I tested without Knucklehead, it doesn't decrease the range but also doesn't increase it.
Thanks for the info, I’ll send to the team to take a look.
I tested without Knucklehead, it doesn't decrease the range but also doesn't increase it.
Thanks for the info, I’ll send to the team to take a look.
Th3Jez for all the memes he brings to this community
Here you go.
We need more community focus! There so many spectacular members in the community that need praise.
Agreed. Feel free to leave suggestions.
hahaha so funny, for a second you bamboozled me and I legitimately thought that you said smth of substance for once!
Thanks for the usual snippet, appreciated.
If you want substance, stick around for the TWAB.
Hear you loud and clear. We will add Modulus Reports to be drops from all activities as well as passive drops each reset.
Kidding, we'll talk to the team and see if we can do something to relieve your postmaster. I too have a stack that lives there.
Hit em with the Rat Attack!
Is this canon? 😉
No, my sh*tposts are not signed off on by the narrative team. :)
While we’re at it, is that ‘Iron Banner Exotic Quest’ or ‘Iron Banner, Exotic Quest’?
It’s hard to tell if those are separate items or 1 item split over two lines
Two different things.
Hey cozmo, so a little while back, me and the homies took you and your team out in crucible, to the point you even re tweeted our video capture of taking you out, yet, me nor the other guys got the emblem that one gets for winning against a bungie Dev, soooo what gives?
Emblem is only giving out during Bungie Bounties. If it was during one, send me a link to the game.
"What has been our most effective method of killing the Guardians?"
"Well, It's usually when we accidentally squish them dropping in..."
"Let's use that!"
I lost it when he went coo~ when talking about a bird of prey.
I think we could all use some more Saint-14 pigeon impressions in our lives.
Tbf there was bug preventing matchmaking on the moon early on in Shadowkeep. They fixed it afaik
Yep, it was identified and fixed in one of the early patches that season.
Hey! No browsing reddit while on the job! Get back to work!
It should be fixed for next season.
Electrostatic Surge
I also have my receipt for my purchase of the forsaken collection of the game but no one responds to me on the bungee forums
u/Cozmo23 I’m begging for help or at least a refund. This is terrible
PM me on here with your receipt and I’ll look into it. Thanks.
Cozmo, there is a world of difference to having a small power advantage in terms of gear value. But the artefact provides a way to massively boost your power level giving an unfair advantage to those who don't have the time to hoard lots of bounties. Trials should be the pinnacle of skill, and having artefact power without cap would 100% dilute the skill factor needed to go flawless
I'm not trying to argue in support of the artifact's power. There are two separate things going on here.
It seems like a lot of players are ok with the first question, but it's just the lack of a cap with the artifact that is the core of the concerns. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
I feel like you have to be trolling at this point. In what world does your pinnacle competitive experience not have a level playing field? No. Light. Level. Advantage.
The population will crater in 3 weeks once the hardcore pull away from the pack with LL advantage.
Sorry, I'm not trying to troll anyone.
In what world does your pinnacle competitive experience not have a level playing field? No. Light. Level. Advantage.
Trials of Osiris always had power level advantages enabled. It's totally fine to disagree with that decision and give that feedback, or to have the opinion that power should be enabled but at least capped. I'm just making sure everyone has the correct information.