

02 Feb

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

It’s certainly something that we could look to expand on for sure if we’re able to put together the members to support it. I think it would be great to do anything we can to help our global community.

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is already currently possible by submitting support tickets. With the coming in game system, it could also be used for such a report.

As for how it will be handled, we have a standing policy to not discuss disciplinary actions, and this is included in the Code of Conduct. The reason for this is not in any way to hide or shadow how we operate for disciplinary actions, but due to the harassment it may draw to players which may receive associated actions.

More serious ToS violations are handled by us here directly at EHG, rather than community moderators, and are currently handled on a case by case basis. With multiplayer launch, we would be implementing more clear outlines regarding cheating through various methods in Last Epoch. To be clear, with multiplayer there will be a zero tolerance policy regarding cheating, but we would want to ensure this is clear to all players to know what to expect.

Reported cases of offline ToS violations, such as content creato...

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    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Good day Travelers!

We wanted to take an opportunity to discuss a sometimes controversial topic, but a very important one. Moderation. This is normally a daunting topic, however we don’t think it should be. Rather, it should be something we are open about. In that spirit, we wanted to spend a little bit of time to discuss how we handle moderation, and what our plans are concerning it going forward.

Alongside this I also want to provide a big shout out to all of the community members who make up our community moderator team, and all the work they’ve been doing to help out with our community. Thank you for all of your hard work with us helping out all the players, and working to keep a great environment for players to learn and have fun in Last Epoch!


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01 Feb

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello Ekler!

This is something that comes up a lot, so I want to break down my response into two parts - “Instant Cast”, and “Auto Cast”, to try to give a full answer.

Instant cast is something we have fairly high reservations about giving a skill because of how incredibly powerful it is. Being able to instantly apply some sort of effect, be it damage, mitigation, or utility means there’s less foresight and reaction time involved in utilizing a skill, making it less exciting, and less interesting as there is no planning.

There is certainly places for this - ‘support’ style skills that don’t necessarily grant any immediate strength by themselves so have a planning factor in how you follow up on them, such as holy aura, or other skills that are specifically designed to be reactionary such as volatile reversal. The other part to instant cast skills is that while they may feel “smoother” to play, they feel less impactful or meaningful as being instant means it’s jus...

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    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

I agree right now the tools we have are largely limited to “race” type events in game, though I have a … couple ideas that wouldn’t be. That being said, I can certainly try to push for certain tools if required to really take community events to the place we want them to be - even if it would need to happen further down the road, so don’t make that a limiting factor. The last little thing I want to drop in here, is when we’re thinking internally of community events, there are two main considerations we want to keep in mind.

  1. We don’t want to split the player base, at least for any extended period of time. It’s no fun if you want to play with your friend, but they’re in the middle of some competition for the next week and you can’t even join them / be too far behind to get involved.

  2. We would want to avoid players taking part in events to cause “burn out”. So if there’s any kind of hard push as part of the event, we wouldn’t want a large window on it ...

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    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

I can say I’m absolutely interested in doing community events, and it’s something we’ve discussed quite a bit. While I certainly have some ideas rolling around in my head of things I would like to do, I’m just as certainly interested in hearing what other people think would be fun events or competitions. I can’t promise anything of course at this point, but It’s something I think about regularly. I love these kind of community “get togethers”.