

22 Mar

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Join us for Wednesday's NA Community Stream where we SPOTLIGHT: Pensacola! Vote on next week's ship you'd like to Spotlight and we'll show you how to play it! We also get ready for this weekend's Bounty event - ROGUE ROUNDUP! Come join us and have some fun!

5pm CDT!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you for giving us more specifics about this
For the sake of furthering this discussion to it's next logical level, I'm going to request even more specifics about points #1 and #2, because I think this is getting somewhere good.

#1: Preserve the historical identity of a ship

No Argument here! I completely agree and this is a no-brainer. Where we come into disagreement is the scale. You and I disagreed over San Diego's proposed AA suite since she was, historically, an AA picket ship. To me, a picket ship is something that has the highest reach over the most allies to act as an AA escort to a group of ships, not just 1. San Diego as proposed has the second-highest long-range DPS and flak count of any T8 cruiser, second only to P.Bagration. To me - that means it can project more assistance to more ships than anything other than P.Bag. That rings true as an "AA picket ship" to me. You and I may differ on how significant this is in ...

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    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I am sorry that you weren't selected.
The process was a randomized list made in excel of nearly 1000 people narrowed down to 300. I even removed the CC's / Privateers / Staff beforehand to slim it down as much as I could, but 300 is still 300 at the end of the day.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you for this feedback - I was actually wondering about exactly this

21 Mar

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I encourage you to sink as many of them as you can, navalpride!
For context - there were over 1700 submissions that I had to randomize into 300 volunteers.
Next time I'll have more!

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Rogues list is up!!!
Thank you to everyone who has applied! If you were not randomly chosen this time - get out there and sink those Rogues this weekend!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Firstly, thank you to EVERYONE who applied. The sheer volume of people who submitted was staggering. Next iteration I will look to increase the number of volunteers available to be Rogues.

If you were not chosen this time, please get out there this weekend and ROUNDUP THOSE ROGUES!!!!

An email or Forum message will reach you this week inviting you to the Bounty Discord Server where you will get your Press Account. IF YOU DID NOT RECEIVE AN EMAIL - please message Boggzy ASAP and get your Press Account


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    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi, there!
Sorry to hear that your morning games were disrupted due to the micro-patch. I know how much people value a game or two here and there between responsibilities .
We let folks know when server downtime will be happening ahead-of-time, but we don't make announcements about when updates and downloads will be required exactly. The reason for this is that, generally, the downtime lasts up to a few hours while a patch overall doesn't require as much time. To avoid spamming people with messages about downloads and downtime that eventually we'll all start to ignore, we choose to only inform about actual server down-time. I'm aware that some folks have slower-than-others internet connection and that it may mean patches are longer DL's for them, but we sort of assume that if they can play WoWs their internet is good enough to mean that a patch doesn't take as long as actual downtime.
Hope that helps!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don't know where this idea of coming from that somehow we're not actioning anything. I've stated a few times now that Ahskance and I are keeping watch on the info presented here and have escalated it to Ev1n.
This isn't the sort of thing where results come immediately, so I'd appreciate your patience, please.

20 Mar

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Hi, Mouse
Like I mentioned before, Ahskance and I have kept a close eye on the thread and the team has taken a look at the descriptions. I haven't responded to each of your assertions because I'd like to avoid a back-and-forth about the meaning of descriptive words, but each of these ships you've posted has been looked at for an assessment.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct


I'll take note of your suggestion. Currently, there are 3 containers you can earn and "choose between" for earning base xp each day. Further, there are daily missions that will earn your a variety of containers containing signals and camos. Additionally, you can also earn all the way up to a Supercontainer by logging in enough days.

19 Mar

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Standard practice for receiving a duplicate ship: doubloons or credits, depending on the type of ship

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I adore the Schlieffen :). Good to see you!

18 Mar

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LOVE the Repulse

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I will post the list of players on Monday

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

While I appreciate the good-faith standpoint (I really do), we want to make sure stuff like this is understood and handled properly. If you can, please still submit a ticket as that is a larger discrepancy.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please do submit a ticket regarding this. They will want to know.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

It is not OK to post a thread stating that you intend to violate the End User License Agreement or the Terms of Service.
When you click on the Battle Button, you are agreeing to play the game to the best of your abilities. You are not agreeing to play to the best of your abilities "except when I see X Y Z" ....
This thread is locked and I encourage the original poster to re-read the EULA as passive play can eventually result in losing your right to play.

17 Mar

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

So this was confirmed as just a technical removal of camos tied to the Savage Battle event - not your personal ships.
I can see why that would worry people, but you haven't lost anything at all.
Thanks for bringing it up, guys!