

29 Apr

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Doing the necessary, and critical math I would never dare. Great job! I’ll just trust your numbers are correct. Though it does leave me to wonder how much the odds would change if the Sentinel had a shield of bees?

23 Apr

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

I just happened to see this post and wanted to quickly mention: While it can absolutely be a great idea to have posts to discuss certain ideas to provide them to the pool - when we review for community suggestions to include in following polls we’re only looking at replies to the main threads. So once you have an idea you’re confident in - make sure to make it a reply to those threads so we will see it for consideration!

22 Apr

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

This could manifest in many ways, it depends on what aspect we’re referring to. Some ideas of how this could manifest for design:

  • low-tech/makeshift weaponry (referring to the last stand effort)
  • infringement of corruption/the void (referring to how they were losing the fight)
  • abnormally defensive (eg. large guards) (referring to them holding out)
  • combination of different Eterran cultures (referring to how humanity from across Eterra took refuge here)
  • unstable (referring to the desperation of their situation)
    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

The Lost Refuge was one of the first retreats of humanity as The Void encroached upon Eterra. During the campaign you encounter this area long after it has fallen to the void, however it has a backstory of one being an underground city under siege by the void, and banding together for a final stand. You can read a journal during the quest that outlines some of the final days of the Lost Refuge. At the quest turn-in, you have the option to lie, and state that it was the last refugees wishes for their refuge to be called “Rat City”. So its inclusion is not referring to its current state as a void overrun area, but its history as one of the last bastions of humanity.

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sounds like we might have another Immortal Emperor in the making here…

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello Travelers,

Welcome to the third round of voting for the Community Designed Unique! And things have certainly gotten interesting since the latest poll. From last week’s poll, we’ll be creating a Two-Handed Mage Spear! This will be the first of its kind in Last Epoch, so has quite the opportunity to really create something new and distinct. I’m personally very excited to see how this item continues to evolve from this point.

For today’s poll, we’ll be collecting your votes for the item’s theme. This theme will help direct the art style of the item, naming, flavor text, and even the unique effect. We’ve collected suggestions from the forums, and picked out options that the community has been highly receptive to. This is a very important, almost historical poll, as it’s the first poll where all of the options are not based on core game mechanics. Instead they are completely based on community suggestions that will be directly implemented into Last Epoch. These option...

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20 Apr

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

The Arena Champions, The Mountain Beneath, and Cremorus do not guarantee unique drops. Of dungeon / arena bosses, only Julra guarantees a unique. The reason for this is that the dungeon reward for Temporal Sanctum requires a Unique item with Legendary potential, and an Exalted item of matching base type to utilize the reward mechanic. We wanted to make sure with these systems that you can always utilize the reward mechanic.

With this, the Temporal Sanctum boss (Julra) will always drop an LP unique and an exalted item matching the base type. The first three modifiers for the Vaults of Uncertain fate are discounted so they just gold drops gotten through the dungeon itself the vault can be opened with some contents, and the Soul Gambler is completely self contained within Soulfire Bastion.

Arena Champions do not have a “reward mechanic” like dungeons, so there’s no specific demand on providing a specific item with the drop to ensure something further isn’t completely lock...

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19 Apr

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’m locking this thread. This is devolving into political and ideological fights rather than a discussion regarding presence of moderation and moderation principles.

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello Jewlez,

This is something which we take very seriously. We do have some community moderators trying to help us keep an eye on chat, but unfortunately we can’t guarantee we can catch every occurrence as it happens.

If a conversation like this is happening in chat, and there doesn’t appear to be a moderator present: the fastest resolution would be to send myself personally a ping on our discord server and I’ll generally be able to investigate immediately as a Community Support Personnel. If I’m not available, or do not respond (say it’s the weekend and I’m not near my PC) I’d recommend submitting a support ticket and block the offending players


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15 Apr

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello Travelers and welcome to the second poll of the Community Designed Unique Event!

