

01 Apr

30 Mar


This is a shirt made by Diggy for the old For Fans By Fans site. We’re working on bringing merch back and this is high on my personal wishlist, so fingers crossed.

Remember that any merch sold on websites currently is most likely putting money into the pockets of someone ripping off the original artist. There’s no guarantee of the quality of it either.

21 Mar


These are great!

19 Mar


Originally posted by TimeStormer

not exactly excited by that aesthetic. doesn’t fit in with the DRG universe for me. I’m totally cool with weirder zoology in the deepest depths of the planets, but this is just outlandish in a bad sense.

They should be careful about how they shift the narrative in RC

Maybe I’m overreacting to a prototype

It is exactly that - concept art and a prototype. If it makes it into the game, the art team will make sure that it fits into the setting. Some of the current placeholders are just colored blocks until they get the full treatment.


Originally posted by Cornage626

Iirc season 5 is supposed to be an introduction or sorts to rogue core? After seeing this I'm looking forward to the new enemies in s5.

It will have some lore related to it, yes.

16 Mar


Originally posted by TurkishTerrarian

If I recall correctly, usually the names are chosen at random from the Discord.

Not at random - it's people selected based on their contribution to the community.

14 Mar


Originally posted by SuchMore

They can't? Embracer has to sell ghost ship games, because they own 100% of it. GSG devs made a quick buck when they could, can't blame them for it.

Kinda the reason why deep rock didn't get any major updates since it got sold.

“Quick buck” indicates an exit. None of the founders left GSG after the sale.

Embracer has had no influence on the development of Deep Rock Galactic. All decisions are still made in-house by the same team that founded the company.

12 Mar


Originally posted by livesinacabin

Hälsa från mig :)

Rädda Jobbe!


In my headcanon this is why they don't attack the robots.


Originally posted by echoindia5

The people doing the actual code is danish.

Edit: autocorrect mistakes

We currently have 8 swedes at GSG, some of them programmers.

11 Mar


Originally posted by Mips0n

Is there a Chance that guns and items from DRG survivor come to the original Game?

There's always a chance, but no current plans. The weapons in Survivor are designed for that kind of gameplay.


You're a good boy, Steeve.


Kål means cabbage in Danish. Coincidence? Probably.

09 Mar


Originally posted by Not_eXruina

what is the difference between deep rock galactic and deep rock galactic survivor?

One is a coop first person shooter made by us, the other is a top down autoshooter made by our friends at Funday.

05 Mar


What is your username?


Banned for hatespeech - using gay as a derogatory term.

04 Mar