

25 Mar

    /u/Cozmo23 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

The team is definitely aware of the feedback around being stomped by bosses not being an enjoyable experience. I'll give feedback that you would like to see snipers re-tuned in a future update. Let me if there are specific changes you would like to see or just the previous reduction removed.

    /u/Cozmo23 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by MafiaGT

It's not just iron banner, it's all crucible and gambit. This bug has been in the game since forsaken but I've yet to see any bungie employee acknowledge the existence of it.

Edit: [mods], why ignore this issue? Do you guys really not know it exists? Or is it so bad of a bug you don't know how to fix it and choose to ignore that it's a thing?

Edit2: Apparently it is on a known bug list. Silly me... Hopefully it's a priority for the team at Bungie.

Not ignoring it. It's on our list of known issues and we looking into it.

24 Mar

    /u/Cozmo23 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by HaloGuy381

Can people get the Leviathan’s Breath bow still? If not, that should be added too. Being some of the only exotics or special/heavy weapons packing mods besides risky swords, as well as being very effective in that role...

EDIT: Okay, people, I get that you can still get the bow, please stop messaging me about it! XD. Like six or more people below you have already made your point.

We have plans being made on making these seasonal exotics available again. We'll share more details when we can.

    /u/Cozmo23 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Memory of Skorri has entered the chat.

    /u/Cozmo23 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This is a known issue. We are currently looking into it.

    /u/Cozmo23 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zero_Emerald


Doing a sweet backflip dunk was always fun times in D1.

Yea easily the best part of rift. Especially when you got multiple kills with it.

    /u/Cozmo23 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Sergei_the_Bear

Personally, I think the main takeaway when people ask for things like rift and srl back is that we'd like more wacky modes in general. Things like momentum control, mayhem, and scorched are great because they're just a silly time and a nice break from all the sweatiness of the usual pvp scene.

Bungie made some awesome gametypes back in the day, griffball, infection, king of the hill, etc. We need more wackiness in general in my opinion as a complement to the more serious modes.

Just my 2 cents.

This is good feedback. Moar wackiness!

23 Mar

    /u/Cozmo23 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Rift always seemed to have a mixed reception. It required a great deal of teamwork so if you were running stacked you would have a good time, but if you were matchmaking with teammates, it could get away from you pretty quick. At least that's the experience and feedback I remember most, especially during Iron Banner.

I'll definitely share the feedback posted here, feel free to add to it below. If it did come back, would you want any changes made or for us to keep it as close to the OG D1 version as possible?

    /u/Cozmo23 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Yea it's a good system for cosmetics, fixed rolls, and exotics but doesn't currently work for random rolls. It's still on our backlog to look into a solve for this in the future. I'll share this thread to let the team know this is still a feature that a lot of players would like to see improved. If you have any additional suggestions you want me to share on collections, let me know.

20 Mar

    /u/Cozmo23 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by I_Love_Jolteon

Did anyone else not got their 3 win drop?

Edit: it's broken per character, not account

We're looking into it. Got reports that it's not working for some players at 3,5, and 7 wins.

19 Mar

    /u/Cozmo23 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by RussianThere

Huh? So the Trials emblems had specific conditions to earn them other than just “go flawless”?

Nah, the conditions are for the stat tracker to count up.

    /u/Cozmo23 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

We're investigating this now. Thanks for the report.

Edit: Looks like this is also affecting the new Seraph shotgun and we have a fixed planned for both items in the next update.

18 Mar

    /u/Cozmo23 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by chowdahead03

This has been broken since season started. no mention of the bug whatsoever. I tagged /u/dmg04 and /u/cozmo23 multiple times no response. it's ridiculous that these are broken let alone no word on getting fixed. they didnt fix worm god caress for how long? I just dont think its a top priority for them.

Sorry I get a lot of pings and must have missed it. I'll report this issue to the team today. Thanks!

17 Mar

    /u/Cozmo23 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by [deleted]


No desperation and I'm not trying to claim someone is ignoring me. I just can't even have the appearance that something is being worked on unless we are ready to confirm that. All I can say right now is we are aware of the request and passing the feedback along.

    /u/Cozmo23 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

We've given this feedback in the past but will let the team know that you feel it will be even more important going forward.

    /u/Cozmo23 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Looks like there was an issue with the Legendary Lost Sector Scheduling as Quarry was suppose to available today.

We just did an override and the Quarry Legendary Lost Sector will be active today and tomorrow.

Sorry about any inconvenience.

    /u/Cozmo23 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Known issue if you are still in one of the old Towers before the update. Leave the Tower and load back in. Might have to do this a few times if you continue to load into old Tower.

    /u/Cozmo23 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

I'll share this suggestion. Is the broader feedback that you would like to see more reasons to go there in general?

    /u/Cozmo23 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

The heroes we deserve.

16 Mar

    /u/Cozmo23 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zero9123

Have you seen the issues with gambit recently? Are they being fixed?

The crashes are known and being investigated.