We hope you’re enjoying some of the new Uniques introduced in 0.8.5d (I know I have a few… ‘off meta’ ideas for myself). Last week’s poll had some amazing interaction and we’re very excited that so many members from the community are so interested in this event. Thank you all for being such a great community to be a part of.

From last week’s poll, it looks like Mage is going to be the target class for the new unique, very exciting! And we are shocked, simply shocked that a Two-Handed weapon was selected. We had no way to foresee this outcome. Ok, maybe we’re not that shocked. So keeping in mind that we’re looking at a Mage as the focus for a two handed weapon, please see the poll below for what kind of two-handed weapon this should be. Mages are capable of wielding all but bows, so what will it be: A Spellblade Spear? A Sorcerer Axe? You decide!

Weapon Type
  • Two-H...
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09 Apr

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please remember to follow the Code of Conduct and try to keep conversations civil. This goes for all involved members in this topic. I’ll be going through the thread cleaning things up shortly.

On the topic of movement skills, it’s something which we’ve discussed a number of times, and while there is certainly some things that may change, we’re unlikely to see any sort of larger scale changes any time in the near future, or before 1.0.

As other users have pointed out, it is our intention that all classes have unique and distinct movement skills. While each movement skill can be simplified to a certain level that can make them seem similar, the two which are very similar are teleport and transplant.

As far as sentinel movement skills go, if we’re talking about “mobility” skills (excluding things like warpath), sentinel currently has 3, with strong variations in addition. Lunge, Shield Rush, and Volatile Reversal. In Addition, sentinel can spec into dash with jave...

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    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

A mix of my two favourite things. Bees and Horror!

08 Apr

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Haha, It’s something that’s an interesting idea for sure, and we’ve poked around the idea a bit for non-rogue bow uses, but that requires ‘significant’ work (animations, models, skills, etc.). As such, bow would only appear as an option in the event rogue is selected in this event.

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello All!

In post review, the options for “Jewelry” is not listing “Relic” as an option. However voting for Jewelry will also result in “Relic” being an option for further voting. We cannot update the polls in the post to specify this without resetting the already cast votes.

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello Travelers,

There have been requests, there have been rumblings, and there have been bees. Today, the much anticipated Community Designed Unique Event begins! Starting today, every week we will be posting a new community poll. Each poll will help further refine a design for a Unique item to be immortalized in Last Epoch. The polls will be opened on Friday evenings two hours before the start of the Dev Stream at 1:00PM CDT, and be closed on the following Friday morning. That means you will have seven days to cast your vote to shape a new item to be introduced to the world of Eterra.

At each step along the way, you can also suggest in comments different aspects of the item, such as name, effect, theme, or even flavor text. Those that get the most likes and still fit within the world of Eterra will be included in the voting options. With this, we will try to include options for ideas that both we and the community enjoy the most: however do be aware, if an idea stra...

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05 Apr

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello Everyone!

I understand that the topic of cheating is a very contentious one. We’re working on getting multiplayer done as soon as we can where things will be handled server side to try to provide more integrity for the leaderboards. I of course appreciate that that doesn’t help in the current moment, and that it does create a lot of heat in conversations when there are entries which can be called into reasonable question. However, that being said, I would still ask that conversation remain relevant to the topic of the thread.

01 Apr

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’ve seen a few of these kinds of complaints in the past, and I thought this would be as good a time as any just to make a quick comment regarding this. This is not directed towards anyone in particular, or in regards to anyone in particular. I’m only replying as a point of reference. The internet can frankly be a fairly spooky place sometimes. Many people may want to try to get involved with a community, try to share their ideas, and immediately get feedback concerning their ideas that may be a bit rough.

Generally, I personally find it’s the first few responses that have the hardest responses, and you’ll find later on that more people may come by that agree. However, it’s still quite easy to have social anxiety in such an environment and want to pull back when you receive some of these earlier responses. And while we certainly understand that that can cause frustration for some people to lose that information on what the topic was, we believe it’s important for people to be...

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