couldn't find any updates in over a year.

Coulda sworn I posted something somewhere. Anyway, summary was that the methodology was to have agents manually looking at the most reported players per games played, since there's no reasonable way to actually just watch every high MMR game unprompted. In that order the accounts would be reviewed. What we found was that there are truly not that many accounts that grief on a consistent basis meaning, having a pattern of being reported in most matches they play and verifiably trolling, i.e. low hanging fruit. After those, we did apply a number of chat penalties and account locks for accounts that looked compromised, but didn't find a lot of cases where bans were appropriate. There's probably a few reasons for this:

  • Players will report other people they disagree with or are frustrated by, even if those players aren't doing anything that's bannable by our standards.
  • Some players won't report because they forget, don't care enough, or lack faith in the system.
  • ...
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Good point, it'll be Zeal and Rectix in 14.2 :)

16 Jan


Originally posted by MisterGicasa

Hi devs, by widening the toplane, illaoi’s tentacles get less interaction during trades and farming unless it is under tower. Do you plan to do something to help her a bit?

Yes we are planning to look at Illaoi


Originally posted by TurtleEpic

Hi, my main question is when will the support item be hotfixed? It's way too easy to abuse the item and will affect comp/pro if not fixed soon no?

Also is there any intention of ever adding VC to the game?

When will Vanguard be added to league? (already seen a few scripters)

We're not planning any more balance hotfixes for 14.1 but are looking at the support item today for 14.2, will probably be taking a swing at stacking multiple of them.

28 Dec


Originally posted by redcountx3

That's a brilliant counterpoint to the strengths and rather wide differences between them.

Matchmaking hasn't substantially changed in a while. Visual ranks have.


Originally posted by redcountx3

How about revert matchmaking to s8?

nostalgia stronk

12 Dec


This'll be gone in 14.1 :)

10 Nov


Originally posted by Carpet-Heavy

ok and how did it solve dodging in any way? previously, dodge abusers intelligently used their 3 dodges per day to avoid the 3 worst lobbies (or drafts).

now, we intelligently use our 3 dodges per day to avoid the 3 worst drafts. dodge abusers are going to max out at 3 either way. which, btw takes even more time in champ select to see the full draft as opposed to dodging right away once you see the op.ggs. so it's actually wasting more time lol.

Well, dodging has gone down quite a bit since the change was shipped, so it did something.

03 Nov


Originally posted by Thrownaway124567890

Please do not remove more pings, especially useful ones like MiA.

I'm not implying that, more like there's opportunities to do some smarter stuff - for example it's probably reasonable to assume that dropping 6 MIA pings on an ally's head who didn't just pull off a crazy play are probably not helpful, and so we could do something about that. I think the MIA ping is super useful to be clear, and the negative framing of "what are you doing?" is very different in severity from the bait ping's "go die".


Originally posted by Hoshiimaru

What is the point of this when MIA pings are still spammeable btw?

Agree there are more opportunities there. Removing the bait ping was a good initial step given what it got turned into.


Originally posted by DrawingsMakeMeHard

does anyone at riot consider adding voice chat?

Yep, this is the most recent statement on it I think.


Originally posted by MaximumShady

Could you guys look into adding alive pings back for higher elos? Communications made through these pings are a huge part of communicating teamfights. Deathtimers, sweeper pings and ult pings especially.

I understand that you guys want the gaming experience for casual players to be less toxic, but in competitive elos people do not care about stuff like spam pings.

We are looking to restore some contextual uses of the scoreboard pings for everyone, yeah! I would just caution that a lot of the generalizations around

in competitive elos people do not care about stuff like spam pings

Are very anecdotal assumptions and not as true in reality as I've seen the internet think it is.


Originally posted by Frontiers_

The reason has to be that people would naturally just swap over to ult pings once they realized that alive pings were private. It is just the natural evolution and they wanted to get ahead of it.

^ Yeah this is the answer. A principle we're trying to adhere to is that nothing is persistently pingable so it doesn't just become a substitute for the alive ping. We are planning to restore some contextual uses of the scoreboard pings though - for example it's reasonable and constructive to say "Wait 10s for Malphite ult before we fight" but it doesn't help anyone to spam ping that Malphite whiffed their ult right after it was fired or died without using it, they really don't need you to tell them that they made a mistake.


Originally posted by [deleted]


I'll just mention I already addressed this narrative here. Changes like this are generally approved, planned, implemented, and tested by a variety of people more than a few days before they go live.


Originally posted by Divine_Platypus

just today there was a clip of agurin tried to get assistance while having his pings blocked, wasn't very fun to look at and he is not the person to flame/spam ping someone. So maybe leviate the penalties a bit?

Yep we decided on Monday to revert the ping lockout timer increase and that'll be in 13.22, the original increase was included in the original 13.19 changes but missed patch notes, sorry.

01 Nov


Nah, I move camera with WASD and abilities on 1-2-3-4. It's habit at this point but I think it's a bit more optimal than moving camera with mouse because your mouse never really has downtime in League (aiming, movement, prepping positioning) whereas your keyboard hand has a ton of downtime if all you're using it for are abilities/items/etc.

25 Oct


Originally posted by jason_caine

I guess I'm curious how much longer things would take if the load balancing was either shifted to off roll/autofill people less or was just gone outright. I understand if you can't give an answer without giving away your internal data, but how significantly do those features tend to reduce queue times in average elo or norms?

The simulation hasn't been run in a while but I think it was something like ~4x longer queues, which also doesn't account for the people who'd say "forget this I'm going to go play a different game" who don't get to that point.


Originally posted by NullyG

What pings are we losing in 2024? Is someone gonna hurt your fragile ego again with these scary fellas "????" Pathetic.

This is a weird narrative, if you were to go through my match history because I play League regularly (or anyone else's) and find times where I had a bad game any time since the scoreboard pings were introduced you'd find games where I got spam pinged. Devs here don't make changes because of ego, we do it with consideration to data and the actual experience players are having.