

18 Jan


I never used the word "big" when I spoke with a few individuals i said there are "new" things coming. The wording is important and i take it seriously.

New things include hurdle, new biome, new questline for a new hero. "Big" update wasn't said. I dont even know what would define a big update? Potentially the length of notes? If thats the case i believe i informed a few folks that this update in fact wasnt "big" in terms of length/size.


I explained in several threads that this wasn't going to be an easy and quick fix. The investigation of the cause is still ongoing.

13 Jan


Originally posted by CallieX3

Can StW performance issues be reported too?

i am not sure if STW has this same setting available but perf issues from BR/STW have been brought up and being looked into.

We’re investigating reports of users experiencing performance issues on previous-gen Playstation, Xbox consoles, and PC. Please consider enabling Performance Stats Reporting and playing a few matches and trying to reproduce the issue to aid our troubleshooting.

Performance Stats Reporting can be enabled in the Game settings menu under the Extra Game Options section.

Performance Stats Reporting will be automatically disabled after several matches or when you exit the game, whichever comes first.

After you've completed these steps and p...

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11 Jan


Hey u/Gan- I've been chatting with the team on perf issues and we're looking into them. In the mean time, would you be able to help out and enabled "Report Performance Stats" in the settings menu of your game. What this does is allows you to upload detailed performance stats for the next several matches or until you exit the game.

Once you do, send me a DM with your Epic Username/ID and i can give that to the team to help track your performance over a timeframe.


Originally posted by FORTNITE-STW--

I talked to Epic support actually Today about the issue and said many people are posting about it and reporting the matter, they told me they haven't gotten any reports and said quit wasting their time lmao

The player support team isnt somewhere to report bugs, they are unable to help in that regard. I've posted in other threads at various times and have acknowledge that these reports have been seen since coming back from holiday break.

They have been shared with the team and beyond that, its all i can really do. The team is aware and looking into what can be done. But to put things into perspective, these issues dont just magically get fixed. Epic was on holiday for 2 weeks with some team members taking additional time off. We're getting fully back into the swing of things but still need to also finalize work on the upcoming update, v23.20

What im getting at is all this takes time, our QA team needs to repro, devs need to look into the tickets, engineers/devs need to dig into causes and make changes, then test, and rinse and repeat till things look like they are in a better spot all while making sure patches and updates are still rolling out. None of what im saying...

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04 Jan


Originally posted by StPattysShalaylee

I'm going to use the Irish site for my example as that's the actual site I need to use, but it's the same for UK site.

I too see the "add to library" and "download now" buttons. But when I select either I don't have the different editions to select from.

All these images are when I hit the "download now" button. The first image is from the IE irish site. It just brings you to a place on the page where the editions should be but they are not.

The 2nd and 3rd images are from the US site. You can see that the different editions are available to select.

I will get my nephew to send pics from the ps4 store. He's away at the moment but will send when he's back. But when you search for Fortnite. Nothing is returned.

This seems like it could be a weird UI issue but since its a free game you should just need to add it to your library and then once you get on you PS4 it should show up in your games library. From there you download it.

I'd put it more to a website issue but if you add to library that should allow you to choose on PS5 and on PS4 it just downloads PS4.

If you're still having issue i would maybe reach out to player support for a more technical walk through


Originally posted by ferb73craft

u/FreightTrainUSA This is the most pressing issue that has come up since the 23.10 patch. Performance over the past few weeks has been degraded across the board due to extreme stuttering.

Will inform the team of these posts as they continue to show up when i meet with them directly. Beyond that, continuing to post issues with examples and videos when possible is always helpful.


Originally posted by StPattysShalaylee

No still can't see it in that UK link above anyway. Gave my nephew my ps4 so I'll get him to check directly through that later.

Was there an update recently or something?

There's no news about it not being on ps4 in Europe anywhere so must be something to do with me, can't see what though.

Just trying to fully understand what you're seeing. If you dont mind taking some screenshots that be really helpful when i pass this along to folks.

So when you go to the EU site

You get to download now or add to library and there are no versions available to see? Because when i click on that link i am able to see download and add to lirbary. But i dont have an EU account so logging into Sony afterwards doesnt do much.

This is also when you search on the PS4 store itself? When you search Fortnite nothing comes up? Could you snag a pic...

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03 Jan


Originally posted by StPattysShalaylee

It's says it is but it's simply not there, I feel like I'm going mad!

so here's the UK psn...when you click on the "also available on ps4" it brings you down to a place on the page that has no editions to select...

Unlike the US psn...

Can you see as of today?


Originally posted by Glory_To_Atom

So, I take it that was intentional? Because these used to stay until the end of the season.

yes it was intentional from speaking with the dev team.


Just as an update, the Crackshot questline was turned off when Willow's was turned on.


We just got back from our break today, will bring this up and see what happened.

14 Dec


Originally posted by jorgedrodrigues

I can't login daily save the world you will compensate us for this and for not being able to play

Its feedback i can provide but thats about it.


Originally posted by jorgedrodrigues

u/FreightTrainUSA help me plzzzz

This is being looked at and should be fixed in the next couple of hours. Thats the goal at least.

13 Dec


uhh.. i swear i wasnt logged into the FN team account and posted the same thing before :)

It seems this is a current issue being looked at by the team after it was discovered this morning. I dont want to get heavy into any tech details as thats not my forte but, there are some server issues going on that is preventing this from happening. The smart folks are on top of it and looking to resolve this as quickly as they can.


Originally posted by Glory_To_Atom

u/FreightTrainUSA I hope you can acknowledge this. Because this is going to cause a major setback to the playerbase.

I'll check and see if this was intended or not.