

12 Dec


We are looking in to this. Thank you!


That’s super, I’ve passed this on. Thank you.


Hmmm, could you check inside the launcher directory and see if the GPUDetection.exe has reappeared? Sometimes this happens with Steam Cloud saving.

11 Dec


That’s perfect! I’ve been able to locate the crash and have raised it to our database.

I don’t think this has any relation to the inability to type in chat, however.

We are having some problems with the GPU you’re using, so I wonder if that has anything to do with it.

Could you try this?:

  1. Remove the GPUDetection.exe in the ‘launcher’ directory:
    Steam\steamapps\common\Warhammer 40,000 DARKTIDE\launcher
  2. Proceed to launch Darktide as normal, via Steam

Just had a lightbulb moment - I hope I’ve cracked the case with what I’m about to recommend below…:

  1. Remove the GPUDetection.exe in the ‘launcher’ directory:
    Steam\steamapps\common\Warhammer 40,000 DARKTIDE\launcher
  2. Proceed to launch Darktide as normal, via Steam

I’m not sure right now admittedly, I’m waiting to hear back from AMD. Are there any errors produced in Windows Event History that correspond with your PC losing responsiveness?


Thanks - I’ve sent you a DM.


Hello! What happens exactly if you attempt to initiate a purchase In-Game?


Your GPU is essentially resetting, based on what I can see in the crash data. Please see:

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We can contact Malwarebytes. Could you screenshot the error/warning produced the next time it occurs please?


Could you share your GamerTag/Fatshark Account name with me please? You’re welcome to DM me.

08 Dec


We are aware of and looking in to an issue in which players are unable to pick up Stims if a Grimoire has been picked up.

New and existing reports may be merged here, to help us keep track of the issues being reported.


It does seem like there may be an issue with recent AMD drivers - I’ve queried this with AMD.

In the mean time, it might be worth exploring this article:

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Very helpful to know! Thank you for taking the time to share this with us. :slight_smile:


Could you share the crash report that occurs on selecting a microphone device please?

Perhaps both are related. :slight_smile:


Thanks for reporting! I’ll raise this to our database.


I am, unfortunately, still waiting for an update on this.

Let me see what I can do next week…


Just looks like a corrupted install to me! :slight_smile:


Please reach out to us via https://fatshark.se/support. :slight_smile: