

16 Nov


Originally posted by DeDhark

• Server: EUNE

• Type of Bug: In-Game Bug

• Description: Viego does not receive bonus exp from his jungle item (companion) after he becomes Viego once again after Possession state ends.

• Insert Video / Screenshot of the incident

Practice tool

• Reproduction rate: 10/10

• Steps to reproduce: Launch a game after selecting Viego as your champion. Buy your jungle item (Select your jungle companion). Score an enemy champion takedown. Possess the enemy champion. Become Viego again and go back to clear. Observe jungle experience gain.

• Expected result: Jungle companion bonus experience is added to the normal experience gained.

• Observed result: Jungle companion bonus experience is not added.

• System Specs: -

Thanks for the report! We will be addressing this ASAP


Originally posted by Sdtbarbarossa

thanks :-) i know not much people use this neche rune. but i do <3

haha no worries. So intent is that the smite deals 600 if its the first swap, 900 if its the 2nd swap, and 1200 for every swap after that.


Originally posted by Pheltusiast

Server: EUW

Type of Bug: In-game / Champion

Description: Yasuo Windwall does not work against Syndra E after her rework. This was working fine before her changes

Video / Screenshot: (Bugged interaction) (Working as intended )

Steps to reproduce: Yasuo Windwalls. Syndra places a Q behind the wall and at the same time casts E, the stun goes through windwall.

However if Syndra casts Q and then E, E gets blocked and it does not move the Syndra Q = Does not stun Yasuo (As intended)

Expected result: Windwall blocks Syndra E hence blocking movement of Syndra balls behind the wall. As the Syndra E does not affect things behind the wall because it gets stopped at Windwall.

Observed result: Syndra E stuns Yasuo behind the Wall, if she presses QE at the same time (if the Q is in the a...

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Ah yes, we have this tracked and are looking into a more comprehensive fix. Might not be able to get to it immediately but are definitely looking to fix!


Originally posted by zUkUu

If you stay in a brush with the movement speed pet, it decays to some degree (but not all of it) and stays there, despite being reapplied every tick.

Good find! We are tracking and will look to fix.


Originally posted by Bloodiko

[BUG] Heartsteel + Ingenious Hunter

- **Server: All of them **
- **Type of Bug: Item - Rune Combination**
- **Description: Heartsteels Cooldown is not affected by Ingenous Hunters Item Cooldown Reduction**
- **Steps to reproduce:**
0. Open up a Practice tool game
1. select Ingenous Hunter Rune
2. start game
3. Get Hearsteel
4. Test on Enemy Champion Dummy.
5. wait 30 Seconds and use again.
6. Fill Runes
7. Repeat the test.
- **Expected result:**
The Item Should be available to be used again faster than 30 seconds when rune is stacked. (~ 24 seconds ? )
- **Observed result:**
Both tries take exactly 30 seconds to come back up.
Also - Night Harvester does also have a similar Passive (with champion specific cooldown) - But nightharvester and ingenious hunter work together.
- **Reproduction rate:**
100 %
- **System specs:**

Nice find! We have it tracked and will look to fix.


Originally posted by bl4ckjak1110

• Server: EUW

• Type of Bug:

In-Game (Visual?) Bug

• Description:

I had Divine Sunderer on Katarina, it did normal damage, but it didnt heal or at least didnt display the ehaling correctly

• Insert Video / Screenshot of the incident

• Expected result:

The healing should be given and displayed properly

• Observed result:

The healing isnt at least displayed properly

The tracker is bugged, we will look to fix! Thanks for the report


Originally posted by Phoenixness

  • Server: OCE
  • Type of Bug: In game Audio
  • Description: Hold ping audio differs from Protect ping (such as towers) in audio quality despite being the same sound, with hold ping being noticeably more compressed
  • Steps to reproduce: use hold ping and compare to pinging a friendly tower for the same ping
  • Expected result: same sound
  • Observed result: different more compressed sound
  • Reproduction rate: 100%
  • System specs: assumed N/A

This is intended, the Tower ping is stereo while the hold ping is mono, so you can differentiate.


