25 Jan


Originally posted by sHORTYWZ

/u/bex_ggg - any update on the master missions not populating? I'm in the same boat as the poster from last week - have progressed in maps all the way to T16 (187 maps to date) and have not received a single master mission (unless I have explicitly summoned them) since Maven has become available.

No updates yet but definitely still on my radar.

22 Jan


Originally posted by the_kucher

180 maps is a tiny irrelevant sample size

jokes aside ive seen some people saying random missions not showing on maps for them

edit: part about 180 maps was a joke reply to first comment to this post

180 is statistically an extremely unlikely streak of bad luck. Technically possible but I’m dubious about it.


Originally posted by kfijatass

Hey u/bex_ggg , would you mind verifying this in your leisure ?

Yeah, certainly sounds curious. I’ll ask the team to check when we resume on Monday (NZ).

Side note: it’s super satisfying to see a report like this with vigilant/tracking and numbers. Kudos to the OP.

21 Jan


Originally posted by Chima82

Perhaps this will give GGG opportunity to then hire outside NZ as no candidates are readily available within?

The main reason we can't do this right now is because our borders are closed. We frequently hire from the global pool of talent.


Rather than having a skeleton crew for 2 days right after launch, why not have half crew work Saturday & half on Sunday.

This part actually means less people each day. By 'skeleton crew' we mean, developers whose roles are paramount in an emergency. Sys admins, web devs, QA, a few programmers etc. There's no need to, for example, drag artists who are currently on Path of Exile 2 in for launch weekend.

20 Jan

19 Jan


Checking. Edit: Things should have recovered now. Early investigations suggest this was a brief network error.


Originally posted by WhoIsSirjigglesworth

Will the console countdown screen be adjusted to match the time posted here or is it still accurate and the time posted here is wrong?

The news post was incorrect and has been updated. The countdown should be correct.


Originally posted by Enartloc

I mean we've been complaining about uber trials for like 2 years now, don't know what "feedback" is needed extra, it's obviously the devs don't feel it's an issue.

It's like allies cannot die or proximity shields, we post about them for years complaining to no avail. Would be easier to tell the playerbase to "deal with it" rather than this endless fake "we are looking into it".

Some of the dev decisions at GGG border on irrationality, so it's a bit weird you guys complain about the worst in the community when some devs seem hell bent on bringing the worst out.

I've been playing this game since 2011, i had burning ground killing my fps for 6 years before it got fixed when it could have simply gotten disabled as a map mod until changed, i'm jaded at this point.

With the Allies Cannot Die feedback, I've been clear that we're not planning to remove it. I'm not sure what else I can say that you'd appreciate. I understand there's parts of the game that may not appeal to everyone but it's impossible to make 100% of the people happy 100% of the time.


Originally posted by [deleted]


This comment is an example of why I haven't replied to this issue yet. When there's nothing report it's sort of a lose/lose situation between communicating that and not communicating that.


Originally posted by d2a_sandman

Oooohh. That explains it. The hideout looks really amazing.

Any chance players who found it can retroactively unlock it? Or would we need to find it again?

Unfortunately, probably not.


Originally posted by aemerzelis

/u/bex_ggg Can you and the team please look into this:

(to summarize, this thread is about rhe fact that it feels like the "right" way to maximize tribute/map is counterintuitive and backwards. Also, what does and doesn't affect tribute/ritual is far from clear)

I'm not trying to demand an answer, I would just like to understand the design intent better. "we'll look into that" would be more than enough.

I read this thread at the time but the comments dissuaded me from raising it with the developers.


Originally posted by d2a_sandman

Any news on players not being able to unlock the new primeval hideout?

Felt really awful to find the hideout and not be able to unlock it

This was meant to be a surprise for 3.14 but we were a little over enthusiastic to get them out so to speak. Having said that, we're going to complete the remaining work sooner so that they should be usable.


Originally posted by alexthealex

Have you guys seen much feedback on Harvest core implementation beyond the crafts that are understandably unavailable in hideout? I generally like it quite a bit, especially with the Atlas skill tree. That said, maximum 10 stored feels really limiting on very valuable crafts.

I know that you have to strike a balance on stored crafts that prevents turning every league into Harvest 2.0, but has there been any consideration on further iteration in future leagues? I feel like max 30 crafts would feel really good. Perhaps with a second and third bench being unlocked by defeating all T4 harvest monsters and Oshabi respectively?

IMO that would give a bit of a sense of progress for committing to the mechanic beyond just RNG on what spawns and the Atlas buffs.

Yes, we're keeping track of feedback about this.


Originally posted by axiezai

Are we just going to ignore all the problems with uber lab trials?

We're aware of the feedback around this but I don't have any updates to provide.


Originally posted by IsleOfOne

/u/Bex_GGG Has this one found its way onto your radar? It's all over the bug report forums as well. Really impactful bug.

Yes, it's known to us.


Originally posted by FrostshockFTW

Interesting that almost all of the Ritual-specific feedback in this post is "we've acknowledged this and decided not to do anything about it."

I think I actually agree with the things they've decided aren't worth the effort to change. The mechanic as launched works pretty much flawlessly so I'd rather they focus their development effort on other stuff. It can take a while to find all the ritual sites in acts compared to maps but on annoying layouts you can just...not do that.

This is assuming that map-level rituals actually generate enough tribute to defer Fated Connections and other very expensive items that aren't quite at Headhunter levels of rarity.

Note that the main Ritual feedback was to add the counter so that it's always visible. We introduced that yesterday so it's not featured in that particular section.


Originally posted by Ubiquity97

Any possibility to make it so we can just use the invisible buff effect mtx for phasing in general? So that those who like it can have it and those who don't can hide all sources of it.

It feels wrong to ask people to pay to see microtransactions they already paid for.


Originally posted by Co-Median

disabling the phasing visual effect for the Ascendancy class notables that have thi

Make it optional pls, i really like it.

In our internal discussion about this, one of the first ideas raised was a toggle and it was decided against. I’ll raise it again just in case we have a shot of getting it through, but it’s worth preparing for a no.