

05 Apr

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

No doubt you folks will have a million questions that we wish we could answer at the moment. Remember that speaking about politics is still not allowed in the forums, so please continue to adhere to forum rules in this thread.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

World of Warships operations in Russia and Belarus will be transferred to Lesta Studio

Over the past weeks, Wargaming has been conducting a strategic review of business operations worldwide. The company has decided it will not own or operate any businesses in Russia and Belarus and will leave both countries.

Effective March 31 2022 the company started the process of closing its studio in Minsk, Belarus and transferred its live games business in Russia and Belarus to local management of Lesta Studio that is no longer affiliated with Wargaming.

The company will not profit from this process either today or going forward. Much to the contrary we expect to suffer substantial losses as a direct result of this decision.

Going forward, in all other countries Wargaming will continue to operate World of Warships as before. The game servers will be operating as usual, and players' accounts, as well as their in-game property accumu...

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04 Apr

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm sorry - but I have to stop you there.

Atlanta reload: 4.8s
San Diego reload: 5s

San Diego also has a Reload booster.

Saying it has a "knee-capped Rate of Fire" is simply incorrect.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for you take.
Honestly - I'm honestly concerned that it will be too strong based on what I'm seeing now. We'll have to see. Not many ships have SAP rounds at T8 so the jury is still out on just how effective they're going to be - but I suspect it will shock people.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Well then we're going to have to agree to disagree on this one.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I appreciate your concern for our sales, but our balancing considerations do not take sales into account - nor should they ever.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Right but here's the thing:
1. Fun to play is subjective. YOU may not like it, but others do. I have fun playing it because it's not as straight-forward as some other ships. That's fun for me.

2. Her performance issues don't show up as anything out of the ordinary numbers-wise, so I can't take this and do anything with it.

3. You use this line of logic a lot, but again it doesn't translate into anything. If we arbitrarily buff ships to make sales then we're P2W - which is NOT ok.

4. Again, you discuss "important to the community", but this is not an issue that comes up often in our feedback outside Sailor_moon, whom we like enough to take time to chat with here in this thread

5. You often talk about "business opportunities" for us, but I encourage you to be wary of this line of thinking. We don't balance ships based on how much we're going to sell - we balance on health of the game. Buffing a ship to incre...

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    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

True! But winrate is often a very important metric as it does suggest overall what something is capable of given enough time.
Colorado has the worst WR of all T7 ships. Does that mean CO is terrible? Maybe... it could also be a factor that new NA players go up that line first because OOOOOOH MUH IOWA! So they "learn" how to play Wows on the line and end up tanking the stats for the ship.
We can delineate internally how ships perform based on account battles and whatnot, of course.
You know, Sailor_Moon - it occurs to me that you may have the same issue I do: "that big salvoes with long reloads aren't FUN". That's not fun to me. Having a massive broadside with a long reload means that a high-degree of game knowledge and experience is required to see positive results. That's not fun for me because I tend not to like "all or nothing" style stuff. But there are TONS of other ships out there that fit the playstyles I like more. Gneisenau actually fits i...

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    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for sharing that! I am not able to see where the timespan is listed for these. If you could share that or at least direct me to it in the images I'd appreciate it.
Earlier I heard the logic that it's unpopularity should be used as an indicator that it needs buffing. The unpopularity is now being defined as lack of games played compared to other ships. According to your first image, the Hyuga and California are functionally identical in games played and # of owners. By the logic presented earlier, Hyuga is unpopular and needs to be buffed accordingly, even though Hyuga is #1 in terms of damage and winrate.
This is why I take issue with "unpopularity" as an indicator that a ship needs buffing.
Yukon is bottom of the pack, but Yukon is an absolute monster of a ship and buffing it would be an irresponsible mistake, in my opinion.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

But where are you getting that data is my question?

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

How are you asserting that California is unpopular?

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please do understand that, at the end of the day, things have to result in NUMBERS. I may have a more prosaic way of describing experience and feelings than he does, but I will translate that all into numbers at the end of they day because that's how the game is created.

It's reeeeeeeeally difficult to quantify non-obvious qualities of a ship. California's citadel is so far below the waterline that it's almost impossible to hit without big shells and plunging fire. How do you quantify that?

Cali's damage numbers are in the middle of the pack, btw according to WoWs-numbers. Middle-of-the-road damage numbers are not enough to warrant a balance change.

Hyuga's damage output is top-of-the-pack in general - probably because it has a reload-booster to help secure damage and kills. It's armor is also thicker overall, but weaker in terms of protecting the citadel. What does that mean? It's easier to citadel but more resistant to HE. ...

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    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Well look - Ahskance and I are two different guys, but we are friends who communicate differently. Sometimes he helps me with my communication, sometimes I help him with his. For both of us, things do have to boil down to numbers at the end of the day because, when a ship is being rebalanced, it's a number value that changes to affect the balance.

Let me put it this way, there are two ways of describing a problem: High-resolution and Low-resolution. Both have extremely important uses, so please don't think that I'm trying to discount either - only to better define their uses.

A low-resolution point takes "feeling" more into account to describe something that is difficult to define. Saying, "California doesn't FEEL tanky" is low-res, because it's not sharpening anything. That doesn't mean it's wrong.

For example, Grosser Kurfurst has some of the strongest armor schemes in the game and yet.... doesn't FE...

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    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Chobi, you have to remember also that Ahskance sits next to me in the office. He and I have talked about specifically this topic, this ship, and this THREAD even multiple times. I have played more games of California than he has and I understand it as well.
Just because he has 3 battles in it doesn't mean he's speaking without reason. All the information and experiences that I shared with Sailor Moon in this topic and her previous I also shared with Ahskance - only in person.

21 battles is plenty for any seasoned player to understand the strengths and weaknesses of a ship in general.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

AA values do technically follow a logical pattern to begin with, and then AA values can be tweaked when deemed necessary on a ship-by-ship basis.
That accounts for most of the things Mouse listed here where you may see small inconsistencies in the pattern.

Actually, @Ahskance and myself have been going over AA values for about a week now. We're in the process of making a few recommendations

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I think we've had an honest and open conversation with Mouse about this topic that she brought up.
We don't have a "narrative" that we're running on. At least for Ahskance and myself the trick is to make sure you all know how things work as best we can and help make feedback we get the highest caliber of feedback possible.
Mouse gives much more precise and elaborate feedback than most people, so it's worth it for Ahskance and I to have a dialogue with her and by extension you all as well here in these threads. That doesn't mean that we will agree with her on all things, but at least Ahskance and I are high-level players as well as part of the staff, so we can press her on things that we feel are maybe not the best ways to see things. It doesn't mean we ignore her or you, nor does it mean we are "pushing a narrative", it means that we are trying to meet in the middle by conducting this dialogue.

03 Apr

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sorry, Mouse - I realized that I quoted your comment when I replied. I was actually referring to others with my post.
Apologies for the confusion

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

With 59mm HE pen these secondaries will pen every deck in the game except for the Kremlin.

Maybe the armored flight decks on a few CV's as well... not to mention the upper hull areas on a now much larger variety of cruisers / BB's.

This pen increase translates to more consistent damage against more targets.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Guys, if this thread devolves into a tit-for-tat slapfight it's liable to get locked.
Please avoid this kind of stuff because I don't think anyone wants that to happen. Make your points without "who they are vs. who you are".