

05 May


Achievements were added in September 2019, while the game was still in Early Access.

04 May

02 May


Stalker was originally meant for Season 4, so we'd already added some voicelines and a placeholder model for it.


I bet I'm just as bad at this as I am at our own version.

01 May


Even if we added it, I still don't think you'd get it, friend.


Working on it! We'll revisit the entire setup once we've moved offices this summer.

30 Apr


Originally posted by Slime0

Wasn't there going to be some Rogue Core information in this stream? Did that get delayed or cancelled or something?

It was more of a status update, saying we've been focused on Season 5, and once that is done, we're focusing on Rogue Core up until it has released into Early Access.


A note on the "zero gameplay footage": We're keeping some stuff under wraps, and will be teasing it leading up to the release. Can't show it all on day 1, you know.

29 Apr


Originally posted by laz2727

I love how even the devs can't remember the difference between Thunderhead and Hurricane.

They’re the same picture.

27 Apr


It’s set to auto-renew, but it failed to do so. We’re looking into it, but it’s dragging out due to it being 1AM here, and the fact that the guy that originally set it up, left the company a little while back. Bad luck, really.

Edit: Axel fixed it at 3AM 🥳


Originally posted by InterestLeft

I'm still very confused why the previous season-specific assignments aren't returning with the previous seasons.
What's the reasoning behind that?

Without being 100 sure, I can imagine the assignment system is not built to handle the toggle, and messing with it is probably not worth the hassle.

25 Apr


Originally posted by playswright

Heads up /u/GSG_Jacob: "mortar" is misspelled in one of the new Overclocks:

Sounds like something we’d do


Originally posted by Silenzeio_

Okay sharp reply. I don't see where i was 'a dick' to OP in my responses, i'm just going off from those who have had bans from the Discord who have posted here and have had them overturned because the ban was from something incredibly minor or a non-issue.

Those who have actually deserved bans due to hate speech or being inflamatory, by all means they deserved it. I've just seen enough posts about bans from those in the first paragraph to give OP a little piece of caution.

I’ll rephrase it; “Just don’t be a dick on the discord.” To elaborate; every time someone mentions the discord here, there’s a choir saying there’s a bunch of comments referring to how often people complain or wonder about being banned. Considering the size of the Discord server that number is incredibly low, and those posts are distributed between people getting banned for valid reasons misunderstandings, or straight up technical issues like the invite just not working. Not saying that an unjust bans cannot happen - it just happens way less than people are led to believe.


Originally posted by Silenzeio_

You're walking on eggshells weather you talk or react to anything.

630.000 people are doing just fine. Don’t be a dick. Edit: … on the discord. Don’t be a dick on the discord.


Top GSG picks from the top of my head:
DRG Historian/Explorian

22 Apr

12 Apr


I expect it will return soon. We’ve had Easter Break and I’ve been hit by a nice round of bacterial pneumonia. 😷

01 Apr


Originally posted by One_Testicle_Man

u/GSG_Jacob have you guys sent this into the SCP foundation

No, this is real.