Originally posted by Sdtbarbarossa

Server: EUW

Type of Bug: In game Bug

Description: Spellbook smite is bugged. If you choose smite as your first spell it does 0 damage. yes 0. if you choose it later it has 900dmg while the description says 600

Steps to reproduce: Use spellbook smite on any monster

Expected result: unclear after the smite rework. but zero dmg cant be truth

Observed result: zero dmg on first smite instance

Reproduction rate: 100%

Thanks for the report! Will look to fix ASAP.


Originally posted by dj_lammy

- **Server:** EUW
- **Type of Bug:** In-Game Bug
- **Description:** The Shop does not state that buying Navori Quickblades locks you out from buying IE/RB
- **Video / Screenshot:** -
- **Steps to reproduce:** Start a game / Open Shop / Search Navori / Check Unique Tags
- **Expected result:** The item should have the tag "Unique: Crit Modifier" as with IE/RB
- **Observed result:** It contains completely different Unique Tags
- **Reproduction rate:** 100%
- **System specs:** do not matter

Fixed in next patch! Thank you


Originally posted by bz6

/u/GalaxySmash confirmed to me that you can turn off ALL the new recommended stuff.

But Galaxy never specified where, maybe he can help.

Should be under Interface -> Ability and Attack Display -> Show Spell Recommendations


Originally posted by bz6

Are we able to turn off the rec jg route AND ability level up?

Please tell me this is possible.

Yes to both.


Originally posted by GamdzykMakayra

Did the warding assist changes get scrapped? Haven't seen them mentioned anywhere since this video

Changes to wards will be coming in a later patch I believe.

03 Nov


Originally posted by savagejen

Really? Why?

Its not intended, but the file size gets too large for match history to handle. The game still happened and all forms of progression (LP, Eternals, Challenges) are still tracked for that game!

02 Nov


Originally posted by Elidot

Very uneventful patch minus K'Sante, makes sense so shortly before season end and preseason.

I do wonder how K'Sante is tuned though, he will only have 2 patches before his core Itemization heavily changes (Tank Items), like is he tuned more to be in line with current Items or future Items?

Edit: Its actually 1 Patch before preseason, crazy.

We faced a similar issue with Seraphine a few years ago. She also shipped 1 patch before Preseason (which was the item update), so we had to figure out how to tune her given that her optimal build was Old Glacial Augment + Hextech GLP, both of which would end up being changed.

24 Oct


One of the new features of Preseason for 2023 is the addition of off-screen pings. They are a notification on the edge of your screen when an ally pings. This notification will display the information both of who pinged, as well as what type of ping (i.e. danger, on my way, etc).

Feedback we are looking for regarding Off-Screen Pings:

  • Do you notice the offscreen pings?
  • Is it helpful at all?
  • Is it too distracting?

Any other feedback or bug reports will also be appreciated!

External link →

21 Oct

18 Oct


Originally posted by CrystalizedSeraphine

NEW To the Moon: Blitzcrank now has a chance to uppercut monsters to the moon when overkilling them

I saw some post about this probably being a bug but us claiming its a feature. Just to clarify, this is 100% an intended feature by the designer.

14 Oct

13 Oct


I remember also thinking that Master Yi was the most powerful champion in the game because he could heal and no other champion could do that (so I thought). I also bought 6 Dorans Shields in my first game as Renekton because my friends didnt explain to me how items worked. I also remember being confused that when I bought items they didnt visually show up on my character. Good memories

06 Oct


Originally posted by truthordairs

I have my eye on galio, his main issue before was his abysmal armor. Lissandra is also a possibility but her clear is still going to be pretty slow and rell and rakan have potential as hyper low Econ junglers. I know they’re going to tune it a lot from now to live servers but I hope they keep the general idea of opening up the jungle, it seems really cool and I’m excited to see what turns up

Orianna jungle here we come