Hi everyone! This thread feels quite heated, so we're going to lock it to avoid any unnecessary unpleasantness on the forums. While everyone is free to express an opinion, please always be kind to others even if you disagree with them! Similarly, a post that is politely written is much nicer to read, for us and other players alike :)
As for the question itself, instead of rolling back any previous changes, we're continuing to work on streamlining inventory management with
item stacking. We're going to write more about that on our blog in just a couple of days, but it will sadly be only in English, most likely. Here's a sneak peek about item stacking:
A lot of those items you typically have several of, such as ammo, oxygen or welding fuel tanks, or meds, can soon be stacked into a single inventory slot to save inventory space. This affects character inventories, containers like cabinets and toolboxes, weapon containers...basically anywhere there's an inven...
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