Can you upload the replay file (it's in Documents/League of Legends/Replays) somewhere and link it to me? I would like to get a closer look at the conditions that were present before the bug happened.
^ What he said
Can you upload the replay file (it's in Documents/League of Legends/Replays) somewhere and link it to me? I would like to get a closer look at the conditions that were present before the bug happened.
^ What he said
now i just want the interaction between Divine Sunderer (and Grasp too) with thornmail to be fixed and apply the grievous wounds before any heal comes through
Nice callout, we should definitely get that fixed! I have it tracked now and will look to fix soon-ish :D
the very tip of her regular q doesn’t slow or do damage at all. it’s been like this for a while, it’s made me lose a lot of poke in lane. it isn’t every game since regular q is hard to hit from far away anyway, but it’s still annoying when it does happen.
Is this a VFX bug, like it looks like it does but it doesnt, or does it actually hit, but nothing happens?
i always check bug fixes on these posts and karmas regular q bug is never there :(
Can you explain the bug please?
Omg it’s THE galaxy smash big fan
Not sure if this is the right place to ask about this but any thoughts on the Baron getting health while in a fight thing? I'm talking on the situation that happened on the Danny pentakill during LCS finals
I know it's not a bug but wanted to check if after all the disscusion that happened around the topic if it's something being considered or if it's planned to change
Totally understand if it's something that you cannot talk in a comment, just wanted to check anyway
I'm pretty sure we posted this somewhere but we made it so that doesnt happen in 12.9
Damn, I love that this is possible, a Reddit post leading to a change in the game. Common balance team W.
Honestly it happens more often than you think, but I think we could do better communicating when it happens, hence my comment here!
This is a great point! We talked about it and decided you are right this is a good thing to change. Keep an eye out for sometime in the coming patches hopefully!
all it does is cancel out the hp/armor given to all champs
We are very slightly overshooting the turret buffs to try to help them generally feel more impactful, as well as to match the durability given to champions.
Ha, my champ dodged shield nerfs!
Good catch, fixing that :) (actually though)
• Server: EUW
• Type of Bug: In-Game Bug
• Description: Heimer's turret count shows incorrectly on the ability
• Reproduction rate: 10/10
• Steps to reproduce:
- Go in game as Heimerdinger
- Place a Q turret
• Expected result: Turret count on the HUD goes down by one.
• Observed result: Only the turret count ABOVE the hud goes down, not the one on the ability.
This is a known and tracked issue. Thank you!
Server: NA
Type of Bug: in game
Lethal tempo does not proc on clones (only item or rune to not work on clones)
The easiest way to reproduce it is play Illaoi in the practice tool, press E on a target dummy, auto attack the spirit (which is considered a clone)
Expected result: auto attacks on the spirit stack lethal tempo
Observed result: lethal tempo isn't procced, doesn't stack.
Reproduction rate: Happens every single time.
Nice find! This is ticketed and tracked :D
Fixed a bug where Shyvana’s Q - Twin Bite’s second attack would not deal damage if the enemy was running away from her
Wtf that's massive.
Prayge, Shyvana is saved
I’ve literally never seen it called that and I’ve played for like 7-8 years
They are the old names and the ones that we use in-dev because thats what they are called in the files.
Or summoner spell book bug Summoner has switched Exhaust to Season_12_Ugrade_Teleport_Name
Unrelated issue, but known and tracked!
Still no Ornn passive fix with item names and descriptions. I guess I’ll keep buying display_game_item_3233 again
Also a lot of those descriptions that do work are outdated or just wrong. Its a known issue that will require a large overhaul of how the system works, but we are working on getting it done :).
This data is probably still a bit misleading because its early on, but as others have said his tank build was historically drastically better.
Read moreOlaf looks completely dead in the jungle but very op in toplane.
Taliyah aoe Q is back, a lot of changes and as nobody plays her I can't say in terms of damage how much better it will be.
NOT SO FAST LITTLE SPARROW Damage from enemy champions or structures now prevents Taliyah from casting R - Weaver’s Wall for 3 seconds
This seems kinda big however as you can't just run away from a bad situation.
Glad they aren't targeting Ahri's damage and finally hitting her safety/utility for once.
Not sure if that Nidalee nerf is enough as she is one of, if not the best high elo jungler right now.
Interesting that they pulled the Qtap slow buff on Pyke they had planned, removing his ult gold should kill midlane Pyke by itself since the reason it was so good was his increased gold generation from getting both 100 cs together with his ult gold, and not his roaming abilities by "ignoring lane".
Has Thresh ever bee...
dodge is still technically in the game
Like Jax and Shen? Or is that something different?
No think of it as a stat like AD, Armor, or Magic Resist. But for Dodge, everyone just has 0
Read moreDodge used to be a stat in the game and Jax’s entire champion revolved around it. His current E lets him dodge all attacks for a period of time. His old E activated whenever he dodged, so he got a LOT of stuns off. Sivir’s old passive was to gain dodge chance while moving (it didn’t make her more viable she’s always been a mess).
Plated Steelcaps used to be Ninja Tabi which used to give dodge chance. Yi building these meant there was just very little chance of hitting him even when he wasn’t in Q.
It was also very common to take a single dodge rune, like a single crit rune, with the old system. The crit rune used to be for level 1 fights being coinflipped by a 1% lucky crit. 1% dodge was useful all game tho and you’d randomly miss an auto attack because of it.
There was also only one (1) item to counter dodging — Sword of the Divine. It gave a passive attack speed boost and an active that gave a timed duration where your autos couldn’t be dodged. It was a ...
Prefacing this by saying we do not have any plans to ever add dodge back into the game. But if my understanding of the tools that I have used/seen are correct, dodge is still technically in the game, but everyone has zero.