People who put Teleport, Exhaust, Ignite, either Combat Smite or Heal into their D slot are bullies who make their summoner spells cry when they use them.
Be responsible. Put Flash on D, and any other summoner on F!
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People who put Teleport, Exhaust, Ignite, either Combat Smite or Heal into their D slot are bullies who make their summoner spells cry when they use them.
Be responsible. Put Flash on D, and any other summoner on F!
I approve this message
Why must you hurt me in this way
Wow that is so awesome!! Never thought I would see something like that, such a cool ability
Diamond is diamond, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! Play whatever you have fun with, thats what matters most and has worked for me in my ranked climb!
yessss ive been wanting MF to spawn with strut forever
it was lame having to use W as you spawned
You love to see it. If theres anything similar to this that exists please let us know!
Whew, my job is safe
I can finally bless soloQ with my yasuo support
It’s important that game devs (especially of huge pvp games) are of all different levels so they can experience the game in different skill levels and have a better idea of what’s good for all consumers, not just top-tier ones
This is a great point. While the Game Analysis Team is one of the more known teams at riot in part for their higher tear perspective/experience, theres a ton of value to be gained from other perspectives on the game. Theres plenty of things we miss or don’t have as much insight into because we arent seeing those different levels of gameplay ourselves, and thats where our other partners on Gameplay help us learn much in the same way we help share our perspective.
Big shoutout to Blake and everyone else involved for making this great article and awesome champion, super excited to see her out there for everyone to enjoy!
My friends didn't fully explain items to me, so I just kept buying Doran's Shields on Renekton. Ended that game with 6 Doran's Shields and no idea what I was doing.
Well deserved, he is a legend.
Amumu 3rd Q incoming!
We can only double the current amount he has so 4, actually
Well, at least Mikael's stuff it's a talking point on the table now. Have a nice remaining day!
Yeah theres a chance we can clean it up now that we have a new CC type to implement. No promises of course.
Mikael's doesn't work because it's still hardcoded about which buff types it removes. It doesn't even remove nearsight because that buff type is younger than Mikael's spell script.
Pls fix sometime, maybe. Wiki is currently up-to-date on what it removes and doesn't remove (note; not what it's intended to, just what it does) with the exception of berserk since we don't want to confuse anyone with PBE bugs.
Alright well, thanks to you we are gonna go fix it not working on berserk, can't speak towards everything else though.
Could I use Cleanse, QSS or Mikaels to get rid of Berserk as well?
I assume yes to QSS but Cleanse and Mikaels have a few things they don't get rid of.
You can use all of those as well.
Is the new cc Berserk affected by tenacity?
Yes it is
He helps make the game,
He sustains the game,
He nurtures the game,
And he plays the game.
Maybe he even has fun doing that.
I should rename my account to u/BadMorningPoetry.
Such a way with words
Are you riot employee games employee? Are you do make the game can you make the game?
Yes I am a Riot Games employee! I do indeed help make the game :D
Unironically still loses to fiora with a kayle ult, so probably need to buff it a bit more.
% HP damage looking pretty nuts here
Janna has a 57% wr with glacial rn, who tf is saying she’s gutted
As a heads up this is very very misleading data as Glacial Augment had a severe bug (that heavily increased winrate) that has since been micropatched.
Poor Neeko :(