

05 Apr


Originally posted by Ryuumoku

This patch is compétitive focused. So yeah, its understandable why galeforce and TWT are nerfed (less safety mean more actions > bloods).

Galeforce provides a lot of safety and contributes to a lot of why the meta dominant ADCs are picked in pro, and TWT is similarly a popular pick that provides a lot of anti-dive protection in pro.


Originally posted by throawayjhu5251

I'm very worried about Karthus bot lmao, it's already a decent pick.

A lot of mages are really good bot, this will be an entirely jungle-focused Karthus change however.

01 Apr

30 Mar



29 Mar


Originally posted by FearMyFPS

Winrate gained compared to average of every other supp combo with the champs?

If I am remembering correctly its just "winrate gained (or lost) when paired with X champion" compared to their average winrate otherwise.

28 Mar


Originally posted by SocialistScissors

In terms of 2 individual champs, Kalista + Yuumi is really bad.

In terms of overall, It would probably be a team of 5 champions who function really well when given a condition, but nobody on the team can force that condition. Creating a team that has a very clear win condition but a complete inability to get that win condition would probably suck.

Maybe something like Samira + Yasuo + Sona + Low CC jungle + Low CC squishy top would do the trick. You would be almost entirely reliant of yasuo to land a tornado in order to actually win a fight, but otherwise you literally cannot engage. The sona pick would also stagnate Samira's ability to snowball due to a weak laning phase, basically leaving her even more useless than she already would be. maybe Yasuo can 1v9 that game, but I don't think it would be a good comp.

Edit: Another example would be a full Magic DPS comp. Ryze top, Karthus Jungle, Azir Mid, Cassiopeia botlane, and probably a support like lulu who l...

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For just bot lanes specifically, the best combination is Kalista + Taric in terms of winrate gained. I think the worst is either Jhin + Lulu or Kalista + Yuumi

26 Mar


Originally posted by Tormentula

Elise Mains owner here, its the Self cast rappel bug.

If you Alt-E (self casting even with your cursor on the map and nothing else), while standing too close inside a target model, you will drop back down and it will be treated like a targetted rappel. This applies to all units, not just champions.

Here's a demonstration;, note my cursor's location, literally no where near the target, and I get the targetted rappel buff (spider queen amp) when that's exclusive to E1 targetted rappel.

and when I said all units, I meant literally all of them, we even started practicing this new mechanic with plants to escape over the walls and the bug as been ignored for so long some of us have gotten good at it:

This bug has been in the game for years actually. Its extremely f...

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Interesting. Thank you for making it so clear and obvious, the video helps a ton. I'll see what I can do.

25 Mar


I mean hey I put my rank on resume to Riot, this is basically the same thing right

23 Mar


Originally posted by -Quit

Great. Can you guys nerf Mario already? Luigi is trash and Mario is running around with 60% win rate.

How you gonna talk about Mario when Bowser has a 0% winrate??? Riot basically put that champion in the dumpster and forgot about him.


Originally posted by 10000ollies

Can you please bugfix Elise's rappel? They tried with the VFX update, but then introduced lile 3 new bugs and rolled it back again. She has had this bug for ages and I'm tired of losing games because my champion doesn't work.

Can you tell me which specific bug? We hot-fixed a bug that was making her rappel function in a non-intended fashion, but what you are describing sounds different.


Originally posted by FireDevil11

So why is the 2nd Micro-patch not in client notes ? Yi hp was reverted and other stuff was changed/nerfed/buffed. And that is not in patch notes. (eune)

That information should be in the 12.5 post which is here:


Originally posted by seasonedturkey

No TVs thrown out of the window this year?

lmao who told you about that. Not to my knowledge but no promises.


Originally posted by ProfDrWest

Looking forward to it.

How was your...Riot thingy? What is the right word for it? Retreat? Symposium? Meeting?

Yeah it was great! Thanks for asking :D

21 Mar


Originally posted by Snowskol

Funnily enough, as a person that doesnt enjoy ryze and rarely, if ever plays him, i made a deal with a rioter back in the day (apparently 2012) to get him plat (with my brother) in 3s. I wanted the most skins any character had at the time, so it was Ryze and thats what I got. Ive never even used young ryze as i thought triumphant was harder to get lol.

I think the thing that made Triumphant Ryze more easily obtainable (and where I personally got it from) was those Microsoft Tournaments they held everywhere all those years back, it was basically at every store for quite a long time. I remember driving like an hour to go there with my team while I was VERY sick (pre-covid world, wild) to play on their laptops with my peripherals that I brought with me. Good memories!


Originally posted by Snowskol

I have 3 I consider very rare as i almost never ever see them.

Triumphant Ryze, UFO Corki, and King Rammus.

King Rammus is another one that is probably equally as rare as the ones I mentioned, if not more so! UFO Corki is also very rare but not to the degree of the other ones listed, and Triumphant Ryze, while rare, is far more common than others due to the amount of tournaments that have been held over the years!


Originally posted by -SNST-

By any chance do you have any data on the current rarest skins owned? Top 3 or 5?

I don't have the data but I believe its Black Alistar, Silver Kayle, and Young Ryze (previously known as Human Ryze) as those are all skins associated with pre-orders, Beta, and VERY early physical copies of the game.

20 Mar


Originally posted by haven4ever

Nice way to compensate for that problem. Now who would pick Rusty Blitzcrank?!

I have this skin and I gotta say you pick it 100% for the fact that almost no one has it

12 Mar


Originally posted by someone_3lse_

Please fix her E bug

This was fixed many days ago

11 Mar