

04 Nov


Originally posted by DamnedDoom

where is the deep dive thread? (unrelated I know)

Should be pinned now

03 Nov


Originally posted by BendSecure8078

One year old account and 10 comments, it’s a bot

Three year old account on my screen. Your account, on the other hand, is one year old. 🤔

02 Nov


Originally posted by LeFlashbacks


Seems most of them also have 34 days on reddit as of right now. Guess its just a new “wave”

Latest wave have been 1 year old accounts, so they’re mixing it up a bit.

25 Oct

18 Oct


Originally posted by MisterTheX

If the overall reaction to GSG latest announcements is to be believed, a lot of people didn't get the joke.

You were talking about the latest streams, right? Those that followed the announcement?
If not, I get the misunderstanding. We are looking into easing the weight of Season 3 & 4 content for those who does not want it.


Originally posted by MisterTheX

If your only response to valid criticism of an arguably badly implemented mechanic is "Play something else", it doesn't give a great image of the devs.

The latest GSG streams seem to reinforce the idea that they function on a "If you don't like it, the door's right there" mindset. And while it's true, we don't have any obligation to play DRG, it doesn't make it any easier to witness the overall quality of the game decreasing season after season.

I'm personally not confident in GSG's ability to provide any significant changes to DRG anymore.

That's definitely not true. We may have joked about it, but we've also said we'll be doing something to alleviate it.

16 Oct


I’ll just adress the couple of points I can and have knowledge about; Disclaimer; I don’t know the math behind this, so take it as is - feedback on some of the above points that I feel are assumptions or hot takes. - re: overpriced. It’s easy to forget that each expansion is a separate product unit made to order, and needs to be produced, packed and handled on the factory line. So, the two expansions as a baseline costs more than the base game, before you take the content into account, because each expansion needs a slot on the production line, handling, and packaging. I assume that the price could have been slightly lower by making the expansions one box, but again, I have no knowledge of the math behind this. - Stretch goals: I’m fairly sure that the stretch goals were met as planned, and that things released throughout the updates were already planned, and had nothing to do with the stretch goals already being met. I’m basing this on the first campaign where we were caught by s...

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15 Oct


No Luchio's banned.

However, according to logs, we banned a Luchio#4086 for being compromised... TWO YEARS ago. That user is now deleted, so it's not on the ban list.

14 Oct


Originally posted by james_harry

I tried to and website I was buying from said no 😔

Send me a message.

12 Oct


From 3 hamburger Aaron to 1 hamburger Aaron.

11 Oct


Originally posted by [deleted]


Let’s chill it with the insults. You can disagree as adult dwarves or go sit in the corner.

10 Oct

08 Oct


Originally posted by Wemwot

This makes no sense. If you had released season 5 first and made it clear that season 6 wasnt getting released any time soon people wouldn't be mad and you could take all the time you want. Instead, season 5 was "promised" to come out this year and now people are mad because you shifted your focus on another project without telling us anything first.

We’ve never said anything about a Season 5 release window. The reaction hadn’t been different, because it’s based on assumptions and expectations, and we’ve been extremely careful to not say anything before we knew we could - something that’s been true for every update and season we’ve done.

07 Oct


Originally posted by Full-Marionberry638

Why does all communication have to be in a 2 hours stream format? I appreciate that the devs are trying to communicate with players but this is just inaccessible for a lot of people. Why not post answers in text format on Twitter, Reddit and Discord?

Because this was something that happened during our regular Friday stream, which is a thing that happens just before we close down for the weekend.


Originally posted by CautiousConfidence22

this whole stream can be summed up as

It's too hard :( give us your money

At this point, all your posts are telling me that maybe you just shouldn’t buy the game. :)


Originally posted by glassteelhammer

@ u/GSG_Jacob

I have 1 question. Just 1.

The stream yesterday, one of the recurring themes was 'we have to balance dev time between getting Rogue Core to a somewhat stable alpha, which means we have to delay season 5 of DRG. No matter which way we turn there's just no way around that.'

That's fine. Nothing wrong with that. Perfectly understandable.

But the question I kept asking my self as I watched the stream was why you guys placed this (what seems to me) artificial time pressure on yourselves?

Hypothetically - Why not just focus on Season 5 and when that gets released you announce Rogue Core with a note that dev times needs to be split, and newer seasons will see longer spans of time between them so you can block out time for both games.

I know it's too late to do that. But the core of that question remains - why the time pressure for Rogue Core? Why not delay the Rogue Core Alpha by 2 months ( I...

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… That’s not one question.

But anywho, I’ll try to address it all, but it’s going to be in short form as it’s late/saturday.

As to why not do season 5 first, I think Mike did talk about that, but overall, the reactions would have been the same. Season 4 already took long to do, and it didn’t make sense to keep it secret for much longer, when it outwards seemed like we were just slow at seasons. Resource wise it just makes more sense to focus on getting RC to a state where we can test it and collect feedback, and at that stage we can look into the next season.

Essentially, we’re not putting ourselves under pressure. On the contrary, this is the setup needed to not be under a time pressure. That’s why Season 5 will arrive later than we originally wanted to - so we’re not spreading ourselves thin.


Originally posted by Roastie1990

Idk what having more q&a time will do. It's the same answers every time. "We hear what you're saying but we don't wanna and it's too hard and now we're doing this other thing so wait for that" this is dare I say getting like cube world

Did you watch the stream?

06 Oct


Mike, our lead designer answered a lot of the questions from the chat and was later joined by Mikkel our game director. It's a bit long, but we might do a blog post with some time stamps or similar next week if we feel it makes sense. Feel free to do so and share with the rest of the community, if you manage to watch the entire thing.


Originally posted by Competitive-Mango457

Could we at least get drip fed overclock changes. Cause these little changes go a verrrry long way. Engineers been feeling lonely seeing other classes get reworked guns and overclocks

I've suggested this myself, but we also don't want to cannibalize Season 5.