Will 12.9 be out by MSI or will pro player in MSI be informed that they are not allowed to do this if game happens on 12.8?
12.8 is the MSI patch, these will be fixed for 12.9. We are currently deciding what to do about pro play.
Will 12.9 be out by MSI or will pro player in MSI be informed that they are not allowed to do this if game happens on 12.8?
12.8 is the MSI patch, these will be fixed for 12.9. We are currently deciding what to do about pro play.
surely this can’t be an oversight by riot right
Not an oversight, this was a conscious decision. That being said, we will be removing this in 12.9. We didn't have as much time to iron out the details of this change as we would have liked, so we made some calls what was immediately ok, and what we would reconsider for future patches.
Shoutout to Ahrisoo and everyone on my team (and so many more) for helping out with writing this one! Was a fun time :D
surprised that people don't know it, but this bug has beem there for a long time: one of gp ult's upgrades which makes allies moves faster inside of it will cancel AA everytime a wave lands. It's been there for like more than 10 patches but rito never bothers to fix it because we don't see gp in proplay these days.
as gp: don't upgrade that one
as allies: run away from gp ult if he upgrades it
Great catch! I can confirm this happens and we have made a bug ticket for it and are looking to fix ASAP
- Server: EUW
- Type of Bug: In game bug
- Description: Janna's Q base damage (the initial damage, without ramp up) does not factor in AP scalings. This could be a target dummy only bug.
- Video / Screenshot: none
- Expected result: Janna's Q deals damage equal to the predicted damage
- Observed result: Janna's Q deals damage equal to the base amount of the ability
- Reproduction rate: 100%
- System specs: Irrelevant
Alright we are going down the rabbit hole on this one. Thanks for the report, we are looking into it.
- **Server:** NA
- **Type of Bug:** In-Game Bug
- **Description:** After hitting blast cone into dragon pit, dragon is not in vision for a brief period of time
- **Video / Screenshot:** https://streamable.com/glhlfr
- **Steps to reproduce:**
- **Expected result:** Should see dragon immediately after blast coning in
- **Observed result:** Dragon not in vision for about a second
- **Reproduction rate:** didn't try, but I've never seen this before and I've played a lot
We are actually investigating this issue, it occurs with all jungle camps and generally happens when you dash into vision. No promise on a ship date but we want to look into this in the coming patches.
Looks incredible!
Please don't buff Yone again due to this clip Rito.
Yone R now grounds everyone within the initial cast range
Did you ever try something like mage spell crits or spell crits or something?
Yeah we tried it with an item at some point. I wasn't there for that dev though so I don't know what the conclusions of it were.
How can I tell whether a bug has a ticket?
I have reported a bug with Lulu Q indicator breaking on death (100% reproducible, just die and try to cast with indicator) multiple times but I am not sure if it has been registered yet (just at a low priority).
Well I'll look into it and assuming its real you now know it has a ticket :)
Ezreal Q can now crit
We tried a version of this when we were doing the item update. If his Q "Crit" then it fired a 2nd, identical projectile at almost the exact same time. Unfortunately it didn't really work and wasn't very fun.
Thank you so much!
In case it helps, Elise had a bunch of rappel bugs in 12.5 that showed up in bug fixes on that patch, and this bug is separate from those - it existed before, it temporarily went away as a consequence of the other rappel bugs, and it exists again now. I don't have an exact date, but my best guess is that this bug was introduced sometime around the beginning of the year.
Sound about right. If you want you can go through all the other bugs here and that might help get eyes (8 to be exact) on them
Elise - any skin and any game mode. This has been in the game for months.
Self-casting rappel while an enemy target's (any target, including plants) character model overlaps with Elise causes her to descend from rappel instantly.
Server: NA
Type of bug: In game
Description: self-casted rappel will descend instantly.
Steps to reproduce: place a target dummy directly underneath Elise and self-cast rappel with alt+E.
Expected result: Elise will rappel for up to 2 seconds, with the option to descend early.
Observed result: Elise descends instantly.
Reproduction rate: 10/10. Can be done on every attempt.
Alright we have this made as a bug ticket and will be looking to fix this soon. Elise mains rejoice.
This is a known problem that should be fixed in 12.8!
Hi there ! Just wanted to say first of all that I am really enjoying the changes so far.
A couple of bugs I have noticed, on the new ultimate:
- The draining-screeching sound effect will abruptly dissappear after 15-16 seconds when continuously draining the same target. Sound effect resumes if target exits then re-enters ultimate area.
- Depending on skin, the R area radius becomes much less visible or even invisible around 12 seconds after casting R2. my findings so far :
- Dragonmaster Swain, Tyrant Swain and Northern Front Swain : around 12s after casting R2, R aura dims then become completely invisible
- Base Swain, Bilgewater Swain : R aura dims and is barely visible
- Crystal Rose Swain : No change
- Hextech Swain : Unable to test on PBE
Nice catches! We have those noted down and will attempt a fix before he goes live. Thank you!
when are these swain changes planned on being shipped out? would like to see him at MSI
12.8, I believe Swain will be enabled for MSI
Ravenous Flock (P)
[REMOVED] Swain can no longer pull crowd-controlled enemies.
[REMOVED] Swain's pull no longer deals damage.
Healing :: 4/5.5/7% (levels 1/6/11) maximum health >>> 4/5.5/7%/9% (levels 1/6/11/16) maximum health
Health Per Soul Fragment :: 5 >>> 12
Death's Hand (Q)
Mana Cost :: 65/70/75/80/85 >>> 45/50/55/60/65
Cooldown :: 9/7.5/6/4.5/3s >>> 7/6/5/4/3s
Damage :: 55/75/95/115/135 (+40% AP) >>> 60/80/100/120/140 (+40% AP)
Additional Bolt Damage :: 15/20/25/30/35% >>> 12/22/32/42/52 (+10% AP)
Previous Equivalent Damage :: 8.25/15/23.75/34.5/47.25 (+6/8/10/12/14% AP)
Maximum Damage :: 88/135/190/253/324 (+64/72/80/88/96% AP) >>> 108/168/228/288/348 (+80% AP)
Vision Of Empire (W)
Mana Cost :: 70/80/90/100/110 >>> 60/65/70/75/80
[NEW] Pings now display enemies in range similar to Twisted Fate (R...
Read more External link →Please explain how you plan to do that because he already has a crazy 57% WR bot lane and he's no fun to play against either. This seems like a situation where you do a buff nerf and buff his jungle while hard nerfing him in bot lane otherwise it's going to be a major issue.
The solution is fairly straightforward, you adjust the jungle damage mod for Q or E and his bot lane is almost not at all buffed while his jungle can be.
Would you happen to have any insight as to why mages bot have such low pick rates, given that they're actually quite good?
Hard to say. Player preference is likely the culprit. The big example here is Seraphine, we designed her to be a mid laner, her strongest lane was and still is mid, but players clearly preferred her and player her in support instead. Sometimes players just really want to play a certain way or style and they aren't always the "optimal" way to play.
This patch is compétitive focused. So yeah, its understandable why galeforce and TWT are nerfed (less safety mean more actions > bloods).
Galeforce provides a lot of safety and contributes to a lot of why the meta dominant ADCs are picked in pro, and TWT is similarly a popular pick that provides a lot of anti-dive protection in pro.