

19 Oct

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I hear Squid Games are popular.
All joking aside, these are the types of things that need to be said. If Subs are with us to stay, the correct application of attention should be on making sure they fit as seamlessly into the Ring-Around-The-Rosy counter dynamic as possible.
Thanks for your input as always :)

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I hear everything.
Well maybe not EVERYthing...
I did just get this camo in question myself though

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi, Folks
I wanted to let you know that I have escalated the issues raised concerning bot AI in coop in a few of the threads here. I understand that the AI's lack of ability to hit anything means that games end by point-zeroing quickly and affect the overall quality of game and economy of XP / creds.
I'll keep on it for you until something firm can be shared.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm sorry it took so long for me to respond to the ping here - I was moving to Austin, TX over the weekend.
This is the best submarine feedback thread I've seen so far. Thank you for your well thought-out responses and suggestions here, folks. I have included it and this thread in my own feedback for the week.
Thank you!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct


I think I remember this from the past. I haven’t experienced it in a while though - can you provide a replay or clip next time it happens to you?

I don’t doubt that it can happen, but I can’t get any action down without either a repeatable description or a tangible example.

Ask around if you can and see if you can get me a replay.

18 Oct

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Generally I would say "yes, a SC is worth 8.3 million credits".
Even if you get x100 det flags, those x100 flags are worth something like 11 million credits (math off the top of my head...)
The FXP, Dubs, Ships, and Premium Signals you can get are well worth it.
If you get x50 camos that are +100% xp, it might not be, but generally I'd say it's worth it :)

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I can't comment on when the patches will be released, I'm afraid.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

As I understand it there should be no trouble.
If you complete the collection and earn another, you will get the mission when 0.10.10 is released, as per the article :)

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'll find out what the proper path is here and get back to you guys.

17 Oct

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yeah brother just leave it next time…

I play ships so I don’t HAVE to think about politics. If someone tried to explain to me a political meme In game I’d say, “nah I’m good”.

The forums stay a-political.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Might as well violate forum rules to do so, eh?

How about, “It’s a political meme - google it”.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

“Hey, I know - let’s politically explain a politics meme”.

“Won’t that violate forum rules about no politics”?

”yes, but we’ll just point out that it’s likely to violate forum rules - so everyone will know that we knew this was against forum rules”.


16 Oct

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ahaaaa you skunked me. I graciously accept your superiority :)

They really shouldn’t be though, in my opinion. Think of secondaries more of “if you get trapped within my radius, a ticking clock starts for you because my dpm and fires per minute just went WAY up”. It’s not suppose to be a “whack-a-mole” tool.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Moving your entire life 1500 miles in a 20 foot truck is hardly a vacation.

15 Oct

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

They still do. Only Yamato and shiki over match the 32 mm bow of the ships you described.

in the future we will have two more battleships that can overmatched 32 mm with AP in the form of the super battleships, but for now it’s just Yamato and Shikishima.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

And that’s just the thing, isn’t it?

Coop and Randoms currently share Naval Battles but do not have the same formats. It’s apples and oranges. I’m fully aware that this will cause discrepancies in Naval Battle competitions, but I have to fall back on the reality that Randoms is the primary game mode.

I understand that there are lots of PvE clans out there and I’m spending more time in the PvE parts fo the forums to hear our grievances that sound like they may have fallen by the wayside. I honestly love to problem-solve so I’ve started inquiries on behalf of some of those issues. In regards to Naval Battles, I suspect the reality will be that BXP remains the most common metric.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Guys PLEASE do not ping Ev1n for day-to-day questions. That’s why I am here and Maredraco when I’m gone.

the PBY was put in place as a placeholder to ensure that all vessels had some form of ASW when subs hit randoms for testing. It is not permanent.

We figured you’d rather have that rather than nothing at all ;)

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

There is no need to ping Ev1n, guys. He has an enormous amount on his plate.

I can look a little further in depth to this question and see what answers I can share. Like I posted yesterday, I will be out of office until Monday while I move to Texas, so please bare with me for at least that duration. Having a conversation about large-scale questions requires conversation across multiple servers and multiple time-zones, so it doesn’t happen quickly :)

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello, commanders!

I will be out of the office and unable to respond to much until Sunday, October 18. I am in the process of relocating to Austin, Texas.

it is perfectly fine to ping me in a topic, but it’s less likely that I will be able to respond until then. Until then, Maredraco or Parcenautico Will be doing their best to help out in my stead.

See you Sunday!

14 Oct

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

While I find it funny - let’s not make posts just for a meme. Reddit exists for that