

12 Apr


Progress is stored on our servers, so it’s unlikely the Steam Cloud will impact that.

07 Apr


Forgive my confusion, but the Urbarthrundtak and Dokcoggrund are those pictured as rewards in the screenshots of your Okri’s Challenges, but you believe you have unlocked the Marazthrundtak and Kalancoggrund? Is that right?


I’m unable to locate your crashes in our database unfortunately, but I’ve raised this with QA for investigation. Thank you and apologies for the inconvenience.

06 Apr


The Urbarthrundtak and Dokcoggrund are those pictured as rewards in the screenshots of your Okri’s Challenges.

Please can you clarify the exact names of the Weapon Illusions you believe to be missing - is it the Marazthrundtak and Kalancoggrund?

05 Apr


It looks like both the Urbarthrundtak and Dokcoggrund are now equipped on their respective weapons. Were you able to solve this?


It looks like the Battleblade is present in your inventory. To clarify, the Battleblade is a Weapon Illusion for the Sword as opposed to an actual weapon.

If you are unable to locate the Weapon Illusion - could you please screenshot what you see when looking for it in the ‘Apply Illusion’ panel please?

04 Apr


Could you PM me the URL to your Steam profile, please? We’ll look in to it!


We don’t support multiple controllers unfortunately. I believe it should automatically be looking for the “working” controller and prioritising that as controller number one, which doesn’t seem to be the case here, consequently resulting in an unusable controller.

Unfortunately, with resourcing being so limited, it’s unlikely this will ever be changed.


I’ll pass this on for investigation. Please, could you upload your user_settings.config? You can locate this by:

  1. Press the Windows key + R
  2. Enter %appdata% and select the ‘OK’ button
  3. Navigate to AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\Vermintide 2

Please send me your GamerTag and I’ll make sure these crashes are on our radar. Thank you.


Hello, are you using Steam Family Sharing? Or has anybody else played Vermintide 2 from another Steam account on your PC at any point?

01 Apr


I hope Reorx’s answer above has helped clear this up for you - let us know if you have any other questions. :slight_smile:


Generally harmless but I’ve PM’d you myself, see if you can reply to it. :slight_smile:


Unfortunately neither us nor Easy Anti-Cheat can supply copies of the DLL.

Do you have another PC in your household, or somebody you can trust to send you a clean version of the DLL?

It’s my understanding the DLL is stored in this directory:


31 Mar


Could you please PM me the URL to your Steam profile?

30 Mar


Is G-Sync appropriately enabled in the NVIDIA Control Panel? Please see below:



Hey Mook. This is the response received from Easy Anti-Cheat:

seems wldap32.dll validated is failed, running sfc /scannow command with admin privilege, might be can help to solve the problem.

[Sfc command]
Use the System File Checker tool to repair missing or corrupted system files

But it’s my understanding you’ve already done this, which then produces an error.

With this er...

Read more

29 Mar


image1386×355 54.6 KB

To celebrate the introduction of the Emote Wheel in Vermintide 2, share your best screenshot using the new Emotes to be in with a chan...

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